C++ books



I am C++ programmer and enthusiast. Also, something of a book
collector. Currently I am starting on the first project in my life
where I need to be actively involved in the design of a data
warehousing query engine and possibly also a desktop front-end for it.
I want to read up for such an occasion as I feel I have very little
practical experience on object-oriented design. I would want to know a
few recommended books (a lot of which might already by there on my

I read/have read the following books:
1. The C++ Programming Language - Bjarne Stroustrup
2. The C++ Primer - Stan Lippman, Josee Lajoie
4. Effective C++ - Scott Meyers
5. More Effective C++ - Scott Meyers
7. The STL Tutorial and Reference Guide - Dave Musser, Atul Saini (the
old edition that uses the HP Reference Implementation of STL)
12. More C++ Gems - ed. Robert C Martin

Here is a list of books I have on my shelf (or disk) - which I haven't
read enough:

1. Thinking in C++ Vol 1 & 2 - Bruce Eckel (e-books)
2. Effective STL - Scott Meyers
3. Exceptional C++ - Herb Sutter
4. More Exceptional C++ - Herb Sutter
5. Design Pattens - GoF
6. Object Oriented Analysis And Design - Grady Booch
7. Modern C++ Design - Alexandrescu (read chaps 1 and 2)
8. C++ GUI Programming with Qt3 - Jasmine Blanchette, Mark Summerfield

The following books are missing from my library and I have never read
any of them:

1. C++ Common Knowledge - Steve Dewhurst
2. Imperfect C++ - Matthew Wilson
3. C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools and Techniques from
Boost and Beyond - Dave Abrahams, Aleksey Gurtovoy
4. C++ Coding Standards and Guidelines - Herb Sutter, Andrei
5. Accelerated C++ - Andrew König, et al.
6. Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms - James Coplien
7. C++ Programming Style - Tom Cargill
8. C++ Gems - ed. Stan Lippmann (I have the More C++ Gems)
9. C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference - Nicolai Josuttis
10. The C++ Annotated Reference Manual - Stroustrup, Ellis
11. The Design & Evolution of C++ - Stroustrup

Which of these are worth buying now for a pragmatic self-study course -
that would help me handle the design of a complex system. Which other
books might help. I want to know of a good detailed book on using the
Boost library - how is #3 in the above list. Please let me know of your
suggestions. I also want to read up significantly about using
iostreams, facets and locales.


Steven T. Hatton

I am C++ programmer and enthusiast. Also, something of a book
collector. Currently I am starting on the first project in my life
where I need to be actively involved in the design of a data
warehousing query engine and possibly also a desktop front-end for it.
I want to read up for such an occasion as I feel I have very little
practical experience on object-oriented design. I would want to know a
few recommended books (a lot of which might already by there on my

I read/have read the following books:
1. The C++ Programming Language - Bjarne Stroustrup
2. The C++ Primer - Stan Lippman, Josee Lajoie
4. Effective C++ - Scott Meyers
5. More Effective C++ - Scott Meyers
7. The STL Tutorial and Reference Guide - Dave Musser, Atul Saini (the
old edition that uses the HP Reference Implementation of STL)
12. More C++ Gems - ed. Robert C Martin

Here is a list of books I have on my shelf (or disk) - which I haven't
read enough:

1. Thinking in C++ Vol 1 & 2 - Bruce Eckel (e-books)
2. Effective STL - Scott Meyers
3. Exceptional C++ - Herb Sutter
4. More Exceptional C++ - Herb Sutter
5. Design Pattens - GoF
6. Object Oriented Analysis And Design - Grady Booch
7. Modern C++ Design - Alexandrescu (read chaps 1 and 2)
8. C++ GUI Programming with Qt3 - Jasmine Blanchette, Mark Summerfield

The following books are missing from my library and I have never read
any of them:

1. C++ Common Knowledge - Steve Dewhurst
2. Imperfect C++ - Matthew Wilson
3. C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools and Techniques from
Boost and Beyond - Dave Abrahams, Aleksey Gurtovoy
4. C++ Coding Standards and Guidelines - Herb Sutter, Andrei
5. Accelerated C++ - Andrew König, et al.
6. Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms - James Coplien
7. C++ Programming Style - Tom Cargill
8. C++ Gems - ed. Stan Lippmann (I have the More C++ Gems)
9. C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference - Nicolai Josuttis
10. The C++ Annotated Reference Manual - Stroustrup, Ellis
11. The Design & Evolution of C++ - Stroustrup

Which of these are worth buying now for a pragmatic self-study course -
that would help me handle the design of a complex system. Which other
books might help. I want to know of a good detailed book on using the
Boost library - how is #3 in the above list. Please let me know of your
suggestions. I also want to read up significantly about using
iostreams, facets and locales.

I can highly recommend:

Accelerated C++ - Andrew König, et al. - though it is elementary I learned
something new from just about every page.

C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference - Nicolai Josuttis
I believe this is a must for you, though I've only thumbed through it:

Christopher Dearlove

I also want to read up significantly about using
iostreams, facets and locales.

Josuttis covers some of this. But the most detailed discussion in
any of the books I've seen (which includes most of your list)
is in "Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales" by Langer & Kreft.
I like the combination of this and "Generic Programming and the
STL" by Austern to cover almost all of the standard library.

Steven T. Hatton

Stefan said:
No. My editing was just bad. I meant for my comments after the mention of
Josuttis's book to apply to the IOStreams book. I've read Josuttis's book
save a dozen or so pages which I still need to finish. I just bought
Langer and Kreft's book, so I can't say a lot from personal experience, but
it looks quite good, especially for a person interested specifically in
IOStreams and Locales. The forword is by Jerry Schwarz who created the
original iostreams for c++.


Hi there,

Once you've read the books you needed to... I'd consider a look into
the Boost library http://www.boost.org ... seems very popular with in
the industry at the moment.
Also some libs will be included in the standard C++ lib. So it's a
good start


I found that C++ Common Knowledge (Dewhurst) has got some very good
reviews. But some of it can be absolute crap. Anyone who's had a look
at this one?

I understand the Cargill and Coplien books are old classics. I have
never had a chance to look at them - how good are they? Worth buying

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