Extending & Embedding Python


Marco Meoni

Hi all! I've a problem with a C++ class that has to be included in a
python application. One way to do it is Extending and Embedding the
Python Interpreter
Now i have 2 questions
1) Is there a one-file version of this tutorial?
2) Is there anyone that can help me with this problem? The class is

Thanks all.

Attached files:
#include "Cipher/Cipher.h"

#define PAYLOAD_LENGHT 5000

//the our defined packe over the UDP datagram
struct packet {
int lenght; // sizeof(payload) = sizeof(int) + strlen(payload)
unsigned char payload[PAYLOAD_LENGHT]; // the xml string
} __attribute__ ((packed));

//! manage the send and receive of udp packet
/*! by default: send message non-cripted */
class PacketManager
struct packet packet_to_send;
Cipher * pc;
int s; //socket descriptor
virtual ~PacketManager();

///Network member function
bool send(char * IPdest , int port_to);
unsigned char * receive (char * IPdest, int timeout); //non-blocking
unsigned char * waitMessage(char * IPfrom); //blocking

///Packet Builder member function
bool build_Packet();
bool setCipher(Cipher * c);
Cipher * getCipher();

///Set and Get function on all attributes

bool set_Payload(unsigned char * c, int lenght);
unsigned char * get_Payload();

bool set_packet_lenght(unsigned int lenght);
unsigned int get_packet_lenght();

void set_Socket(int socket);
int get_Socket();
bool buildPacket();
void setSocket(int socket);
packet getPacket();
bool setPacket(unsigned char * c,int lenght);
void closeSocket();

#include "Cipher/Cipher.h"
#include "Cipher/NullCipher.h"

#include "PacketManager.h"

#include "messages.h"

#define PORT_FROM 40004

//! manage the send and receive of udp packet
/*! by default: send message non-cripted */

pc = new NullCipher();

s = create_UDP_socket(PORT_FROM);


close (s);
delete pc;

void PacketManager::setSocket(int socket)
s = socket;

bool PacketManager::buildPacket()
pc->encrypt(); //! ciphering
return true;


Cipher * PacketManager::getCipher()
return pc;

bool PacketManager::setCipher(Cipher * c)
return true;

//! send payload + header to IPdest at port_to
/*! send payload + header in an UDP packet
\param IPdest address to witch send the packet
\param port_to port to witch send the packet
bool PacketManager::send(char *IPdest,int port_to)


//unsigned char * message_to_send = new unsigned
char(packet_to_send.lenght * sizeof(unsigned char));
unsigned char message_to_send[5000];

memcpy (message_to_send, &(packet_to_send.lenght) ,

unsigned char * tmp_payload = message_to_send;


// memcpy (message_to_send + sizeof(int), packet_to_send.payload,
packet_to_send.lenght - sizeof(int)); //! mess =

//memcpy (message_to_send, &packet_to_send ,sizeof (struct
packet)); //! mess = [packet_to_send]


printf ("Sto per inviare: \nlenght = \t%d \nPayload = \t%s\n",
packet_to_send.lenght , packet_to_send.payload);

message_to(s,port_to,IPdest, message_to_send , packet_to_send.lenght

//delete message_to_send;

//return 0;

return true;

//! wait for a packet, non blocking, don't check for IP
/*! wait for a packet, non blocking, don't check for IP
* param IPdest should be the IP from witch receive files
* param timeout should be the seconds to wait until a message was
unsigned char * PacketManager::receive(char *IPdest, int timeout)
info risposta;
risposta = wait_message(s);
//!have to check if the message return from IPdest
return risposta.message;


//! wait for a packet from IPfrom, blocking
/*! wait for a packet from IPfrom, blocking, with check on IP
\param IPfrom the IP of the machine you want to wait for
unsigned char * PacketManager::waitMessage(char *IPfrom)

info mess_received;
bool b = false;

while (b == false )
mess_received = wait_message(s);

in_addr_t ip_manager; //!check if the message return from IPdest
ip_manager = inet_addr(IPfrom);
unsigned char * ip_man = new unsigned char(4);
ip_man = (unsigned char * ) &ip_manager;
if ( ip_man[0] == mess_received.ip[0] && \
ip_man[1] == mess_received.ip[1] && \
ip_man[2] == mess_received.ip[2] && \
ip_man[3] == mess_received.ip[3] \
b = true;


return mess_received.message;


bool PacketManager::setPacket(unsigned char * c,int lenght)
//strcpy ((char *) payload, (char *) c); //! with strcpy you
can't have \0 in middle of a payload, or it will be truncated

packet_to_send.lenght = lenght + sizeof (int);

return true;

packet PacketManager::getPacket()
return packet_to_send;

void PacketManager::closeSocket(){


David Murmann

Marco said:
Hi all! I've a problem with a C++ class that has to be included in a
python application. One way to do it is Extending and Embedding the
Python Interpreter
Now i have 2 questions
1) Is there a one-file version of this tutorial?

i'm not sure what tutorial you mean. are you talking about the
Extending and Embedding section of the python manual?

2) Is there anyone that can help me with this problem? The class is

i haven't read your code, but you might want to take a look at SWIG:


Marco Meoni

About SWIG:
This program has a lot of commands...
In your opinion what is the best settings for my use?

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