cannot find symbol?



this is what I had in mind. The thing is that I wanted to get a typed object
public T_Ctxt getCtxtDTO();
instead of a flat one
public Object getCtxtDTO();
and even though I haven't had the chance/need to learn about generics and how
they relate to reflection I have the (probably wrong) hunch that there should
be a way to do that
// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

import java.util.Date;


import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;

// __
class IADObj{
private double d;
private String aS;
private Date Dt;
// __
// __
public void setCtxt(String[] aSAr){
this.d = (new Double(aSAr[0])).doubleValue();
this.aS = aSAr[1];
this.Dt = new Date((new Long(aSAr[2])).longValue());
// __
public String toString(){ return(" d: |" + d + "|, aS: |" + aS + "|, Dt: |" +
Dt + "|"); }

// __
class Ho3K{
private String aS;
public void setCtxt(String[] aSAr){ this.aS = aSAr[0]; }
public String toString(){ return(" aS: |" + aS + "|"); }

// __
interface verifiableCLIContext12<T_Ctxt>{
public boolean verifyCtxt(String[] aSArs, Class<? extends T_Ctxt> TpArgK);
// public T_Ctxt getCtxtDTO();
public Object getCtxtDTO();

// __
class DTO_T_Ctxt12<T_Ctxt> implements verifiableCLIContext12<T_Ctxt> {
// private T_Ctxt tCtxt; // operating context

private Object OCtxtObj; // operating context

private final Class[] KParams = new Class[]{String[].class};

// __
DTO_T_Ctxt12(){ System.err.println("// __ object created: |" + getTimeStamp() + "|"); }

// __
private String getTimeStamp(){ return((new Date()).toString()); }

// __
public boolean verifyCtxt(String[] aSAr, Class<? extends T_Ctxt> TpArgK){
int iArSz= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
boolean Is = ((aSAr != null) && ((iArSz = aSAr.length) > 0));
for(int i = 0; (i < iArSz); ++i){
System.err.println("// __ aSAr[" + i + "]: |" + aSAr + "|");
// __
OCtxtObj = (T_Ctxt)TpArgK.newInstance();
Method VerMthd = (OCtxtObj.getClass()).getDeclaredMethod("setCtxt", KParams);
VerMthd.invoke(OCtxtObj, new Object[]{aSAr});
System.err.println("// __ |" + this.getClass() + "." +
Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName() + "|" + OCtxtObj + "|");
}catch(InstantiationException InstX){ InstX.printStackTrace(System.err); }
catch(IllegalAccessException IlglAxX){ IlglAxX.printStackTrace(System.err); }
catch(NoSuchMethodException NMthddX){ NMthddX.printStackTrace(System.err); }
catch(InvocationTargetException InvkTrgtX){ InvkTrgtX.printStackTrace(System.err); }

}// (Is)
// __

// __
public Object getCtxtDTO(){
System.err.println("// __ |" + this.getClass() + "." +
Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName() + "|");

// __
public class DTO_T_Ctxt12Test{
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] aSAr;
Object RObj;
// __
System.err.println("// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ");
IADObj IAD = new IADObj();
aSAr = new String[]{"37", "abc",
(new Long(System.currentTimeMillis())).toString()};
DTO_T_Ctxt12<IADObj> DTO_IADObj = new DTO_T_Ctxt12<IADObj>();

DTO_IADObj.verifyCtxt(aSAr, IAD.getClass());
RObj = DTO_IADObj.getCtxtDTO();
System.err.println("// __ |" + RObj.getClass() + "|" + RObj + "|");
// __
System.err.println("// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ");
Ho3K Ho3 = new Ho3K();
aSAr = new String[]{"Ho, ho, ho!"};
DTO_T_Ctxt12<Ho3K> DTO_Ho3 = new DTO_T_Ctxt12<Ho3K>();

DTO_Ho3.verifyCtxt(aSAr, Ho3.getClass());
RObj = DTO_Ho3.getCtxtDTO();
System.err.println("// __ |" + RObj.getClass() + "|" + RObj + "|");
// __

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


this is what I had in mind. The thing is that I wanted to get a typed object

Generally speaking, that was TL;DR. SSCCE = SHORT self-contained
compilable example.

However, control-F allowed me to find some things in that huge mess you

interface verifiableCLIContext12<T_Ctxt>{
public boolean verifyCtxt(String[] aSArs, Class<? extends T_Ctxt> TpArgK);
// public T_Ctxt getCtxtDTO();
public Object getCtxtDTO();

public interface verifialbleCLIContext12<T> {
public boolean verifyCtxt(String[] aSArs, Class<? extends T> TpArgK);
public T getCtxtDTO();

looks much better than using the same identifier over and over again.
class DTO_T_Ctxt12<T_Ctxt> implements verifiableCLIContext12<T_Ctxt> {

This is why you fail. Mostly overuse of the same crappy identifier
until you can't read it any more. I barely could read it.

class DTO_T_Ctxt12 implements verifiableCLIContext12<T_Ctxt> {

needs to be concrete. Now these work:
private T_Ctxt tCtxt; // operating context

as will this:
public T_Ctxt getCtxtDTO(){

Etc. I didn't read the rest. I didn't verify any of the above to
compile or test it.

Daniel Pitts

this is what I had in mind. The thing is that I wanted to get a typed object
public T_Ctxt getCtxtDTO();
instead of a flat one
public Object getCtxtDTO();
and even though I haven't had the chance/need to learn about generics and how
they relate to reflection I have the (probably wrong) hunch that there should
be a way to do that
Reflection is usually bad. There are places for it, but if you can solve
your problem without it, then do so.

getCtxtDTO will return an Object of the static type T_Ctxt, but T_Ctxt
has no information about it, other than it extends Object. In order to
know more about it, you need an interface or base-class.

class Foo<T_Ctxt> in Java is *not* the same as in C++. Templates are not
even closely possible in Java. I will say it one last time. You need to
use an interface.

Perhaps you should read about Generics, since that is what you're trying
(and failing) to use. A great introduction is here:

Read that, and one of your problems will be solved.
// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

import java.util.Date;


import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;

// __
class IADObj{
private double d;
private String aS;
private Date Dt;
// __
// __
public void setCtxt(String[] aSAr){
this.d = (new Double(aSAr[0])).doubleValue();
this.aS = aSAr[1];
this.Dt = new Date((new Long(aSAr[2])).longValue());
// __
public String toString(){ return(" d: |" + d + "|, aS: |" + aS + "|, Dt: |" +
Dt + "|"); }

// __
class Ho3K{
private String aS;
public void setCtxt(String[] aSAr){ this.aS = aSAr[0]; }
public String toString(){ return(" aS: |" + aS + "|"); }

// __
interface verifiableCLIContext12<T_Ctxt>{
public boolean verifyCtxt(String[] aSArs, Class<? extends T_Ctxt> TpArgK);
// public T_Ctxt getCtxtDTO();
public Object getCtxtDTO();

// __
class DTO_T_Ctxt12<T_Ctxt> implements verifiableCLIContext12<T_Ctxt> {
// private T_Ctxt tCtxt; // operating context

private Object OCtxtObj; // operating context

private final Class[] KParams = new Class[]{String[].class};

// __
DTO_T_Ctxt12(){ System.err.println("// __ object created: |" + getTimeStamp() + "|"); }

// __
private String getTimeStamp(){ return((new Date()).toString()); }

// __
public boolean verifyCtxt(String[] aSAr, Class<? extends T_Ctxt> TpArgK){
int iArSz= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
boolean Is = ((aSAr != null) && ((iArSz = aSAr.length) > 0));
for(int i = 0; (i < iArSz); ++i){
System.err.println("// __ aSAr[" + i + "]: |" + aSAr + "|");
// __
OCtxtObj = (T_Ctxt)TpArgK.newInstance();
Method VerMthd = (OCtxtObj.getClass()).getDeclaredMethod("setCtxt", KParams);
VerMthd.invoke(OCtxtObj, new Object[]{aSAr});
System.err.println("// __ |" + this.getClass() + "." +
Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName() + "|" + OCtxtObj + "|");
}catch(InstantiationException InstX){ InstX.printStackTrace(System.err); }
catch(IllegalAccessException IlglAxX){ IlglAxX.printStackTrace(System.err); }
catch(NoSuchMethodException NMthddX){ NMthddX.printStackTrace(System.err); }
catch(InvocationTargetException InvkTrgtX){ InvkTrgtX.printStackTrace(System.err); }

}// (Is)
// __

// __
public Object getCtxtDTO(){
System.err.println("// __ |" + this.getClass() + "." +
Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName() + "|");

// __
public class DTO_T_Ctxt12Test{
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] aSAr;
Object RObj;
// __
System.err.println("// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ");
IADObj IAD = new IADObj();
aSAr = new String[]{"37", "abc",
(new Long(System.currentTimeMillis())).toString()};
DTO_T_Ctxt12<IADObj> DTO_IADObj = new DTO_T_Ctxt12<IADObj>();

DTO_IADObj.verifyCtxt(aSAr, IAD.getClass());
RObj = DTO_IADObj.getCtxtDTO();
System.err.println("// __ |" + RObj.getClass() + "|" + RObj + "|");
// __
System.err.println("// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ");
Ho3K Ho3 = new Ho3K();
aSAr = new String[]{"Ho, ho, ho!"};
DTO_T_Ctxt12<Ho3K> DTO_Ho3 = new DTO_T_Ctxt12<Ho3K>();

DTO_Ho3.verifyCtxt(aSAr, Ho3.getClass());
RObj = DTO_Ho3.getCtxtDTO();
System.err.println("// __ |" + RObj.getClass() + "|" + RObj + "|");
// __

// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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