Compiling error



Dear All,

I compiled a project under Unix, I have got the following errors:

CC -I. -DUNIX -c XPCFileStat.C -g -o XPCFileStat.o
"XPCFileStat.C", line 11: Warning: String literal converted to char* in formal argument sMsg in call to XPCException::XPCException(char*).
"XPCFileStat.C", line 20: Warning: String literal converted to char* in formal argument sMsg in call to XPCException::XPCException(char*).
"XPCFileStat.C", line 28: Warning: String literal converted to char* in formal argument sMsg in call to XPCException::XPCException(char*).
"XPCFileStat.C", line 36: Warning: String literal converted to char* in formal argument sMsg in call to XPCException::XPCException(char*).
"XPCFileStat.C", line 48: Warning: String literal converted to char* in formal argument sMsg in call to XPCException::XPCException(char*).
"XPCFileStat.C", line 59: Warning: String literal converted to char* in formal argument sMsg in call to XPCException::XPCException(char*).
"XPCFileStat.C", line 70: Warning: String literal converted to char* in formal argument sMsg in call to XPCException::XPCException(char*).
"XPCFileStat.C", line 77: Error: The "&" operator can only be applied to a variable or other l-value.
"XPCFileStat.C", line 221: Warning: String literal converted to char* in formal argument sMsg in call to XPCException::XPCException(char*).
"XPCFileStat.C", line 228: Error: The "&" operator can only be applied to a variable or other l-value.
2 Error(s) and 8 Warning(s) detected.
*** Error code 2
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `XPCFileStat.o'
Here is the main part of the program:

#include <XPCFileStat.h>
#include <iostream.h>

long lMaxpath;

// Determine the maximum size of a pathname
if ((lMaxpath = pathconf("/", _PC_PATH_MAX)) == -1)
XPCException newExcept("Could not determine maximum pathname length"); // warning line 11
throw newExcept;

// Allocate memory for the pathname
cFileName = new char[lMaxpath + 1];
if (!cFileName)
XPCException newExcept("Could not allocate memory for cFileName"); // warning line 20
throw newExcept;

// Store the current working directory
if (getcwd(cFileName, lMaxpath) == NULL)
XPCException newExcept("Could not get current working directory"); // warning line 28
throw newExcept;

// Retrieve the file's statistics
if (lstat(cFileName, &sStatBuf) == -1)
XPCException newExcept("Could not obtain statics on directory."); // warning line 36
throw newExcept;

XPCFileStat::XPCFileStat(char *_psFileName)
// Allocate memory to store the pathname
cFileName = new char[strlen(_psFileName)+1];
if (!cFileName)
XPCException newExcept("Could not allocate memory for cFileName"); // warming line 48
throw newExcept;

// Copy the pathname to the private data member
strcpy(cFileName, _psFileName);

// Retrieve the file's statistics
if (lstat(cFileName, &sStatBuf) == -1)
XPCException newExcept("Could not obtain statics on directory."); // warning line 59
throw newExcept;

XPCFileStat::XPCFileStat(const XPCFileStat &_oldClass)
cFileName = new char[sizeof(_oldClass.cFileName)+1];
if (!cFileName)
XPCException newExcept("Could not allocate memory for cFileName");// warning line 70
throw newExcept;

strcpy(cFileName, _oldClass.sGetFileName());

memcpy((void *)&sStatBuf, (void *)&_oldClass.getStatBuf(), sizeof(struct stat)); //here is first error

enum eDirectoryTypes XPCFileStat::iGetFileType()
// Extract the file type bits from st_mode and match them up with
// the file type constants

switch(sStatBuf.st_mode & S_IFMT)

enum ePermissions XPCFileStat::iGetOwnerPermissions()
// Extract the owner permission bits and return the appropriate
// permission value

switch(sStatBuf.st_mode & S_IRWXU)

enum ePermissions XPCFileStat::iGetGroupPermissions()
// Extract the group permission bits and return the appropriate
// permission value

switch(sStatBuf.st_mode & S_IRWXG)

enum ePermissions XPCFileStat::iGetOtherPermissions()
// Extract the "other users" permission bits and return the appropriate
// permission value

switch(sStatBuf.st_mode & S_IRWXO)

XPCFileStat &XPCFileStat::eek:perator=(const XPCFileStat &_oldClass)
if (this == &_oldClass)
return *this;

if (sizeof(cFileName) < sizeof(_oldClass.sGetFileName()))
delete [] cFileName;
cFileName = new char[sizeof(cFileName)];
if (!cFileName)
XPCException newExcept("Could not allocate memory for cFileName"); // warning line 221
throw newExcept;
return *this;

memcpy((void *)cFileName, (void *)_oldClass.sGetFileName(), sizeof(_oldClass.sGetFileName()));
memcpy((void *)&sStatBuf, (void *)&_oldClass.getStatBuf(), sizeof(struct stat)); // here is the 2 error


I would be glag if someone would help me to solve at least those two errors. Your help will be appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Ron Natalie

Azzedine said:
"XPCFileStat.C", line 11: Warning: String literal converted to char* in formal argument sMsg in call to

The type of a string literal is really const char[]. However a deprecated conversion is permitted to non-const char. You should
clean up your interfaces to use const char*.
"XPCFileStat.C", line 77: Error: The "&" operator can only be applied to a variable or other l-value.

memcpy((void *)&sStatBuf, (void *)&_oldClass.getStatBuf(), sizeof(struct stat)); //here is first error

I suspect that getStatBuf() returns a stat*. You don't want the &.
The void* casts are spurious. Get out of the habit of providing them.

There's also no reason to use memcpy here. Just more oppurtunity to make errors.
How about:
sStatBuf = *_oldClass.getStatBuf();
memcpy((void *)cFileName, (void *)_oldClass.sGetFileName(), sizeof(_oldClass.sGetFileName()));

The sizeof() here looks dubious. If sGetFileName returns a char*, then sizeof will only be the size of
the pointer. You probably want strlen here. Again, you do a lot of suffering to maintain these strings
yourself as character arrays. Why not use the std::string class?
memcpy((void *)&sStatBuf, (void *)&_oldClass.getStatBuf(), sizeof(struct stat)); // here is the 2 error

Same problem as before.

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