Dear Perl community,
Recently I wrote a Perl script to run several commands, parse
through their output, and display the results. One important line
my $text = `$command`;
Now, the command isn't trivial; it generates about 65 MB of output.
When I ran my script, my script was essentially hanging on that line
(I later realized that it wasn't hanging; it just took over 20 minutes
to run that line of code).
I tried running that exact command at a DOS command prompt
(redirecting the output to a file), and it only took about 5 seconds
to run.
So I experimented around a bit. I replaced the above line with:
my $text = "hello, world";
`$command`; # note: not assigned to anything
and the code ran in about five seconds.
I then replaced it with:
my $text = do
open(my $fh, "$command |") or die $!;
local $/; # enable "slurp" mode
and once again it took over 20 minutes.
I then tried to use system() to call "$command > file.txt" and then
read in "file.txt". That took about six or seven seconds.
So for some reason I wasn't able to use backticks (or even qx//)
without the operation taking up close to half and hour. To get
(relatively) quick time, I had to write it out to a temporary file,
then read that file in. (Note that this only was a problem with
commands that returned lots of output, like around 60 megabytes.)
So I wrote the following function to replace calling a command with
sub getOutputOfCommand
my ($command) = @_;
# I want to do this: my $text = `$command`;
# Unfortunately, this runs super-slow on my version of
# Perl (on Windows).
# I discovered that just using system() to run the command
# while redirecting the output to a file, and then reading in
# that file is much, much quicker (at least by twenty times).
# So that's what I'm doing here: Writing the command's
# output out to file, and reading it back in.
# (I have no idea why it's faster than just $text = `command`.)
my $text;
if (0) # we're not doing it this way because it takes too long
$text = `$command`;
die "\nError running command:\n\n $command\n\n" if $?;
# For some strange reason, this way is much quicker for me.
my $temporaryFileName = ".temporary.$0.$$";
system("$command > \"$temporaryFileName\"") == 0
or die "Error running command:\n\n $command\n\n";
$text = do
open(my $fh, $temporaryFileName)
or die "\nCannot read '$temporaryFileName': $!\n";
local $/; # enable "slurp" mode
or die "Cannot unlink '$temporaryFileName': $!\n";
return $text;
Now I can quickly get the output of a command with:
my $text = getOutputOfCommand($command);
Since I was using Strawberry Perl 5.12 on Windows, I decided to try
running the script on Linux. Unfortunately, the same $command that
worked on Windows wasn't working on Unix (not Perl's fault; for some
reason it gave an error when running on Linux. Maybe the executable
was a different version).
After that, I decided to download a portable version of Strawberry
Perl 5.16 and try running it with that. Evidently, that portable
version DOES NOT have the same problem (that is, calling a command
(with lots of output) via backticks in Strawberry Perl 5.16 took just
seconds (instead of minutes)).
So does anyone know if there is a known problem with calling a
command in backticks in Perl 5.12?
For those who are interested, here is the output of "perl -v" when
using Strawberry Perl 5.12:
This is perl 5, version 12, subversion 1 (v5.12.1) built for MSWin32-
and here is the output of "perl -v" when using portable Strawberry
Perl 5.16:
This is perl 5, version 16, subversion 2 (v5.16.2) built for MSWin32-
Since I found several work-arounds to this problem, it's not
imperative that I get a response. Still, it's nice to know about it
in case I run across this issue in the future.
-- Jean-Luc
Recently I wrote a Perl script to run several commands, parse
through their output, and display the results. One important line
my $text = `$command`;
Now, the command isn't trivial; it generates about 65 MB of output.
When I ran my script, my script was essentially hanging on that line
(I later realized that it wasn't hanging; it just took over 20 minutes
to run that line of code).
I tried running that exact command at a DOS command prompt
(redirecting the output to a file), and it only took about 5 seconds
to run.
So I experimented around a bit. I replaced the above line with:
my $text = "hello, world";
`$command`; # note: not assigned to anything
and the code ran in about five seconds.
I then replaced it with:
my $text = do
open(my $fh, "$command |") or die $!;
local $/; # enable "slurp" mode
and once again it took over 20 minutes.
I then tried to use system() to call "$command > file.txt" and then
read in "file.txt". That took about six or seven seconds.
So for some reason I wasn't able to use backticks (or even qx//)
without the operation taking up close to half and hour. To get
(relatively) quick time, I had to write it out to a temporary file,
then read that file in. (Note that this only was a problem with
commands that returned lots of output, like around 60 megabytes.)
So I wrote the following function to replace calling a command with
sub getOutputOfCommand
my ($command) = @_;
# I want to do this: my $text = `$command`;
# Unfortunately, this runs super-slow on my version of
# Perl (on Windows).
# I discovered that just using system() to run the command
# while redirecting the output to a file, and then reading in
# that file is much, much quicker (at least by twenty times).
# So that's what I'm doing here: Writing the command's
# output out to file, and reading it back in.
# (I have no idea why it's faster than just $text = `command`.)
my $text;
if (0) # we're not doing it this way because it takes too long
$text = `$command`;
die "\nError running command:\n\n $command\n\n" if $?;
# For some strange reason, this way is much quicker for me.
my $temporaryFileName = ".temporary.$0.$$";
system("$command > \"$temporaryFileName\"") == 0
or die "Error running command:\n\n $command\n\n";
$text = do
open(my $fh, $temporaryFileName)
or die "\nCannot read '$temporaryFileName': $!\n";
local $/; # enable "slurp" mode
or die "Cannot unlink '$temporaryFileName': $!\n";
return $text;
Now I can quickly get the output of a command with:
my $text = getOutputOfCommand($command);
Since I was using Strawberry Perl 5.12 on Windows, I decided to try
running the script on Linux. Unfortunately, the same $command that
worked on Windows wasn't working on Unix (not Perl's fault; for some
reason it gave an error when running on Linux. Maybe the executable
was a different version).
After that, I decided to download a portable version of Strawberry
Perl 5.16 and try running it with that. Evidently, that portable
version DOES NOT have the same problem (that is, calling a command
(with lots of output) via backticks in Strawberry Perl 5.16 took just
seconds (instead of minutes)).
So does anyone know if there is a known problem with calling a
command in backticks in Perl 5.12?
For those who are interested, here is the output of "perl -v" when
using Strawberry Perl 5.12:
This is perl 5, version 12, subversion 1 (v5.12.1) built for MSWin32-
and here is the output of "perl -v" when using portable Strawberry
Perl 5.16:
This is perl 5, version 16, subversion 2 (v5.16.2) built for MSWin32-
Since I found several work-arounds to this problem, it's not
imperative that I get a response. Still, it's nice to know about it
in case I run across this issue in the future.
-- Jean-Luc