Aurora Compiler



We are proud to announce a new programming language in development.
The Aurora Compiler features a syntax similar to C and C++ that is a
whole lot easier to learn.

Main Features:
# Fast 32-bit compiler, assembler, and linker.
# Uses standard COFF and LIB format files for maximum compatibility.
# Easily upgradeable with add-on command libraries.
# Integrated editor, source-level debugger, and compiler.
# Multi-module programming supports unlimited source and include files.
# Interfaces seamlessly with Windows™ technologies.
# COM and OOP (class) support.
# Supports Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
# Linux support in development.
# Built-in GUI/Form designer.
# Built-in menu designer.
# Gui, database, string, math, console and file libraries.
# Integrated resource compiler.
# All tools can be run from the command line as well as the IDE.
# Robust data type support including unions.

Stop by and say "hi"

Brought to you by the creator of the IBasic programming language


We are proud to announce a new programming language in development.
The Aurora Compiler features a syntax similar to C and C++ that is a
whole lot easier to learn.

Lots of languages have syntax similar to C: Java, javascript, C++,
Tcl... but that doesn't mean that they are relevant here. Your post is
more appropriate in comp.programming.

Having said that, I took a look at your site. You said that Aurora has
an IDE. What? No screenshots? Personally I dislike compilers with
built-in IDE. I prefer to use Scite as my editor and compile with
makefiles. That's mainly because very few IDEs support code folding and
I've gotten used to folding code.


There are screen shots. Click on the menu to the left to navigate the

Aurora used Scintilla for the IDE component.

Default User

There are screen shots. Click on the menu to the left to navigate the

Aurora used Scintilla for the IDE component.

Theoretically, there shouldn't be any connection between being
competent in posting to usenet, and being competent in designing
computer programs, but I just always feel that there is.


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