Bug/problem with lcc-win


Antoninus Twink

Hey, screw you, you little worm. I'll post how I goddamn want, is that
clear? Just change the damn record.
[snip same old same old]

Default Loser is a troll who makes no positive contribution to this
group. I wouldn't take his tedious net-nannying very seriously.

Antoninus Twink

In my experience, most freeware/shareware programs would be lucky to get
$500 in donations/registration fees for the entire lifetime of the
product, so I don't think it's a bad offer for a couple months development

I believed you have misconstrued Jacob's situation. As I understand it,
lcc-win is not a little freeware hobby project of his, but rather his
full-time job and principal source of income. Could you get by for a
year on $500?


Default User said:
Please don't top-post. Your replies belong following or interspersed
with properly trimmed quotes. See the majority of other posts in the
newsgroup, or:

Would you *please* stop polluting this group with your tiresome whinging,
whining and uncalled for net nannying. It's bad enough having to trawl
through Falconer's nonsense without you adding to the noise.

Keith Thompson

Richard said:
Would you *please* stop polluting this group with your tiresome whinging,
whining and uncalled for net nannying. It's bad enough having to trawl
through Falconer's nonsense without you adding to the noise.

Are you unable to use a killfile?

Default User

Keith said:
Are you unable to use a killfile?

Well, he's a troll. He knows perfectly well that I killfiled HIM long
ago, yet he continues to reply to my posts. He also knows about the
"-TPA" flag, but chooses not to filter it. Why? Because he wants to
that as another reason to cause trouble on the group.

He should be roundly ignored or killfiled.



Default User said:
Well, he's a troll. He knows perfectly well that I killfiled HIM long
ago, yet he continues to reply to my posts. He also knows about the
"-TPA" flag, but chooses not to filter it. Why? Because he wants to
that as another reason to cause trouble on the group.

He should be roundly ignored or killfiled.


Because I think you and a couple of others are ignorant big heads with
nothing better to do than harass people with real issues in this group,
does not make me a troll. All you ever do is lecture people on
topicality. Once or twice is fine. The amount you do it is, frankly,

Joachim Schmitz

Default said:
Well, he's a troll. He knows perfectly well that I killfiled HIM long
ago, yet he continues to reply to my posts. He also knows about the
"-TPA" flag, but chooses not to filter it. Why? Because he wants to
that as another reason to cause trouble on the group.

He should be roundly ignored or killfiled.
It's bad enough to publicly announce who you killfile, but please stop
telling others what to do in this respect.

Bye, Jojo

Antoninus Twink

He also knows about the "-TPA" flag, but chooses not to filter it.

This ridiculous "TPA flag" always makes me think of the rednecks who say
things like "Now I'm not racist, but...".

"TPA" is like saying "I'm not a prissy net-nanny with nothing useful to
say, but..."


Antoninus Twink said:
This ridiculous "TPA flag" always makes me think of the rednecks who say
things like "Now I'm not racist, but...".

"TPA" is like saying "I'm not a prissy net-nanny with nothing useful to
say, but..."

Which is exactly what Default Bwian is.

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