Hi everybody,
I have some doubts about RDF. I hope you can help me with them:
-In http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-primer, they use the namespace
"http://www.example.org/terms/">", but the URL "http://
does not exist, so it doesn't define any terms. Is this out-of-date?
-Difference between rdf:about and rdf:ID. Can I use only rdf:about?
Can I
use only rdf:ID?
-The RDF graph data model is the same in any collection (e.g., using
or "Bag" or "Seq"). How is this possible? It seems it does not make
that the data model is the same...
-When we say something like:
<rdf:Statement rdf:about="#triple12345">
how should I build the entire URI (#triple12345). Is it relative to
current document? Can I omit the "#"?
-Can multiple inheritance be used regarding properties (besides
-Why some of the elements in RDFS are defined with the namespace "rdf"
others with "rdfs"? For example, "rdf:Bag" and "rdfs:Container" or
"rdfs:subclassOf". I would expect all of them defined with "rdfs"
(otherwise, it seems they are part of RDF, although they appear in the
RDFS description). Can anybody clarify me this confusion?
-In the RDF Primer (http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-primer/, Example 26),
are two lines:
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;integer"/>
atatype rdf:about="&xsd;integer"/>
My question is: is the second line needed? What does it mean? For me,
makes no sense, as "&xsd;integer" is a standard datatype.
-In the example 29 of that same document, it defines a
xml:base="http://example.org/things". Despite the explanation below, I
don't understand what does this mean or what is the purpose of this. I
think the xml:base could be removed. Any idea?
-In that same example, they clarify that "the range declaration does
automatically assign a datatype to a plain literal, and so a typed
of the appropriate datatype must be explicitly provided". I was
why the datatype should not be assigned implicitly. Is there any
for having to do the user by himself/herself?
-I think I read somewhere the definition of RDF using RDF itself. But
cannot find it now... Can anybody please point me to the place where I
find this?
-How is the state of the art in query languages for RDF? Is RQL the
RDQL? Any other?
-If I want to specify a URI that points to a local document. How can I
it? If I indicate that a class is subclass of another class that is
defined in a document whose URI is a URL, every time that a reasoner
this information, does it have to access the URL to check the
definition? Or does it cache the remote document?
-I have read that RDF cannot prevent contradictions, although a
could detect them. What does this mean? I far as I know, if the
can detect it, that's fine. What more could we get? Does OWL provide
something better in this regard?
Thanks a lot in advance,
I have some doubts about RDF. I hope you can help me with them:
-In http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-primer, they use the namespace
"http://www.example.org/terms/">", but the URL "http://
does not exist, so it doesn't define any terms. Is this out-of-date?
-Difference between rdf:about and rdf:ID. Can I use only rdf:about?
Can I
use only rdf:ID?
-The RDF graph data model is the same in any collection (e.g., using
or "Bag" or "Seq"). How is this possible? It seems it does not make
that the data model is the same...
-When we say something like:
<rdf:Statement rdf:about="#triple12345">
how should I build the entire URI (#triple12345). Is it relative to
current document? Can I omit the "#"?
-Can multiple inheritance be used regarding properties (besides
-Why some of the elements in RDFS are defined with the namespace "rdf"
others with "rdfs"? For example, "rdf:Bag" and "rdfs:Container" or
"rdfs:subclassOf". I would expect all of them defined with "rdfs"
(otherwise, it seems they are part of RDF, although they appear in the
RDFS description). Can anybody clarify me this confusion?
-In the RDF Primer (http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-primer/, Example 26),
are two lines:
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;integer"/>
My question is: is the second line needed? What does it mean? For me,
makes no sense, as "&xsd;integer" is a standard datatype.
-In the example 29 of that same document, it defines a
xml:base="http://example.org/things". Despite the explanation below, I
don't understand what does this mean or what is the purpose of this. I
think the xml:base could be removed. Any idea?
-In that same example, they clarify that "the range declaration does
automatically assign a datatype to a plain literal, and so a typed
of the appropriate datatype must be explicitly provided". I was
why the datatype should not be assigned implicitly. Is there any
for having to do the user by himself/herself?
-I think I read somewhere the definition of RDF using RDF itself. But
cannot find it now... Can anybody please point me to the place where I
find this?
-How is the state of the art in query languages for RDF? Is RQL the
RDQL? Any other?
-If I want to specify a URI that points to a local document. How can I
it? If I indicate that a class is subclass of another class that is
defined in a document whose URI is a URL, every time that a reasoner
this information, does it have to access the URL to check the
definition? Or does it cache the remote document?
-I have read that RDF cannot prevent contradictions, although a
could detect them. What does this mean? I far as I know, if the
can detect it, that's fine. What more could we get? Does OWL provide
something better in this regard?
Thanks a lot in advance,