First time question

Dec 13, 2022
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Im new to coding and this is my assignment, my question is why both of the if else segment doesn't count out when I run the program.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
int state, vote = 0, sabah = 0, sarawak = 0, labuan = 0, packageA = 0, packageB = 0;
char package, select;
cout << "The Recreation Club, Kampus Kuala Terengganu\n\n"
"Given the following states:\n"
"[1] SABAH\n"
"[2] SARAWAK\n"
"[3] LABUAN\n\n"
"Choose the state you prefer to go (1/2/3): ";
cin >> state;
if (state == 1)
vote++, sabah++;
else if (state == 2)
vote++, sarawak++;
else if (state == 3)
vote++, labuan++;
"A Inclusive all 1600\n"
"B Exclusive food 899\n\n"
"Choose your package: ";
cin >> package;
if (package == 'A' || package == 'a')
else if (package == 'B' || package == 'b')
cout << "\nContinue with the next person (Y/N): ";
cin >> select;
while (select != 'N' && select != 'n')
cout << "\n[1] SABAH\n"
"[2] SARAWAK\n"
"[3] LABUAN\n\n"
"\nChoose the state you prefer to go (1/2/3): ";
cin >> state;
if (state == 1)
vote++, sabah++;
else if (state == 2)
vote++, sarawak++;
else if (state == 3)
vote++, labuan++;
"A Inclusive all 1600\n"
"B Exclusive food 899\n\n"
"\nChoose your package: ";
cin >> package;
if (package == 'A' || package == 'a')
else if (package == 'B' || package == 'b')
cout << "\nContinue with the next person (Y/N): ";
cin >> select;
cout << "\nThe ranking summary\n"
"Number of voters: " <<vote<< "";
if ((sabah >> sarawak && sarawak >> labuan) || (sabah >> sarawak && sarawak == labuan))
cout << "\n\nFirst choice : Sabah (voted by " <<sabah<< " people)\n"
"Second choice : Sarawak (voted by " <<sarawak<< " people)\n"
"Third choice: Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n\n";
else if (sabah >> labuan && labuan >> sarawak)
cout << "\n\nFirst choice : Sabah (voted by " <<sabah<< " people)\n"
"Second choice : Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n"
"Third choice: Sarawak (voted by " <<sarawak<< " people)\n\n";
else if ((sarawak >> sabah && sabah >> labuan) || (sarawak >> sabah && sabah == labuan))
cout << "\n\nFirst choice : Sarawak (voted by " <<sarawak<< " people)\n"
"Second choice : Sabah (voted by " <<sabah<< " people)\n"
"Third choice: Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n\n";
else if (sarawak >> labuan && labuan >> sabah)
cout << "\n\nFirst choice : Sarawak (voted by " <<sarawak<< " people)\n"
"Second choice : Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n"
"Third choice: Sabah (voted by " <<sabah<< " people)\n\n";
else if ((labuan >> sabah && sabah >> sarawak) || (labuan >> sabah && sabah == sarawak))
cout << "\n\nFirst choice : Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n"
"Second choice : Sabah (voted by " <<sabah<< " people)\n"
"Third choice: Sarawak (voted by " <<sarawak<< " people)\n\n";
else if (labuan >> sarawak && sarawak >> sabah)
cout << "\n\nFirst choice : Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n"
"Second choice : Sarawak (voted by " <<sarawak<< " people)\n"
"Third choice: Sabah (voted by " <<sabah<< " people)\n\n";
else if ((sabah == sarawak && sabah >> labuan) || (sabah == labuan && sabah >> sarawak) || (labuan == sarawak && labuan >> sabah))
cout << "\n\nThere is a draw for first choice. Please redo the vote.\n\n";
cout << "Package Preference\n"
"Package A: Preferred by " <<packageA<< " people\n"
"Package B: Preferred by " <<packageB<< " people";
if (packageA >= 10 && packageA >> packageB)
cout << "\n\nA group discount of 10% is applicable for Package A. The cost per person for Package A is now RM1440.\n\n";
else if (packageA << 10 && packageA >> packageB)
cout << "\n\nThe cost per person for Package A is RM1600.\n\n";
else if (packageB >= 10 && packageB >> packageA)
cout << "\n\nA group discount of 10% is applicable for Package B. The cost per person for Package B is now RM809.10.\n\n";
else if (packageB << 10 && packageB >> packageA)
cout << "\n\nThe cost per person for Package B is RM899.\n\n";
else if (packageA == packageB)
cout << "\n\nThere is a draw in the voting. Please redo the vote.\n\n";
system ("pause");
return 0;
Jan 30, 2023
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It appears that the problem is in the ranking summary section. If two states have the same vote count, then neither of them will be ranked first. To fix this, you can add an additional condition for each pair of states to check if they have the same vote count. If so, you can list both of them as having the same ranking. Here's an example:

cout << "\nThe ranking summary\n"
"Number of voters: " <<vote<< "";

if (sabah > sarawak && sabah > labuan) {
    cout << "\n\nFirst choice : Sabah (voted by " <<sabah<< " people)\n";
    if (sarawak > labuan) {
        cout << "Second choice : Sarawak (voted by " <<sarawak<< " people)\n"
        "Third choice: Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n\n";
    } else if (sarawak == labuan) {
        cout << "Second choice : Sarawak (voted by " <<sarawak<< " people)\n"
        "Second choice : Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n\n";
    } else {
        cout << "Second choice : Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n"
        "Third choice: Sarawak (voted by " <<sarawak<< " people)\n\n";
} else if (sarawak > sabah && sarawak > labuan) {
    cout << "\n\nFirst choice : Sarawak (voted by " <<sarawak<< " people)\n";
    if (sabah > labuan) {
        cout << "Second choice : Sabah (voted by " <<sabah<< " people)\n"
        "Third choice: Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n\n";
    } else if (sabah == labuan) {
        cout << "Second choice : Sabah (voted by " <<sabah<< " people)\n"
        "Second choice : Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n\n";
    } else {
        cout << "Second choice : Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n"
        "Third choice: Sabah (voted by " <<sabah<< " people)\n\n";
} else if (labuan > sabah && labuan > sarawak) {
    cout << "\n\nFirst choice : Labuan (voted by " <<labuan<< " people)\n";
    if (sabah > sarawak) {
        cout << "Second choice : Sabah (voted by " <<sabah<< " people)\n"
        "Third choice: Sarawak (voted by " <<sarawak<< " people)\n\n";
    } else if (sabah == sarawak) {
        cout << "Second choice : Sabah (voted by " <<sabah<< " people)\n"
        "Second choice : Sarawak (voted by " <<sarawak<< " people)\n\n";
    } else {
        cout << "Second choice

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