ASP.NET 2d/3d chart library


M. Cota

Hi there,

Here at have just published version 4 of
Super 2d/3d Graph Library.

This native .NET library can render different types of charts to the
browser and also can be used as an user control in a winform. It
supports 2d and 3d bar, columns, pie, stacked, points, lines, spline
charts and more.

The library is very small, ony one DLL is required, less than 100K.

If you wanted to show a chart in your .Net application take a look to
this library. Please, tell us what do you think
([email protected]); we think this library can be very useful
for any programmer so we thought posting here will be ok.

In case you find it useful, you'll see its extremely cheap compared to
other components and best of all it's royalty-free.

Have a nice day,

Software Siglo XXI team
..NET 2d/3d chart library

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