cant display generated html in browser (perl script)


Piet L.

I've written a perl script which creates an xml file based on input
Now I have an xslt to display the information, but the problem is that
my browser (microsoft internet explorer) can not display the info.

Here is what I use to generate the xml/xslt transformation

my $xslt = XML::XSLT->new (myxsl, warnings => 1);
$xslt->transform (myxsl);
print $xslt->toString;
##print $xslt->serve(myxml);

My xslt looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:eek:utput method="html" encoding="ISO-8859-1"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<link rel="stylesheet"
href="" type="text/css"/>
</head><body><div id="pageheader"><h1><span>XXX</span></h1>
</div><div id="content"><div id="content"><div
id="contenttitle"><h2><span>MY CONTENTTITLE</span></h2></div><div
id="contenttext"><xsl:for-each select="//publication"><ul><li
<xsl:value-of select="//title_1"/></h4><xsl:value-of

I didn't display the xml and so, because the transformation works when
I test it in an xslt editor.

The only thing that is display is the title and so,
Does my problem have to do with the xml::xslt parser? And so, how do I
solve this?


Brian McCauley

Piet said:
I've written a perl script which creates an xml file based on input

The fact that the XML was generated by Perl does not necessarily make
this a Perl question.
Now I have an xslt to display the information, but the problem is that
my browser (microsoft internet explorer) can not display the info.

Here is what I use to generate the xml/xslt transformation

my $xslt = XML::XSLT->new (myxsl, warnings => 1);
$xslt->transform (myxsl);
print $xslt->toString;
##print $xslt->serve(myxml);

I've never used XML::XSLT but from a quick look at the documentation it
appears that transform() should be open_xml(). Also you do now show us
the definitions of the myxsl and myxml functions.

Please produce a _minimal_ but _complete_ script.

Anyhow this is not the 'right' way to use XSL on the web. You should
simply put a processing instruction in the XML to tell the browser where
to fetch the XSLT.

Piet L.

Anyhow this is not the 'right' way to use XSL on the web. You should
simply put a processing instruction in the XML to tell the browser where
to fetch the XSLT.

How do I do that?

Brian McCauley

Piet said:
How do I do that?

The processing instruction looks something like this:

<?xml-stylesheet href="whatever.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>

How you put such a processing instruction into an XML document would
depend on the tools you are using to generate the XML document.

For example using XML::DOM to create an XML document it would look
something like this:

my $stylesheet='whatever.xml';
my $xmldoc = XML::DOM::Document->new;
( $xmldoc->createProcessingInstruction
( 'xml-stylesheet',
qq'href="$stylesheet" type="text/xsl"' ) );

Piet L.

Brian McCauley said:
The processing instruction looks something like this:

<?xml-stylesheet href="whatever.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>

How you put such a processing instruction into an XML document would
depend on the tools you are using to generate the XML document.

For example using XML::DOM to create an XML document it would look
something like this:

my $stylesheet='whatever.xml';
my $xmldoc = XML::DOM::Document->new;
( $xmldoc->createProcessingInstruction
( 'xml-stylesheet',
qq'href="$stylesheet" type="text/xsl"' ) );

Thank you very much for your answer.

Actually my script is like this:
# create a DBI connection
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:myDB",$user,$login);

# instantiate a new XML::Handler::YAWriter object
my $handler = XML::Handler::YAWriter->new(AsString => "-",
Pretty => {PrettyWhiteNewline => 1,
PrettyWhiteIndent => 1,
CatchEmptyElement => 1,
NoProlog => 1});
my $generator = XML::Generator::DBI->new(
Handler => $handler,
dbh => $dbh,
Indent => 1

my $ select = qq(.....);
my $xml = $generator->execute($select);
$dbh->disconnect ();

#and then I used the XML::XSLT module to transform and display.

So I now have the following questions,
hope you can answer them.

- How do I put your answer in?
- How will it then be displayed in a browser? Do I need an extra
command in my script or so?


Brian McCauley

Piet said:
Actually my script is like this:
# create a DBI connection
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:myDB",$user,$login);

# instantiate a new XML::Handler::YAWriter object
my $handler = XML::Handler::YAWriter->new(AsString => "-",
Pretty => {PrettyWhiteNewline => 1,
PrettyWhiteIndent => 1,
CatchEmptyElement => 1,
NoProlog => 1});
my $generator = XML::Generator::DBI->new(
Handler => $handler,
dbh => $dbh,
Indent => 1

my $ select = qq(.....);
my $xml = $generator->execute($select);
$dbh->disconnect ();
So I now have the following questions,
hope you can answer them.

No, I don't know everything.
- How do I put your answer in?

You are using SAX. Sax is a piplining system that works on a serialised
document tree one bit at a time as a series of events. You need to
insert another SAX handler between your XML::Generator::DBI and your

So where now you have
my $generator = XML::Generator::DBI->new(
Handler => $handler, # etc

You will need something like

my $filter = XML::Filter::prependProcessingInstruction->new(
Handler => $handler,
Instruction => {
Target => 'xml-stylesheet',
Data => qq(href="$stylesheet" type="text/xsl"),

my $generator = XML::Generator::DBI->new(
Handler => $filter, # etc...

Of course I don't suppose there really is a module called
XML::Filter::prependProcessingInstruction but I would be a little
supprised if there was no SAX module on CPAN that could serve this function.

If not you could always write your own by deriving from XML::SAX::Base
and overriding start_element to insert a processing_instruction event
into the stream before the first start_element event that follows the
start_document event.

I could write this for you, but I've never used XML-SAX and there's no
point me reading the manuals and building a test harness when I could
leave that to you.

To get you started, at a guess, and I mean a *guess*, it would look a
bit like this...

package XML::Filter::prependProcessingInstruction;
use base 'XML::SAX::Base';

sub start_element {
my $self = shift;
unless $self->{Seen_start_element}++;

sub start_document {
my $self = shift;
delete $self->{Seen_start_element};

- How will it then be displayed in a browser?

Exactly the same as it would if you'd performed the XSL transformation
server-side. Give or take bugs in the XSLT engines and anything in
your XSLT that is ambiguous.
Do I need an extra command in my script or so?

You need to change the Content-type from 'text/html' to
'application/xml' or 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"'. Use the 'application'
content type if your raw XML is not intended to be human-readble and the
'text' one if you have tried to make your raw XML readable (see RFC3023
for details).

You do, of course, also need to put the XSL into a directory where it
can be fetched with a URL (preferably a relative one). Ideally your web
server should be configured to serve up documents with a .xsl extension
as content-type 'application/xslt+xml' but in practice this rarely

I don't fully understand why the PI has type="text/xsl" rather than
type="application/xslt+xml" but all this is really getting very OT for a
Perl newsgroup.

Brian McCauley

Brian said:
Ideally your web
server should be configured to serve up documents with a .xsl extension
as content-type 'application/xslt+xml' but in practice this rarely matters.

I don't fully understand why the PI has type="text/xsl" rather than
type="application/xslt+xml" but all this is really getting very OT for a
Perl newsgroup.

Just for completelness I should mention that neither text/xsl nor
application/xslt+xml appear to be registered with IANA.

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