edit single record in formview



i want to return a selected record through output parameters in a stored proc
and bind them to a formview; is this possible and how should it be done?
currently i'm using a stored proced that essentially returns a set of data
containing only one row for the selected record. it is my understanding that
this is ineffecient as compared to using output parameters for single record


Christopher Reed

No, it's probably more efficient to return back a single record than having
to keep track of multiple output parameters from a stored procedure.


Sorry, I was using "effeciency" to describe the resources used on the server
and/or client. Using output parameters to return a single record has be the
norm since vb 6.0/ASP 1.0/SQL Server 6.5 when ADO was first introduced
(perhaps before, but that is when I became aware of it). It means less
resources are used by the server building a "record/data set object" to pass
back to the client, and less resources are used on the client maintaining
this object. Using output parameters is always faster and uses less overhead
than executing and return a full result set.

For the developer, imho, coding to output parameters is not much more work
than coding to a result set object (ie dataset/datareader), but perhaps
that's just been the case in my scenarios and yours have been different.

At any rate, thanks for the reply. Perhaps this is a question that can be
reposted in the correct forum if it needs further investigation, as I'm still
needing an answer to my databinding question.


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