Create TarFile using string buffers



I have a program that generates a number of files that will be
packaged into a tarball. Can I stream the content into TarFile without
first writing them out to the file system? All add(), addfile() and
gettarinfo() seems to assume there is a file in the disk. But for me I
seems inefficient to write all the content to the disk and then have
it read back by the TarFile module.

Thank you for your help


Lars =?iso-8859-15?Q?Gust=E4bel?=

I have a program that generates a number of files that will be
packaged into a tarball. Can I stream the content into TarFile without
first writing them out to the file system? All add(), addfile() and
gettarinfo() seems to assume there is a file in the disk. But for me I
seems inefficient to write all the content to the disk and then have
it read back by the TarFile module.

addfile()'s fileobj argument can be anything that has a read()
method. The amount of bytes to read is taken from the
tarinfo.size attribute. You could let your program write its
data to a StringIO object and pass that object to addfile().

Gabriel Genellina

En Mon, 19 Mar 2007 16:06:39 -0300, (e-mail address removed)
I have a program that generates a number of files that will be
packaged into a tarball. Can I stream the content into TarFile without
first writing them out to the file system? All add(), addfile() and
gettarinfo() seems to assume there is a file in the disk. But for me I
seems inefficient to write all the content to the disk and then have
it read back by the TarFile module.

You can create a TarInfo object directly, and use addfile with a StringIO

import tarfile
from cStringIO import StringIO

data = "Some text, maybe containing\ntwo or more lines\n" + "The quick
brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n" * 20
fobj = StringIO(data)

tar ="sample.tar", "w")
tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo("foo.txt")
tarinfo.size = len(data)
tar.addfile(tarinfo, fobj)

tar ="sample.tar", "r")
foo = tar.extractfile("foo.txt")
data_read =
print "foo.txt:\n%s" % data_read
assert data == data_read

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9s?= Martinelli

I'm using the example of the site :

import struct
pack('hhl', 1, 2, 3)

I should get:
I know it should work. The code is OK.
What could be wrong? Doesnt find the library module?
I repeat that the unpack works ok.
I use debian etch and sarge. Same situation in both of them.

Andrés M.

Gabriel Genellina

En Mon, 19 Mar 2007 19:32:41 -0300, Andrés Martinelli
I'm using the example of the site :

import struct
pack('hhl', 1, 2, 3)

That code should raise a NameError. Either you are using *another* pack
function, or that is not what you actually typed.
This is what I get:

Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
py> import struct
py> struct.pack('hhl', 1, 2, 3)
I should get:

Maybe on another platform - on i386 I get the byte ordering as above.


Thanks. It almost works. The problem is I don't know the size of the
file until it has finished streaming. It looks like the tar file
format need the file size written at the beginning :(

Gabriel Genellina

En Mon, 19 Mar 2007 21:55:30 -0300, (e-mail address removed)
Thanks. It almost works. The problem is I don't know the size of the
file until it has finished streaming. It looks like the tar file
format need the file size written at the beginning :(

Yes, maybe because it's originally a tape format. Anyway it could be done;
addfile() could seek back to the header and patch it after the file size
is known...

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