Dispaly a page to a specific user


Jack David

I have a requirement to build the following:
1: A user logs onto the web application using a user name and password

2: The user is presented with a web page that contains 3 frames (Done)

3: Based on some event that takes place within the system, I want to display
a specific page in one of the frames in the page that is displayed to the
user......This may happen a number of times while the user is logged into
the session.

Any suggestions on how to pop a page into a frame based upon some event. I
am thinking that this will have to be a service that runs in the
background....but what I really want to know is how to display to a specific
IP address??


If phone number = 123-123-1234 then
Check who is logged on
Select a logged on user that is not busy
Display pageABC.aspx to the selected user

Edwin Kusters


The answer is simple: no-can-do-like-that.

Webpages/sites are based on a pull mechanism (client pulls data from the
server) and not a push mechanism.
There is not even a guaranteed active connection between a client and the
server. Using normal http you won't even be able to determine the "Check who
is logged on". The user may very well have closed his or her browser.

All that said there are at least 2 approaches you could look into:
- Use a meta refresh construction in your webpage that forces a reload of a
page every x time.
On the server queue up the tasks you need to distribute and wait for a
refresh call coming in.

The second one works cleaner (and more near real-time) but will take a lot
of hassle and puts a lot of constraints on your environment to be able to
use it (security settings on the client, firewall stuff, etc etc)
- Create some sort of client application (activex control perhaps?) that can
receive notification messages from your server and will trigger the browser
into reloading. This is from the top of my head so there may be a lot of
problems here you will have to deal with. I actually think that office XP
uses such a feature through it's office web components.

Edwin Kusters

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