float to string to float, with first float == second float


Carsten Fuchs

Dear group,

I would like to serialize a float f1 to a string s, then unserialize s back to a float f2 again,
such that:

* s is minimal (use only the precision that is required)
and preferably in decimal notation,
* f1==f2 (exact same value after the roundtrip)

(The first property is for human readers and file size, the second is for data integrity.)
Here is my implementation:

std::string serialize(float f1)
std::string s;

for (unsigned int prec=6; prec<10; prec++)
std::stringstream ss;

ss << f1;


float f2;
ss >> f2;

if (f2==f1) break;

return s;

It seems to work very well, and I found that in my application 65% to 90% of the float numbers
serialized this way exit the loop in the first iteration.

However, I was wondering if there is a shorter and/or more elegant way of implementing this,
using either C++ streams, C printf-functions, or any other technique available in C++.

I'd be very grateful for any feedback and advice!

Thank you very much, and best regards,

Francesco S. Carta

Dear group,

I would like to serialize a float f1 to a string s, then unserialize s back to a float f2 again,
such that:

        * s is minimal (use only the precision that is required)
          and preferably in decimal notation,
        * f1==f2 (exact same value after the roundtrip)

(The first property is for human readers and file size, the second is for data integrity.)
Here is my implementation:

std::string serialize(float f1)
     std::string s;

     for (unsigned int prec=6; prec<10; prec++)
         std::stringstream ss;

         ss << f1;


         float f2;
         ss >> f2;

         if (f2==f1) break;

     return s;


It seems to work very well, and I found that in my application 65% to 90% of the float numbers
serialized this way exit the loop in the first iteration.

However, I was wondering if there is a shorter and/or more elegant way of implementing this,
using either C++ streams, C printf-functions, or any other technique available in C++.

There are a couple of problems with your code.

First, you should never compare floats or doubles for equality that

Secondarily, extracting (>>) non-character data (integers, doubles and
so on) from streams can hang.

There is another thread running more or less on the same issues. I
cannot add further details without spoiling the other one, consider
having a look there (the topic is: "Good way to read tuple or tripel
from text file?".)

You can also reach a lot of useful information from the last two links
of my signature.


Francesco S. Carta

There are a couple of problems with your code.

First, you should never compare floats or doubles for equality that

Secondarily, extracting (>>) non-character data (integers, doubles and
so on) from streams can hang.

I'm misusing the "hang" word, I noticed, and of course, this wasn't
the case with your code, but I had to mention it - I meant to say that
it can misbehave.

Fred Zwarts

Francesco said:
There are a couple of problems with your code.

First, you should never compare floats or doubles for equality that

Why not? One of the requirements is "exact same value after the roundtrip".
What is a better way to compare for exact same value?

Francesco S. Carta

Why not? One of the requirements is "exact same value after the roundtrip".
What is a better way to compare for exact same value?

The equality operator applied to floating point types simply isn't
It may work in such a particular case, but you're not guaranteed it

Built-in floating point types simply don't give such kind of
certainty, hence I think there is no unequivocal answer to the
question you're asking me.

Fred Zwarts

Francesco said:
The equality operator applied to floating point types simply isn't
It may work in such a particular case, but you're not guaranteed it

What do you mean? Would it give wrong results?
Return false if the operands are equal
or return true if operands are different?
Built-in floating point types simply don't give such kind of
certainty, hence I think there is no unequivocal answer to the
question you're asking me.

As far as I know floating point types are deterministic well defined
types with binary representations for, exactly what it says, floating point
values (not to be mixed with the notion of mathematical real numbers).
The outcome of operations of floating point types can be
predicted with 100% certainty and 100% accuracy.
Also the equality operator is well defined
If you know how floating point types work,
the equality operator can be used very well.
If you do not understand how they work,
the equality operation may give some surprises,
but don't blame the equality operator.

Rune Allnor

Dear group,

I would like to serialize a float f1 to a string s, then unserialize s back to a float f2 again,
such that:

        * s is minimal (use only the precision that is required)
          and preferably in decimal notation,
        * f1==f2 (exact same value after the roundtrip)

(The first property is for human readers and file size, the second is for data integrity.)

You should choose between *either* human readability *or*
data integrity. You can't have both.

To demonstrate the point, try

#include <iostream>

int main()
float a=0.3;
double b = a;

std::cout << "a = " << a << std::endl;
std::cout << "b = " << b << std::endl;

return 0;


a = 0.3
b = 0.300000011921

There are two problems here:

1) Numbers that are exact in decimal notation
have no exact floating-point representation,
only an approximation.
2) One can not tell the 'true' number of bits or
digits needed to represent any one number.

Whenever approximations occur (0.3 can't be represented
exactly, only approximately, as single precision floating
point), approximation errors creep in. Whenever the
accuracy of the representation is expanded, those errors
can not be avoided. It doesn't matter in the case above
that 0.3 on double precision format can be represented
correctly to some 14 significant digits: Since the numeric
value is constrained by the original single precision format,
b is incorrect from the 8th significant digit onwards.

This is the game you are playing when you ask that
the precision is no larger than 'necessary'.

Some arguments why *not* to do what you want:

1) If data integrity is a priority, store the data on a
binary file format: While imperfect, the binary format
is consistent. Of course, if the usual number formats
are unacceptable to you, you could use some binary encoded
decimal format.
2) If size is a priority, store the data on a binary file
format: Single precision floating point numbers require
32 bits of storage on most platforms available today.
A text-based format requires some 8-12 8-bit ASCII characters.
Only a small number of such characters are actually used
(10 digits, 1 decimal separator, 2 signs, 1-2 field separators),
giving an entropy in the neighbourhood of 4 bits. Which means
the naive text-based format is vastly ineffective, files being
about a factor 2 larger than necessary
3) If speed is a priority, use a binary file format: It takes a
long time to convert numerical data back and forth between text
formats and internal binary formats. Expect 30-60 seconds per
100 MBytes of text-format numerals.

Of course, Binary Encoded Decimal formats might be used to
bring in the human readability aspect, but the question the
becomes security and consistency: Some time sooner or later
somebody down the line will forget / disregard / ignore the
fact that the numbers are BEDs and not standard floats.

With misery and mayhem to follow.


Nick Keighley

You should choose between *either* human readability *or*
data integrity. You can't have both.

To demonstrate the point, try

#include <iostream>

int main()
        float a=0.3;
        double b = a;

        std::cout << "a = " << a << std::endl;
        std::cout << "b = " << b << std::endl;

        return 0;}



a = 0.3
b = 0.300000011921

There are two problems here:

1) Numbers that are exact in decimal notation
   have no exact floating-point representation,
   only an approximation.

try 0.5


2) One can not tell the 'true' number of bits or
   digits needed to represent any one number.

Whenever approximations occur (0.3 can't be represented
exactly, only approximately, as single precision floating
point), approximation errors creep in. Whenever the
accuracy of the representation is expanded, those errors
can not be avoided. It doesn't matter in the case above
that 0.3 on double precision format can be represented
correctly to some 14 significant digits: Since the numeric
value is constrained by the original single precision format,
b is incorrect from the 8th significant digit onwards.

This is the game you are playing when you ask that
the precision is no larger than 'necessary'.

Some arguments why *not* to do what you want:

1) If data integrity is a priority, store the data on a
   binary file format: While imperfect, the binary format
   is consistent. Of course, if the usual number formats
   are unacceptable to you, you could use some binary encoded
   decimal format.
2) If size is a priority, store the data on a binary file
   format: Single precision floating point numbers require
   32 bits of storage on most platforms available today.
   A text-based format requires some 8-12 8-bit ASCII characters.
   Only a small number of such characters are actually used
   (10 digits, 1 decimal separator, 2 signs, 1-2 field separators),
   giving an entropy in the neighbourhood of 4 bits. Which means
   the naive text-based format is vastly ineffective, files being
   about a factor 2 larger than necessary
3) If speed is a priority, use a binary file format: It takes a
   long time to convert numerical data back and forth between text
   formats and internal binary formats. Expect 30-60 seconds per
   100 MBytes of text-format numerals.

Of course, Binary Encoded Decimal formats might be used to
bring in the human readability aspect, but the question the
becomes security and consistency: Some time sooner or later
somebody down the line will forget / disregard / ignore the
fact that the numbers are BEDs and not standard floats.

With misery and mayhem to follow.

there a hex floating point formats which I believe
preserve precision and human (well, computer programmer) readability

Rune Allnor

That's one of the few decimal numbers that can be represented
exactly on binary format. In fact, decimal numbers on the form

x = 2^n

where n is selected from a certain subset of integers, can be
represented exactly, as binary numbers. If the OP can accept
such a constraint on the decimal numbers he wants to work with,
then by all means, disregard what I said. But if he wants to
work with arbitrary numbers, he is in for trouble.



You should choose between *either* human readability *or*
data integrity. You can't have both.

In theory you can have both. The decimal representation just needs to
be "close enough". A mapping is invertible if it is surjective. If you
generate enough decimal digits in the double->string mapping, it will
become surjective.

In practice I wouldn't know how to implement this. I recently used the
scientific manipulator in combination with the setprecision
manipulator and rely on the implementations quality. As precision I
used std::numerical_limits<double>::digits10+1 hoping for the best.
But I don't really expect the roundtrip double->string->double to be
lossless. A little test suggests that the implementation of libstdc++
is not bad at all:

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

string d2s(double x)
stringstream ss;
ss << setprecision(numeric_limits<double>::digits10+1);
ss << scientific;
ss << x;
return ss.str();

double s2d(string s)
stringstream ss(s);
double x;
ss >> x;
return x;

int main()
for (int pass=0; pass<20; ++pass) {
double x = double(rand())/RAND_MAX + 1.0;
string s = d2s(x);
double y = s2d(s);
std::cout << s << ", delta = " << (x-y) << '\n';


1.0012512588885158e+000, delta = 0
1.5635853144932401e+000, delta = 0
1.1933042390209663e+000, delta = 0
1.8087405011139257e+000, delta = 0
1.5850093081453902e+000, delta = 0
1.4798730430005798e+000, delta = 0
1.3502914517654958e+000, delta = 0
1.8959624011963256e+000, delta = 0
1.8228400524918362e+000, delta = 0
1.7466048158207954e+000, delta = 0
1.1741080965605639e+000, delta = 0
1.8589434492019410e+000, delta = 0
1.7105014191106906e+000, delta = 0
1.5135349589526048e+000, delta = 0
1.3039948728904081e+000, delta = 0
1.0149845881527146e+000, delta = 0
1.0914029358806117e+000, delta = 0
1.3644520401623585e+000, delta = 0
1.1473128452406385e+000, delta = 0
1.1658986175115207e+000, delta = 0

If 100% certainty is required you probably have to do it yourself
(somehow) or store the numbers binary


Francesco S. Carta

What do you mean? Would it give wrong results?
Return false if the operands are equal
or return true if operands are different?

As far as I know floating point types are deterministic well defined
types with binary representations for, exactly what it says, floating point
values (not to be mixed with the notion of mathematical real numbers).
The outcome of operations of floating point types can be
predicted with 100% certainty and 100% accuracy.
Also the equality operator is well defined
If you know how floating point types work,
the equality operator can be used very well.
If you do not understand how they work,
the equality operation may give some surprises,
but don't blame the equality operator.

You are obviously right, I failed to express myself correctly.

I meant to write: "It may work in such a particular case, but you're
not guaranteed it will *in some other*".

My other paragraph was equally too vague - of course, the equality
operator works fine and in a well determined manner.

My point was just to highlight the "trickery" of dealing with floating
point values and their comparability in general. See Rune's post here
for an example, although I'm well aware that you fully know what we
are speaking about.

If the OP was as aware of these issues as we are, I apologize for
having pointed it out - although I'm happy I did: every time the
equality operator gets applied to floats, such caveats should be made,
even just for the occasional reader's wellness sake.

Thanks for straightening my bad wording.

Pascal J. Bourguignon

Rune Allnor said:
With misery and mayhem to follow.

However, there's another way to represent the floating point in ASCII
that would not lose information, would use decimal positionnal
representation and would be 'somewhat' readable.

A floating point number f is represented as:

f = s * m * B^e

s being the sign (+1, -1),

m being the mantissa, usually only the fractional digits, usually in
base B, but possibly in a base C different from B (eg. some floating
point formats used B=16 C=2).

B being the base, and

e being the exponent.

m = 0.abc...xyz = abc...xyz * C^-p = M * C^-p


M being the digits of the mantissa, expressed as an integer,

C being the base of the mantissa (usually 2, but could be 10 if BCD
floating points are used).

p being the precision of the mantissa, that is the number of digits of
base C comprising the mantissa.

Therefore we can write our floating point number f as an expression of

f = s * M * C^-p * B^e

if C=B then we can even simplify it:

f = s * M * B^(e-p)

With a high level programming language, there are primitives allowing
you to directly convert between f and s, M, B, (e-p):

(defun print-float (f)
(multiple-value-bind (M e-p s) (integer-decode-float f)
(let ((B (float-radix f)))
(format t "(~A)(~A*~A*~A^~A)" (type-of f) s M B e-p))))

(defun deserialize-float (type s M B e-p)
(assert (= B (float-radix (coerce 1.0 type))))
(* s (scale-float (coerce M type) e-p)))

C/USER[82]> (PRINT-FLOAT 0.123456)
C/USER[83]> (coerce (* 16569984 (expt 2 -27)) 'single-float)

C/USER[79]> (* 14488038916154245685 (expt 2 -62))
C/USER[80]> (coerce (* 14488038916154245685 (expt 2 -62)) 'long-float)
C/USER[81]> (= pi (coerce (* 14488038916154245685 (expt 2 -62)) 'long-float))

C/USER[89]> (deserialize-float 'single-float 1 16569984 2 -27)
C/USER[90]> (deserialize-float 'long-float 1 14488038916154245685 2 -62)

I assume that knowing your specific machine representation of floating
point, you could do some bit mungling in C++ to implement similar

Carsten Fuchs

Dear Francesco,

thanks for your reply!
First, you should never compare floats or doubles for equality that

I'm not trying to deal with round-off errors here, but to serialize a float with enough digits to be
able to restore the exact same value from the string later.
Can you suggest a working alternative?
Also please see http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2006/n2005.pdf for some background.
Secondarily, extracting (>>) non-character data (integers, doubles and
so on) from streams can hang.

Sure, the check for failure is missing, but besides that, what is the problem?
What's your suggested better alternative?
There is another thread running more or less on the same issues. I
cannot add further details without spoiling the other one, consider
having a look there (the topic is: "Good way to read tuple or tripel
from text file?".)

Sorry, but the thread you're referring to is about file formats and parsing.
My question is about serializing float numbers in a way so that unserializing them yields the
original value.
You can also reach a lot of useful information from the last two links
of my signature.

Yes, thanks, I even own (and have read) the books paper edition.

Best regards,


Rune Allnor said:
That's one of the few decimal numbers that can be represented
exactly on binary format. In fact, decimal numbers on the form

x = 2^n

Yes they can. Not to mention some linear combinations of these numbers
as long as their n doesn't differ too much. 10 = 2^3 + 2^1, 0.75 =
2^-1 + 2^-2, etc

So yes, you can't represent every decimal in binary. But the opposite
is true. Every binary floating point value can be exactly represented
in decimal with a finite string of digits.


Victor Bazarov

Or 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, etc., or *any combination thereof*. Then factor
in the exponents.
That's one of the few

*Few*? You're kidding, of course, aren't you? Using the IEEE
definition of "single precision float", there are *about* (2^32 - 2^24)
decimal values that can be represented *exactly*. Each of all the other
values (infinite number of them, of course) are rounded to one of the
*more than three billion* representations (my arithmetic may be off a tad).
> decimal numbers that can be represented
exactly on binary format. In fact, decimal numbers on the form

x = 2^n

where n is selected from a certain subset of integers, can be
represented exactly, as binary numbers. If the OP can accept
such a constraint on the decimal numbers he wants to work with,
then by all means, disregard what I said. But if he wants to
work with arbitrary numbers, he is in for trouble.

No, he is not "in for trouble". He just needs to realise that computer
representation of the floating point numbers have limitations, and *stay
within those limitations*. The computer *will* force the programmer to
"accept such a constraint". There are ways to overcome those, and they
are well-known, like the use of rational numbers, use of double
precision representation, or even arbitrary precision. Those methods
don't really *eliminate* the limitations, only *reduce* them. There is
still the limitation of the computing power (memory size is the most
significant one).


Fred Zwarts

Carsten said:
Dear group,

I would like to serialize a float f1 to a string s, then unserialize
s back to a float f2 again, such that:

* s is minimal (use only the precision that is required)
and preferably in decimal notation,
* f1==f2 (exact same value after the roundtrip)

(The first property is for human readers and file size, the second is
for data integrity.)
Here is my implementation:

std::string serialize(float f1)
std::string s;

for (unsigned int prec=6; prec<10; prec++)
std::stringstream ss;

ss << f1;


float f2;
ss >> f2;

if (f2==f1) break;

return s;

It seems to work very well, and I found that in my application 65% to
90% of the float numbers serialized this way exit the loop in the
first iteration.

However, I was wondering if there is a shorter and/or more elegant
way of implementing this, using either C++ streams, C
printf-functions, or any other technique available in C++.

I'd be very grateful for any feedback and advice!

Thank you very much, and best regards,

I think in principle your approach should work.
The limitation to prec<10 may be to small.
In the first place it depends on the platform you run the program on.
Secondly, can you prove that with 10 decimal digits you
are always close enough to the binary value of the float, so that
it can be converted back correctly? I am not sure what the
standard says, but if both << and >> round down when
converting between decimal and binary representation,
no finite number of digits may be enough in all cases.

Rune Allnor

However, there's another way to represent the floating point in ASCII
that would not lose information, would use decimal positionnal
representation and would be 'somewhat' readable.

A floating point number f is represented as:

   f = s * m * B^e

s being the sign (+1, -1),

m being the mantissa, usually only the fractional digits, usually in
base B, but possibly in a base C different from B (eg. some floating
point formats used B=16 C=2).

B being the base, and

e being the exponent.

m = 0.abc...xyz = abc...xyz * C^-p = M * C^-p


M being the digits of the mantissa, expressed as an integer,

C being the base of the mantissa (usually 2, but could be 10 if BCD
floating points are used).

p being the precision of the mantissa, that is the number of digits of
base C comprising the mantissa.

Therefore we can write our floating point number f as an expression of

   f = s * M * C^-p * B^e

....so you just reproduce the floating-point represntation
usually implemented on the binary level, as ASCII?

What would be the point?

True, you can get an exact representation PROVIDED you use
a base-2 representation. As I demonstrated elsewhere, exactness
is lost due to incompatibilities of decimal and binary
representations of numbers.

The base-2 numbers would not make much sense to the human
reader, though. Once that advantage has been lost, one can just
as well store the HEX representation of the binary pattern.


Rune Allnor

Or 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, etc., or *any combination thereof*.  Then factor
in the exponents.

*Few*?  You're kidding, of course, aren't you?

No. There are infinitely many real numbers between
any two consecutive FP numbers.
 Using the IEEE
definition of "single precision float", there are *about* (2^32 - 2^24)
decimal values that can be represented *exactly*.  Each of all the other
values (infinite number of them, of course) are rounded to one of the
*more than three billion* representations (my arithmetic may be off a tad).

Three billions is still a finite number of representations.
True, it is large enough to be useful, but still finite.
 > decimal numbers that can be represented

No, he is not "in for trouble".  He just needs to realise that computer
representation of the floating point numbers have limitations, and *stay
within those limitations*.

As I understand the question, the OP wants to break out
of those limitations: Exact conversions between base-10
and base-2 numbers, eliminating approximation errors etc.
 The computer *will* force the programmer to
"accept such a constraint".  There are ways to overcome those, and they
are well-known, like the use of rational numbers, use of double
precision representation, or even arbitrary precision.  Those methods
don't really *eliminate* the limitations, only *reduce* them.  There is
still the limitation of the computing power (memory size is the most
significant one).



Carsten Fuchs

Dear Rune,

thank you very much for your reply!

Rune said:

a = 0.3
b = 0.300000011921

There are two problems here:

1) Numbers that are exact in decimal notation
have no exact floating-point representation,
only an approximation.

I understand this, but all I'm looking for is a serialization of "a" that, when converted back to a
float, yields the same bits for "a" again.

That is, I don't care about the fact that
float a=0.3;
doesn't assign the exact decimal value 0.3 to "a". Due to the inherent limits of floating point
representations, exactly as you pointed out, the "true" value of "a" will *not* be 0.3.

But again, this is not what I'm after.
Instead, I'm looking for
float a2 = unserialize(serialize(a));
such that a2==a (fully intentionally using the == comparison with floats).

If the string that is required for that purpose happens to be "0.3" - very well. If it happens to be
"0.300000011921", also ok. If only a2==a, I don't care.
2) One can not tell the 'true' number of bits or
digits needed to represent any one number.

Hmmm. In the above context, I disagree. In my point of view, the number of digits is that number
that is required to obtain a2 such that a2==a.

Sooo... if I happened to grossly misunderstand your post, please tell me; but afaics, we *can* have
both human readability *and* data integrity, as demonstrated by the code in my initial post, which
doesn't fail to meet both requirements. ;-)

Best regards,

Carsten Fuchs

In practice I wouldn't know how to implement this. I recently used the
scientific manipulator in combination with the setprecision
manipulator and rely on the implementations quality. As precision I
used std::numerical_limits<double>::digits10+1 hoping for the best.
But I don't really expect the roundtrip double->string->double to be

Please see

This is what got me started towards this issue!
In order words, if I understand this document correctly, we *can* have both human readability and
data integrity in the sense as described in my other posts in this thread.

Best regards,

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