Bonzi Buddy C+++

May 8, 2022
Reaction score
Those of you who are familiar with the halcyon days of the internet, will remember Bonzi the purple spyware monkey, but for all of his faults, he was not without a redeeming quality, which is the fact that his morality could be twisted to communicate threats of violence or racial epithets at even the smallest of children/animals, though this was constrained at the time by there not being any topical way to do the same with the Joke, Fact and Story interaction sets, what I want someone to do is to give me a rough idea where those are at, I could not find them when I looked, I was hoping that I could sqeak by with Textpad instead of perhaps getting someone proficient to mess with it later on, thats all.

That source seems to have one that is above board, as much as this can be I think, my Comodo and the age of the files killed a few parts of the install process, I had it not isolate it but it already made it to my programs folder, the main features that are relevant are there, the secondary ones don't work and were in the past connected to servers and constituting adward thereby, but thats not what is there now, some seeming benevolence occured here and the release people have added good instructions and even a helper program to kill the lag that comes from clicking on the obsolescent features, I managed to get it working on my Windows 7 with compatibility set to Windows 95, this removed the box from behind Bonzi, but best of all I didn't need to give it admin privileges.


  • Bonzi Folder Snap 1.png
    Bonzi Folder Snap 1.png
    20.3 KB · Views: 29
  • Bonzi Folder Snap 2.png
    Bonzi Folder Snap 2.png
    14 KB · Views: 27
  • Bonzi Folder Snap 3.png
    Bonzi Folder Snap 3.png
    4.2 KB · Views: 22
  • Bonzi MS Agent Textpad Snap 1.png
    Bonzi MS Agent Textpad Snap 1.png
    84.1 KB · Views: 27
  • Bonzi Web Page New Snap 1.png
    Bonzi Web Page New Snap 1.png
    195.4 KB · Views: 28

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