Dropdown in ASP Page


JP SIngh

I have three dropdowns in one of my asp page. Each dropdown does return a
huge amount of records , 5000 to be precise.

The huge amount of data makes the page slower to load and also makes it
extermly diffcult for users to choose one value from the list.

Does someone have a better solution to implement this?

I guess one of the things that I am keen on is to have a textbox (readonly)
and a pop up window to allow users to search for a particular product and
then clicking the found product closes the pop up windwo and adds the
selected product value to the textbox.

Does anyone know how to transfer the value of the selected product to the
textbox on the main form.


Bob Barrows [MVP]

JP said:
I have three dropdowns in one of my asp page. Each dropdown does
return a huge amount of records , 5000 to be precise.

The huge amount of data makes the page slower to load and also makes
it extermly diffcult for users to choose one value from the list.

Does someone have a better solution to implement this?

Use a dynamic listbox instead of a dropdown. Download my demo from
to see one way of doing it.

Bob Barrows

Jeff Cochran

I have three dropdowns in one of my asp page. Each dropdown does return a
huge amount of records , 5000 to be precise.

The huge amount of data makes the page slower to load and also makes it
extermly diffcult for users to choose one value from the list.

Does someone have a better solution to implement this?

Of course. Write your code so it doesn't return 5,000 records.
Nobody's going to look at that many anyway.
I guess one of the things that I am keen on is to have a textbox (readonly)

Why would it be read only?
and a pop up window to allow users to search for a particular product and
then clicking the found product closes the pop up windwo and adds the
selected product value to the textbox.

So do it. We aren't stopping you. :)
Does anyone know how to transfer the value of the selected product to the
textbox on the main form.

How's this?

Response.Write "<input type="text" name="product" value=" &_
Request.QueryString(Product) & ">"



If you still want to implement a pop-up search you would be belooking at some
client-side scripting in your future.

basically you will want to open the little search window (probably using
somehting like window.open() ) and allow the user to search, so minimujm one
small searcyh form page and one search results page.

At this point you have two options, either pass back the list of search
results to fill the dropdown or pass back only a single results. My advice
would be to pass back just a single result. My assumption is that in addition
to what your displaying to the user you may have some sort of id in the
backgroundthat your code prefers to deal with. In this case you would need to
pass back both the display text andthe key/id to the original page.

The eaisest way to handle this would be to build a small javascript function
in the original page tat accepts two values and then assignes them to a text
input/hidden input pair. The child window (popup) would call the function
based on it's parent object reference, so it would be something like:

So basically you would want to create your links in your search results with
an onClick function to call that parent function then call the window.close
method to get rid of the little popup window.

If you need additional search forms based on values chosen from earlier
searches (ie, search #2 is limited by the results tey chose from search #1)
thn you would just pass those limiting values in the querystring of your
window.open call to open the second search popup.



Use the following method:

Previous Next
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

and only put 20 to 50 per page. (do this in asp and it will automatically
create your pages for you)


If request.querystring("page") = "" Then

pageno = 1


pageno = request.querystring("page")

End If

'Number of pages 50

rs.pagesize = 50

totalpages = CInt(rs.pagecount)

'which page to work with

rs.absolutepage = pageno

If totalpages > 1 Then

'forward/next buttons


'see wether to write a previous

If pageno > 1 Then

response.write "<A href=flyer.asp?page=" & pageno - 1 &

End If

'see if we're not at the last page!

If int(pageno) < int(totalpages) Then

response.write "<A href=flyer.asp?page=" & pageno + 1 & ">Next</a>&nbsp;"

End If


'do the page numbers

For A = 1 To totalpages

'check to see if it is the current page - write in red if it is

If Int(A) = Int(pageno) Then

Response.write "<font color=red>" & A & "</font>&nbsp;"


Response.write "<A href=flyer.asp?page=" & A & ">" & A & "</font></a>&nbsp;"

End If



End If


'now display the records

For x = 1 To 50

If rs.EOF Then

'we're at the end of the recordset so exit..

Exit For




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