Can anoyne tell me why this VBScript will create the file to Excel
just fine, but the Excel file will not open up? I am saving it as a
xlsx file instead of an xls one and I have the new version of Excel
my machine and have opened other Excel files with that extension but
this one I get the following error:
"Excel cannot open the file 'Test.xlsx' because the file format or
file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been
corrupted and the file extension matches the format of the file."
If I switch the file type to be .xls instead of .xlsx, it will save
the file and open with no problems. Below is an example of the VB
script I'm using.
dim Cn,Rs
set Cn=server.createobject("ADODB.connection")
set Rs=server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")
Cn.open "MyConnectionString"
Rs.open "mysqlquery",Cn,1,3
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment;
if Rs.eof <> true then
response.write "<table border=1>"
while not Rs.eof
response.write "<tr><td>" & Rs.fields("mydatafield") & "</
response.write "</table>"
end if
set rs=nothing
just fine, but the Excel file will not open up? I am saving it as a
xlsx file instead of an xls one and I have the new version of Excel
my machine and have opened other Excel files with that extension but
this one I get the following error:
"Excel cannot open the file 'Test.xlsx' because the file format or
file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been
corrupted and the file extension matches the format of the file."
If I switch the file type to be .xls instead of .xlsx, it will save
the file and open with no problems. Below is an example of the VB
script I'm using.
dim Cn,Rs
set Cn=server.createobject("ADODB.connection")
set Rs=server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")
Cn.open "MyConnectionString"
Rs.open "mysqlquery",Cn,1,3
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment;
if Rs.eof <> true then
response.write "<table border=1>"
while not Rs.eof
response.write "<tr><td>" & Rs.fields("mydatafield") & "</
response.write "</table>"
end if
set rs=nothing