exe runs from BCB IDE and on double-click, won't run from cmd line... help!



Hi there,

I'm working with BCB6, and I'm having a strange error. I've tried
to find a solution elsewhere, but I've got everyone scratching their

What's happening is that any exe I build in BCB6 that opens another
file will run fine if I run it from the IDE, and will run if I
double-click the exe, but when I try to run it from the command line,
it doesn't find the file specified. That is, I'll get the error code
specified for a file not found.

I've written a simple 'readlines' script to eliminate the possibility
that there's some problem with the more complex scripts I'm trying to
run, and I still have the same problem. (script attached)
The file "haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml" is in the project folder
with the exe, and I've added that folder to the include path and
library path (not that that's necessary for this script, I think).
Obviously, for this script, I get the "error opening output file" error

Anyone have any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Any and all assistance
would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Al.

//Code Starts

#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
string str;
ifstream haarfile("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml");
if (!haarfile) //test file open
cout << "error opening output file" <<endl;
return -1;
while (! haarfile.eof()) //loop through lines
getline(haarfile, str);
cout << str << endl;
return 0;

//Code ends

Ian Collins

Hi there,

I'm working with BCB6, and I'm having a strange error. I've tried
to find a solution elsewhere, but I've got everyone scratching their

I think you'd better find a group specific to your environment.

Marcus Kwok

Sorry, I do not have a solution to your problem, but I did see some
things that should be changed in your code (see below)

Hi there,

I'm working with BCB6, and I'm having a strange error. I've tried
to find a solution elsewhere, but I've got everyone scratching their

What's happening is that any exe I build in BCB6 that opens another
file will run fine if I run it from the IDE, and will run if I
double-click the exe, but when I try to run it from the command line,
it doesn't find the file specified. That is, I'll get the error code
specified for a file not found. [snip]

#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
string str;
ifstream haarfile("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml");
if (!haarfile) //test file open
cout << "error opening output file" <<endl;
return -1;

IIRC the only portable values that main() can return are 0, EXIT_SUCCESS
(usually #defined to be 0), and EXIT_FAILURE. The latter two are
declared in said:
while (! haarfile.eof()) //loop through lines
getline(haarfile, str);
cout << str << endl;

This will loop one too many times. Better is:

while (getline(harrfile, str)) {
cout << str << endl;

See http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/input-output.html#faq-15.5 for
more info (and be sure to read the whole FAQ too, there is lots of good
stuff in there).

Not strictly necessary as the file will be closed by ifstream's
destructor when haarfile goes out of scope.
return 0;

Also not strictly necessary in C++, though some people like to have it
explicitly there.

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