fetch data from output parameter of a store procedure



Hi everyone,
I wrote a store procedure that fetch one row data in the database based on
the parameter value I entered. After I created the store procedure,
the store procedure code looks like this:
ALTER proc getProductCommScale @product As varchar(30), @TISCommRate As
Decimal(5,2) OUTPUT,
@BrokerCommRate As Decimal(5,2) OUTPUT, @Fee As Decimal(5,2) OUTPUT
if RTRIM(@product)='Imed'
Select @TISCommRate=TISComm, @BrokerCommRate=BrokerComm, @Fee=Fee
from tis_productCommScale where ProductName='Imed'
select @TISCommRate , @BrokerCommRate, @Fee
an dthen I tested in the database with the following code:
Declare @TISCommRate As Decimal(5,2)
Declare @BrokerCommRate As Decimal(5,2)
Declare @Fee As Decimal(5,2)
exec getProductCommScale 'Vusa',@TISCommRate, @BrokerCommRate, @Fee
Then I got the following data:
..35 .20 5.00

But it seems not working in asp.net(1.1), here is part of my .net coding:
Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection = New
Dim myCommand As SqlCommand = New
SqlCommand("GetProductCommScale", sqlConnection)

myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim pProduct As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@Product",
SqlDbType.VarChar, 30)
pProduct.Value = product

Dim pTisCommRate As SqlParameter = New
SqlParameter("@TISCommRate", SqlDbType.Decimal)
pTisCommRate.Precision = 5
pTisCommRate.Scale = 2
pTisCommRate.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

Dim pBrokerCommRate As SqlParameter = New
SqlParameter("@BrokerCommRate", SqlDbType.Decimal)
pBrokerCommRate.Precision = 5
pBrokerCommRate.Scale = 2
pBrokerCommRate.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

Dim pFee As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@Fee",
pFee.Precision = 5
pFee.Scale = 2
pFee.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

Dim reader As SqlDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()

Dim TisCommRate As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(pTisCommRate.Value)

But somehow I always get nothing from pTisCommRate.Value, same to the other
parameters. What's going on? I am just learning to get data from output
parameters, did I miss anything?


Sorry, I use the wrong one: exec getProductCommScale 'Vusa',@TISCommRate,
@BrokerCommRate, @Fee
Acutally I mean exec getProductCommScale 'Imed,@TISCommRate,
@BrokerCommRate, @Fee


Hi everyone,
I got it. It is because I added one more line code in the Store Procedure
which is

select ,@TISCommRate, @BrokerCommRate, @Fee
It is used for displaying data after the execution of the store procedure.
After I removed the line of code, the data in the my asp.net fine now.
Can you tell me why?


I got it, it is because of the extra line of code in the store procedure
select @TISCommRate, @BrokerCommRate, @Fee
for displaying execution result from the store procedure. After I removed
this line of code, it is fine in asp.net.
Can you tell me why?

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Betty,

As for the store procedure output parameter behavior you encountered, it is
due to the following reason:

When you add the addition statement below in your SP:

select ,@TISCommRate, @BrokerCommRate, @Fee

after you executed the stored precedure, it will return three results:

1. three columes resulted by the above statement, you can change the
statement to

"select ,@TISCommRate as AA , @BrokerCommRate as BB , @Fee as CC" to
distinct with your output paramters

2. the output parameters defined in your SP( @TISCommRate,
@BrokerCommRate, @Fee)

3. the return value of your store procedure.

You can verify this by executing the SP in SQL Server management studio or
query analyzer.

When you execute the SP through .NET SqlCommand object, the returned
DataReader will also contains the three results, and the #1 one is in ahead
of the output parameters, therefore, you need to use the
DataReader.NextResult to go through the previous result and query the
parameters. e.g:


Dim reader As SqlDataReader
reader = comm.ExecuteReader()

'get the first result


For Each pm As SqlParameter In comm.Parameters

If pm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output Then
Response.Write("<br/>" & pm.ParameterName & ": " & pm.Value)
End If



another means to get the output parameter is access the Parameters
collection after you have closed the datareader, at that time, those output
parameter has been filled with the proper return values. e.g.


Dim reader As SqlDataReader
reader = comm.ExecuteReader()



' access the output parameters here


Hope this helps clarify it. If you have anything unclear, please feel free
to let me know.


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead


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Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Me too :)

Have a nice day!


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead

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