Closure bug



Well, I realise it's not so much a bug as it is a feature.

I've written a quick testpage:

<script type="text/javascript">
Person = (function() {
return function() {
var self = this;

this.messages = function() {
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var elm = document.createElement("div");
elm.innerHTML = "Display " + i;
elm.onclick = function() {

this.shout = function(number) {

function LoadPage() {
var p = new Person();


<body onload="LoadPage()">

The html page shows "Display x" with x a number from 0 to 9. However,
as I click it, it displays 10 regardless of which element I clicked. I
can understand why, since the value of i is 10 when the loop ends. But
what I'm trying to achieve is to create a function that uses the
actual value of i, at the moment when the onclick function is created.
So "Display 5" should actually display 5, using the literal value of i
when the function is created, instead of the value of i at the time of

How can I achieve something like this?


- Bart


Well, I realise it's not so much a bug as it is a feature.

I've written a quick testpage:


When posting code, indent using 2 (preferred) or 4 spaces and manually
wrap at about 70 characters, see below.

<script type="text/javascript">

Person = (function() {
return function() {
var self = this;
this.messages = function() {

for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var elm = document.createElement("div");
elm.innerHTML = "Display " + i;
elm.onclick = function() {
this.shout = function(number) {

function LoadPage() {
var p = new Person();
The html page shows "Display x" with x a number from 0 to 9. However,
as I click it, it displays 10 regardless of which element I clicked. I
can understand why, since the value of i is 10 when the loop ends. But
what I'm trying to achieve is to create a function that uses the
actual value of i, at the moment when the onclick function is created.
So "Display 5" should actually display 5, using the literal value of i
when the function is created, instead of the value of i at the time of

How can I achieve something like this?

You need to break the closure. One way is to use new Function, but
scope becomes a bit tricky. Another is to use a setter for the onclick
property rather than a function expression, e.g.

elm.onclick = setOnclick(self, i);

then add:

function setOnclick(self, i) {
return function() {

as a global function, or inside the outer Person function (the
Cornified one[1]).

Another is to set it with a function expression:

elm.onclick = (function(number) {
return function() {

But this whole thing seems quite convoluted. The i property doesn't
seem to belong to a "person", it belongs to the listener attached to
the element, so probably shouldn't be inside the person constructor at
all. Perhaps you are better to create a message cache and use an
attribute of the HTML element to associate with a message (e.g. its
ID). If HTML 5 was widely implemented, you could add the index as a
data property of the element directly (but it will be a long time
before that is viable on the web).

There are many other solutions, hard to say what is better or worse
without knowing what you are really trying to do, I doubt that either
of the above suggestions are the best you can do in your circumstance.

1. <URL:

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

RobG said:
When posting code, indent using 2 (preferred) or 4 spaces and manually
wrap at about 70 characters, see below.


That HTML document needs a DOCTYPE declaration and a TITLE element to be
Valid. said:
<script type="text/javascript">

Person = (function() {

Should be declared a (global) variable, otherwise there can be fatal
side-effects with MSHTML (fatal as in "breaking").

var Person = ...
return function() {
var self = this;
this.messages = function() {

for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var elm = document.createElement("div");
elm.innerHTML = "Display " + i;
elm.onclick = function() {

You should avoid combining DOM Level 2+ and 0, especially when without
feature test. In particular, you do not need or want `innerHTML' here:

var elm = document.createElement("div");
if (elm)
elm.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Display " + i));
// ...
this.shout = function(number) {

function LoadPage() {

This is not used as a constructor or factory, so the identifier should start
[...] or inside the outer Person function (the Cornified one[1]). [...]
Please don't. I thought it was only a joke back then :-/


Matt Kruse

what I'm trying to achieve is to create a function that uses the
actual value of i, at the moment when the onclick function is created.
So "Display 5" should actually display 5, using the literal value of i
when the function is created, instead of the value of i at the time of

elm.onclick = (function(inner_i) {
return function() {

Be careful for memory leaks...

Matt Kruse


Working through the example below helped me when I was reading the Zakas
book not too long ago. From a notes page...

* * *

4. Inner functions that retain values from outer functions possess the
last value from the outer function.

Not so. The inner function has the outer function's variable object on
its scope chain, the identifier - i - will resolve to it if no local
variable shadows it. If the value of the variable changes, then its
value changes in the inner function too, e.g.

var outer = (function () {
var x;

return {

getX: function () {
return x;

setX: function(val) {
x = val;

// Check the value of x
alert(outer.getX()); // undefined

// Set the value of x to a string

// Check the value of x
alert(outer.getX()); // foo

So the value isn't "set" when the function exits. The value is
whatever it is when it is read and can be changed by some other
closure (emulating a privileged method).

This can lead to unexpected results
as demonstrated in the first function below, which the programmer
expected to return an array of functions which each will return the
value of their array index. Instead, each function returns 5.

Unexpected only if the programmer isn't aware of how closures work in

The second function creates the desired array of functions. Zakas: "The
anonymous function has one argument, num, which is the number that the
result function should return. Since function arguments are passed by
value, the current value of i is copied into the argument num."

More misdirection. They are always references, but the *value* might
be a primitive or an object. Primitives are immutable, you can't
modify them, you can only assign a new one, so:

// With primitives
var a = 5,
b = a; // a and b == 5
b = 6; // b is assigned a new value, a is still == 5

// With objects
var o = {},
p = o; // o and p == object assigned to o
p = {}; // p is assigned a new object, o hasn't changed

The difference is that you can modify an object's properties, so:

var o = {},
p = o; // o and p == object assigned to o
p.x = 'foo';
alert(o.x); // foo

The the concept that "function arguments are passed by value" might be
kind of true if function arguments are always primitives, but they

function createFunctions() {
var result = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
result = function() {
return i;
return result;
arrTest = createFunctions();
alert(arrTest[2]()); // 5, not 2!

function createFunctions2() {
var result = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
result = function(num) {
return function() {
return num;
return result;
arrTest = createFunctions2();
alert(arrTest[2]()); // now it's 2

Because of the new closure with num. Variable i is still there on the
inner function's scope chain, replace:

return num;


return i;

and you get 5 again.


elm.onclick = (function(inner_i) {
  return function() {


Be careful for memory leaks...

Yes, forgot to mention that. They can be avoided for the most part by

elm = null;

in the function where elm is declared just before it ends.

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

RobG said:
More misdirection. They are always references,

What do you mean by "they" here?
but the *value* might be a primitive or an object.

No, the value can be a primitive value or an object reference.
You cannot access an object directly, you need a reference to it.
As a result, there can be multiple references to the same object.
The object may be subject to garbage collection if it is no longer
referred, i.e. there are no more references to it (much like with
The the concept that "function arguments are passed by value" might be
kind of true if function arguments are always primitives, but they

Zakas' premise is right here; you are not. Object references are values.
See also
which was agreed on here.


Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Stefan said:

Minor nitpick: self is not a good variable name in browser scripting;
it's usually an alias for the window object. It won't cause a problem in
your example, but it could confuse people who see a call to
"self.shout()" before they see the assignment above.

It is not "usually an alias for the window object", it is a property of
Window instances or their prototype to refer to the instance. A Window
instance's prototype may be in the prototype chain of the ECMAScript Global
Object (this is the case with client-side JavaScript 1.8.2 in Gecko

Since to my knowledge it is unnecessary to access the `self' property of
Window instances, I can see no cause for confusion here. Indeed, the
declaration follows the pattern of several other OOPLs, including most
notably, IIUC, Smalltalk which influenced the prototype-based Self
programming language (where you can omit `self') which influenced JavaScript
(unfortunately, Brendan Eich apparently did not see the importance of the
`self' keyword in JavaScript's predecessors).

However, in this case that assignment probably should be moved before the
`for' loop. There is no need (and perhaps no want) of the `self' identifier
to be in the scope of the returned function. But the function expression
returning a function when called is quite pointless and therefore
inefficient here to begin with; the assignment of a function expression, or
a function declaration would suffice as there are no bound variables in the
outer scope.


David Mark

williamc said:
RobG said:
The second function creates the desired array of functions. Zakas: "The
anonymous function has one argument, num, which is the number that the
result function should return. Since function arguments are passed by
value, the current value of i is copied into the argument num."
More misdirection. They are always references,
What do you mean by "they" here?
but the *value* might be a primitive or an object.
No, the value can be a primitive value or an object reference.
You cannot access an object directly, you need a reference to it.
As a result, there can be multiple references to the same object.
The object may be subject to garbage collection if it is no longer
referred, i.e. there are no more references to it (much like with
The the concept that "function arguments are passed by value" might be
kind of true if function arguments are always primitives, but they
Zakas' premise is right here; you are not. Object references are values.
See also
which was agreed on here.

I wondered what people in c.l.j would say about the Zakas' point that
function arguments are always passed by value. He kind of stresses it,
in the sense that he repeats it several times. I didn't really feel
comfortable with it at the time, and I still don't feel comfortable with
it. In most languages doesn't the concept of pass by value vs. pass by
reference refer to passing an independent copy vs. passing a reference
to the thing itself?

I have a "something I'm missing here" feeling...

obj = {
propX: "foo"
num = 27;

function test(argNum, argObj) {
argNum = 28;
argObj.propX = "bar";

test(num, obj);

console.log(num); // still 27
console.log(obj.propX); // "bar", so why isn't this called a pass
by reference?

In the link Thomas cited it says...

"The parameters of a function call are the function's arguments.
Arguments are passed to functions by value. If the function changes the
value of an argument, this change is not reflected globally or in the
calling function. However, object references are values, too, and they
are special: if the function changes the referred object's properties,
that change is visible outside the function, ... "

So, I guess I'm having a hard time with the "they are special". Wouldn't
this specialness simply be called a pass by reference in most languages?

No. The value passed is a reference to an object. That might sound
like a contradiction in terms, but consider:-

function test(o) {
o = null;

var p = {};
window.alert(p); // Not null

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

williamc said:
Yikes! Well, that's certainly a good example, as I would have expected p
to be null after the function call. But I can't say that I've succeeded
in understanding why it isn't.

As `o' is but a variable (sort of) that is assigned a value, a reference to
an object, as execution enters the context of the function [ES3/5, 10.4] --

ref ---> [object Object]

-- then changing the value of the (local) "variable" in the function does
not change the object, of course:

ref ---> [object Object]

o = null

That is where object references are special. As long as a property (here:
of the function context's Variable Object) stores a reference value, you can
use that property to change the referred object's properties.
So, the right way to think about is the object "supplies the value to
the function"?

No, `p' did not store the object in the first place; it only stored the
reference (value) to it. As does `q' below:

var p = {};

* p
* ||
* ref ---> [object Object = {}]

var q = p;

* p
* ||
* ref ---> [object Object = {}]
* ||
* q

q.a = 42;

* p
* ||
* ref ---> [object Object = {a: 42}]
* ||
* q

/* 42 */

BTW, it's the same in Java and other OOPLs.

You want to fix your `From' header.



Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

williamc said:
[...] Fix my 'From' header in the sense of supplying a valid e-mail

In the sense of supplying an e-mail address in the first place. You have
something there that looks like one but is not, thereby bothering potential
respondents with bounces and with futile connection attempts.

And please trim your quotes to the relevant minimum next time.


Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Stefan said:
Very verbose, but technically correct. That doesn't affect the point I'm
trying to make, however: in browser scripting, the "self" identifier
usually already refers to _something_ -

Usually, granted, but I would not count on that it always does.
just like "document" and "window" do. You're free to assign something else
to them,

This reads like the built-in value would be overwritten then; it is not.
but this can cause confusion for readers.

But that is not a good argument, see below. *Anything* can cause confusion
for the reader, particular uninitiated ones. 100% of the technical
discussions and proper code posted here (like, closures by called function
expressions, Array initialization with leading comma, `~+s', `new Date() -
new Date(2000, 0, 1)') would confuse at least someone.
Neither do I. As a reference to the current context (or instance),
"self" feels more natural to me than "that" or "me" (some conventional
alternatives), but reusing it has the potential for confusion and should
therefore be avoided, IMHO.

You are confusing cause and effect, though. Wouldn't it be great if you
could forget about the

var that = this;


var self = this;

etc. and simply write only:
For example: I didn't read the original code posted by Eleandor, mostly
because of the formatting. The first thing I saw was Matt's example:

elm.onclick = (function(inner_i) {
return function() {

I wondered why he would call shout() as self.shout(), so I checked
whether self had been redefined (it was), but from that snippet alone,
it looked like shout() was a global function.

You have learned something, then. That confusion can only occur because
someone (I'm afraid, Brendan Eich, too) had the (not-so-)great idea to
provide Window instances with a self-referring `self' property and put a
Window instance in the prototype chain of the Global Object (or before the
Global Object in the scope chain, depends on the implementation), to mix
language and browser object model (that was fixed in JavaScript 1.4, but
it was too late by then).

So that people became accustomed to writing `alert' when they meant
`window.alert', and seeing `window.self' when someone was writing only
`self'. And Netscape's competitors copied that mistake in order to be

That does not mean this misconception needs to be catered by not declaring
a `self' variable in browser scripting.


Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Stefan said:
Thomas said:
You are confusing cause and effect, though. Wouldn't it be great if you
could forget about the

var that = this;


var self = this;

etc. and simply write only:
[ self.shout(inner_i); ]

It would sure be convenient, but I doubt there's a way for a JS engine
to determine which of the (potentially many) nested "this values" the
"self" identifier should point to.

A definition can be found. (Didn't ES5 specify something similar?)
You could apply the same argument to any other property of the window
object. Why not redefine alert, for example? I'm not calling
window.alert in my script, so I might as well reuse the name. But I
don't - and the reason is, as before, to avoid confusion for others.

Then we have to agree to disagree here. If I always needed to write code so
that it could not possibly stir some neophyte's confusion, so that it
catered and helped cultivating their many misconceptions instead, I would
not only be writing much less efficient code, but also my development
process itself would be much less efficient then. And I would deprive them
of the singular opportunity that is being granted to me, to learn about
creating something better than the usual junk out there, just by reading
other's code and trying to understand it.



RobG wrote:
The second function creates the desired array of functions. Zakas: "The
anonymous function has one argument, num, which is the number that the
result function should return. Since function arguments are passed by
value, the current value of i is copied into the argument num."
More misdirection. They are always references,
What do you mean by "they" here?

The values that are assigned by the calling function.

To me, the values can be considered references for both (see below).

You cannot access an object directly, you need a reference to it.
As a result, there can be multiple references to the same object.
Zakas' premise is right here; you are not. Object references are values.
See also
which was agreed on here.

Yes, fair enough, if references are considered values. But that
concept seems to be confusing, I find it simpler to think if it my

I wondered what people in c.l.j would say about the Zakas' point that
function arguments are always passed by value.

He is right if references are considered values, which seems to be the
majority opinion.

He kind of stresses it,
in the sense that he repeats it several times. I didn't really feel
comfortable with it at the time, and I still don't feel comfortable with
it. In most languages doesn't the concept of pass by value vs. pass by
reference refer to passing an independent copy vs. passing a reference
to the thing itself?

I think in both cases their values are references because, to me, it
is less confusing. As I posted eariler, given:

var a = 5,
b = a;

You can think of a and b as refering to the same instance of 5. Since
that instance can't be modified, the only way to change the value of a
or b is to assign a new value. That is consistent with the equivalent
scenerio using ojbects:

var o = {},
p = a;

Here p references the same object as o. If you assign a new value to
either o or p, they now reference different objects or primitives
depending on what was assigned. So the concept of reference and
assignment is consistent regardless of whether an object or primitve
is assigned.

Special behaviour is now kept to objects: when an object is modifed,
everything that references it "sees" the modifications. You can't
modify primitives, so they don't have the same behaviour:

o.property1 = 'one';

Here a value is assigned to a property of the object referenced by o,
i.e. the object was modified, no new value was assigned to o. So o and
p still reference the same object and:

alert( p.property1 ); // shows 'p'

Anyhow, that's my way of understanding it.

I have a "something I'm missing here" feeling...

obj = {
propX: "foo"
num = 27;

function test(argNum, argObj) {
argNum = 28;
argObj.propX = "bar";

test(num, obj);

console.log(num); // still 27

Yes, because a new value was assigned to argNum, not to num.

console.log(obj.propX); // "bar",

Because no new value was assigned to either obj or argObj, the object
they reference was modified (something that is impossible with
primitives). David shows what happens if you assign a new value to one
of them, which is consisent whether you assign a primitve, object,
null, whatever.

so why isn't this called a pass by reference?

I don't think of it as "passing" but assigning. The variables in the
parameter list are assigned values depending on what is in the calling
parameter list.

In the link Thomas cited it says...

"The parameters of a function call are the function's arguments.
Arguments are passed to functions by value. If the function changes the
value of an argument, this change is not reflected globally or in the
calling function. However, object references are values, too, and they
are special: if the function changes the referred object's properties,
that change is visible outside the function, ... "

So, I guess I'm having a hard time with the "they are special". Wouldn't
this specialness simply be called a pass by reference in most languages?

Which is why I limit the specialness to objects, not assignment.

I hope I've helped, not confused. :)

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

RobG said:
williamc said:
Thomas said:
RobG wrote:
williamc wrote:
The second function creates the desired array of functions. Zakas:
"The anonymous function has one argument, num, which is the number
that the result function should return. Since function arguments are
passed by value, the current value of i is copied into the argument
More misdirection. They are always references,
What do you mean by "they" here?

The values that are assigned by the calling function.

How can *you* know for sure what *he* meant?
To me, the values can be considered references for both (see below).

You are wrong.
Yes, fair enough, if references are considered values. But that
concept seems to be confusing, I find it simpler to think if it my

He is right if references are considered values, which seems to be the
majority opinion.

That is not an opinion, it is a fact. RTFM.
I think in both cases their values are references because, to me, it
is less confusing. As I posted eariler, given:

var a = 5,
b = a;

You can think of a and b as refering to the same instance of 5.

But you should not. While Smalltalk undoubtedly is an ancestor of
JavaScript/ECMAScript, by contrast `5' is _not_ an object in ECMAScript
implementations (it is only being implicitly converted to a Number instance

So, in your words, `b' "refers" to _another_ `5' than `a'. Indeed, the
variables `a' and `b' would very likely be implemented as two pointers
pointing to different heap addresses.
Since that instance can't be modified, the only way to change the value of
a or b is to assign a new value. That is consistent with the equivalent
scenerio using ojbects:

var o = {},
p = a;

Here p references the same object as o.

If you assigned the value of `o', and not `a'.
If you assign a new value to either o or p, they now reference different

Only if the new value is an object reference.
or primitives

Primitives are _not_ being referred to (as references are understood in
these languages.)
depending on what was assigned. So the concept of reference and
assignment is consistent regardless of whether an object or primitve
is assigned.

No, it is not.
Anyhow, that's my way of understanding it.

Well, misconceptions are quite common in this field.


Garrett Smith

Stefan said:
I think that's a perfect illustration. It's all you need to see to
understand that there is no pass-by-reference in JS. Incidentally,
that's also the way it works in Java, and Java is also the source of the
expression "reference types" that has been thrown around here a couple
of times.

The same behavior is seen in Java, however, Java's "reference types" has
different meaning that Reference type in ECMAScript.

Java Reference Types, from JLS, 3rd Edition, Chapter 4:
| The reference types (§4.3) are class types, interface types, and
| array types.

ECMAScript Reference Type, from ECMAScript Edition 3, s 8.7
| The internal Reference type is not a language data type. It is defined
| by this specification purely for expository purposes. An
| implementation of ECMAScript must behave as if it produced and
| operated upon references in the manner described here. However, a
| value of type Reference is used only as an intermediate result of
| expression evaluation and cannot be stored as the value of a variable
| or property.



RobG said:
williamc said:
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
RobG wrote:
williamc wrote:
The second function creates the desired array of functions. Zakas:
"The anonymous function has one argument, num, which is the number
that the result function should return. Since function arguments are
passed by value, the current value of i is copied into the argument
More misdirection. They are always references,
What do you mean by "they" here?
The values that are assigned by the calling function.

How can *you* know for sure what *he* meant?

You asked what *I* meant, I've explained that.

But you should not. While Smalltalk undoubtedly is an ancestor of
JavaScript/ECMAScript, by contrast `5' is _not_ an object in ECMAScript
implementations (it is only being implicitly converted to a Number instance

So, in your words, `b' "refers" to _another_ `5' than `a'.

No, in my words, 'b' and 'a' refer to the same '5'. Since that '5'
can't be modified, the value of 'b' can only be changed by assigning a
new value, even if it's another '5'.
Indeed, the
variables `a' and `b' would very likely be implemented as two pointers
pointing to different heap addresses.

Maybe, but implementation details are irrelevant.

If you assigned the value of `o', and not `a'.

Yes, a typo.

Well, misconceptions are quite common in this field.

Apparently - I'll keep this one to myself. BTW, do you have a link to
where it was discussed here previously?

Ry Nohryb

I think that's a perfect illustration. It's all you need to see to
understand that there is no pass-by-reference in JS. (...)

The same example slightly modified can be used to show that it's a

function test (o) { o.j= "Simpson" }
var p= {};
--> "Simpson"

The question is, when you say "it's been passed by reference", what
exactly did you expect *it* to be ?

1.- var p ?
2.- the value of var p (which is a reference to an object) ?

And the answer is in the ES3 specs, 10.1.8, "The initial value (... of
an argument ...) is *the*value* of the corresponding actual parameter
supplied by the caller."

So, while in JS you can't pass a reference to a var, you can't avoid
to pass objects by reference.

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

RobG said:
Thomas said:
RobG said:
williamc wrote:
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
RobG wrote:
williamc wrote:
The second function creates the desired array of functions. Zakas:
"The anonymous function has one argument, num, which is the number
that the result function should return. Since function arguments
are passed by value, the current value of i is copied into the
argument num."
More misdirection. They are always references,
What do you mean by "they" here?
The values that are assigned by the calling function.
How can *you* know for sure what *he* meant?

You asked what *I* meant, I've explained that.

Right. Sorry. But in that case, you are dead wrong.
But you should not. While Smalltalk undoubtedly is an ancestor of
JavaScript/ECMAScript, by contrast `5' is _not_ an object in ECMAScript
implementations (it is only being implicitly converted to a Number
instance sometimes).

So, in your words, `b' "refers" to _another_ `5' than `a'.

No, in my words, 'b' and 'a' refer to the same '5'. Since that '5'
can't be modified, the value of 'b' can only be changed by assigning a
new value, even if it's another '5'.

That's nonsense. Have you subscribed to VK101 by now?
Maybe, but implementation details are irrelevant.

No, implementation details are at the core of the issue.
Apparently - I'll keep this one to myself. BTW, do you have a link to
where it was discussed here previously?

I might have a Message-ID.


Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Garrett said:
The same behavior is seen in Java, however, Java's "reference types" has
different meaning that Reference type in ECMAScript.

Java Reference Types, from JLS, 3rd Edition, Chapter 4:
| The reference types (§4.3) are class types, interface types, and
| array types.

ECMAScript Reference Type, from ECMAScript Edition 3, s 8.7
| The internal Reference type is not a language data type. It is defined
| by this specification purely for expository purposes. An
| implementation of ECMAScript must behave as if it produced and
| operated upon references in the manner described here. However, a
| value of type Reference is used only as an intermediate result of
| expression evaluation and cannot be stored as the value of a variable
| or property.


And neither one has anything to do with reference values, as established


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