Classes and SQL Database in



I would like to first start off saying that this is pretty much my first week
of heavily getting into I previously have programmed in ASP Classic,
and now understanding the benefits of I would like to cross over.

Anyways onto my question. I am curious how i can go about setting up a class
with the connection to my database in it, which any page can use to connect
to that database. I was never heavily in classes or functions during my ASP
years, so please bare with me.

Thank you so much for all your help...
Also if you know of any good example sites with source i can look at and
read that might further my education on this subject, since that is the best
way i can learn..


Kevin Spencer

Hi Devin,

Good choice migrating to ASP.Net. Now, get ready to start thinking
Anyways onto my question. I am curious how i can go about setting up a class
with the connection to my database in it, which any page can use to connect
to that database. I was never heavily in classes or functions during my ASP
years, so please bare with me.

ADO.Net uses Connection Pooling. This is a marked contrast to ADO, where it
was often a good idea to keep a Connection opened, due to the overhead of
creating a new one. With ADO.Net, it is actually a best practice to open and
close Connections as quickly as possible. When they are closed, they are
released into a Pool, where they can be re-used inexpensively, and of course
the advantage is that you don't need to maintain opened (and unused)
Connections. In some cases, it is imperative that you close them. For
example, 2 DataReaders cannot use the same Connection at the same time.
Also if you know of any good example sites with source i can look at and
read that might further my education on this subject, since that is the best
way i can learn..

The .Net SDK is a free download, and is some of the best software
documentation I've ever read:

And check out Microsoft's ASP.Net site:

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
I get paid good money to
solve puzzles for a living

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