font variants


Roedy Green

I notice on windows, a single font is composed of four or more *.ttf
files in C:\windows.

What glues these together to be considered as a single font in Java?

Does the OS have its own means?

is there something inside the ttf files crosslinking?

Is there a master file somewhere pointing to all the variants?

Does java look for fonts with similar names?
Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming.
~ Brian W. Kernighan 1942-01-01

John B. Matthews

Roedy Green said:
I notice on windows, a single font is composed of four or more *.ttf
files in C:\windows.

What glues these together to be considered as a single font in Java?

Does the OS have its own means?

is there something inside the ttf files crosslinking?

Is there a master file somewhere pointing to all the variants?

Does java look for fonts with similar names?

At a guess, they are sub-family variations of style and weight. Lower
quality fonts derive such variations from a single glyph outline, while
higher quality fonts have separate definitions.


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