function error



In the following function there is an access violation error, some
memory can't be read. A week ago this code did compile.
Can anyone possibly tell me why my compiler is unable to read part of
this function.

bool processdrecord( ofstream& prnfile, ofstream& validdata, char*
record )
drecord Newdrecord;
char customercode[5];

strncpy( customercode, &record[1], 5);
customercode[5] = '\0';
if(!CheckAllNumeric( customercode )){
prnfile<< "Invalid: D record customer code does not contain
numerical format"<<endl;
prnfile<< record <<endl;
return false;
Newdrecord.customercode[5] = atol( customercode );

validdata.write((char*) record, Newdrecord.customercode[5]);

return true;

the program in full.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

struct crecord {
long customercode[5];
char customername[21];
char customeraddress[61];
double customerbalance;
double creditlimit;

crecord Newcrecord;

struct irrecord {
long customercode[5];
long partnum[5];
long issue_rec;

irrecord Newirrecord;

struct drecord {
long customercode[5];
drecord Newdrecord;

bool IRRecordvalidlength(char* record)
int len;


len= strlen(record);
return false;


return true;
bool CRecordvalidlength(char* record)
int len;


len = strlen(record);
return false;


return true;

bool Drecordvalidlength( char* record )
int len;


len = strlen(record);
return false;

return true;
bool CheckAllNumeric( const char * string )
int Len = strlen( string );

for( int i = 0; i < Len; ++i )
if( !isdigit( string ) )
return false;

return true;

bool CheckFloatNumber( const char* string )
int Len = strlen( string );

for( int i = 0; i < Len; ++i )
if( !isdigit( string ) &&
string != '.' )
return false;

return true;

irrecord* CheckDigit(ofstream& prnfile, ofstream& validdata, char*
record )
char code[5];
int weightingfactor = 5;
int checkdigit;
int remainder;
int check1;

strncpy(code, &record[2], 6);
code[5] = '\0';
Newirrecord.customercode[5] = atol( code );

for(int i =0; i < 6; ++i)
check1 += Newirrecord.customercode * weightingfactor;
weightingfactor --;

remainder = check1 % 11;

checkdigit = 11 - remainder;

if(! Newirrecord.customercode[5] == checkdigit){
prnfile<< "Invalid customer number";
prnfile<< record << endl;
return false;

if(Newirrecord.customercode[5] == checkdigit){

validdata.write((char*) record, Newirrecord.customercode[5]);


drecord* checkdigit(ofstream& prnfile, ofstream& validdata, char*
record )
char code[5];
int weightingfactor = 5;
int checkdigit;
int remainder;
int check1;

strncpy(code, &record[2], 5);
code[5] = '\0';
Newdrecord.customercode[5] = atol( code );

for(int i =0; i < 6; ++i)
check1 += Newdrecord.customercode * weightingfactor;
weightingfactor --;

remainder = check1 % 11;

checkdigit = 11 - remainder;

if(! Newdrecord.customercode[5] == checkdigit){
prnfile<< "Invalid customer number";
prnfile<< record << endl;
return false;

validdata.write((char*) record, Newdrecord.customercode[5]);


crecord* checkdigitforcustomercode( ofstream& prnfile, ofstream&
validdata, char* record )
char code[5];
int weightingfactor = 5;
int checkdigit;
int remainder;
int check1;

strncpy(code, &record[2], 5);
code[5] = '\0';
Newcrecord.customercode[5] = atol( code );

for(int i =0; i < 6; ++i)
check1 += Newcrecord.customercode * weightingfactor;
weightingfactor --;

remainder = check1 % 11;

checkdigit = 11 - remainder;

if(checkdigit == 11){
checkdigit = 'X';
if(checkdigit = checkdigit = 10){
checkdigit = '0';

if(! Newcrecord.customercode[5] == checkdigit){
prnfile<< "Invalid customer number";
prnfile<< record << endl;
return false;

validdata.write((char*) record, Newcrecord.customercode[5]);

irrecord* checkdigitforpartnum(ofstream& prnfile, ofstream& validdata,
char* record)
int weightingfactor2;
char part_num[6];
int partnumcheck;
int produce;
int holdall;

strncpy(part_num, &record[7], 6);
part_num[6] = '\0';
Newirrecord.partnum[6] = atol( part_num );

weightingfactor2 = 6;

for(int i=0; i < 6; ++i)
holdall += Newirrecord.partnum * weightingfactor2;
weightingfactor2 --;

produce = holdall % 11;

partnumcheck = 11 - produce;

if(partnumcheck == 11){
partnumcheck = 'X';
if(partnumcheck = 10){
partnumcheck = '0';

if(! Newirrecord.partnum[5] == partnumcheck){
prnfile<< "Invalid: Incorrect part number, check digit invalid";
prnfile<< record << endl;
return false;

validdata.write((char*) record, Newirrecord.partnum[5]);


bool CheckAddress( const char* alpha )

int max_alpha = 60;

for( int i = 0; i < max_alpha; ++i )
if( !isalpha( alpha ) && ( alpha != ';;;;' ) && ( alpha !=
' ' ))
if(Newcrecord.customeraddress[61] != (alpha))
return false;

return true;


bool Processcrecord( ofstream& prnfile, ofstream& validdata, char*
record )
char customercode[6];
char balance[10];
char limit[10];

crecord Newcrecord;

// process the customer code
strncpy( customercode, &record[1], 5 );
customercode[5] = '\0';
if( !CheckAllNumeric( customercode ) ) {
prnfile << "Invalid: customer code needs to be all numeric
[position 3 - 5 characters]:\n";
prnfile << record << endl;
return false;
Newcrecord.customercode[5] = atol( customercode );

// process the customer name
strncpy( Newcrecord.customername, &record[7], 20 );
Newcrecord.customername[20] = '\0';

// process the customer address
strncpy( Newcrecord.customeraddress, &record[27], 61 );
Newcrecord.customeraddress[61] = '\0';

// process the customer balance
strncpy( balance, &record[87], 9 );
balance[9] = '\0';
if( !CheckFloatNumber( balance ) ) {
prnfile << "Invalid: balance field is not a valid number [position
88 - 9 characters]:\n";
prnfile << record << endl;
return false;
Newcrecord.customerbalance = atof( balance );

cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed)
<< setprecision(2);

validdata.write((char*) record, Newcrecord.customerbalance );

// process the customer limit
strncpy( limit, &record[97], 9 );
limit[9] = '\0';
if( !CheckFloatNumber( limit ) ) {
prnfile << "Invalid: limit field is not a valid number [position
98 - 9 characters]:\n";
prnfile << record << endl;
return false;
Newcrecord.creditlimit = atof( limit );

validdata.write((char*) record, Newcrecord.creditlimit );

return true;



bool processdrecord( ofstream& prnfile, ofstream& validdata, char*
record )
drecord Newdrecord;
char customercode[5];

strncpy( customercode, &record[1], 5);
customercode[5] = '\0';
if(!CheckAllNumeric( customercode )){
prnfile<< "Invalid: D record customer code does not contain
numerical format"<<endl;
prnfile<< record <<endl;
return false;
Newdrecord.customercode[5] = atol( customercode );

validdata.write((char*) record, Newdrecord.customercode[5]);

return true;

bool ProcessIRecord( ofstream& prnfile, ofstream& validdata, char*
record )

char customer[6];
char issue_rec[5];
char code[4];
char part[6];

long customer_code;
long issuerec;
long partnum[6];

// process the customer code
strncpy( customer, &record[2], 5 );
customer[6] = '\0';
if( !CheckAllNumeric( customer ) ) {
prnfile << "Invalid: customer code needs to be all numeric
[position 3 - 5 characters]:\n";
prnfile << record << endl;
return false;
customer_code = atol( customer );

// process the part number
strncpy( part, &record[7], 6 );
part[6] = '\0';
if( !CheckAllNumeric( part ) ) {
prnfile << "Invalid: part number needs to be all numeric [position
9 - 6 characters]:\n";
prnfile << record << endl;
return false;
partnum[6] = atol( part );

validdata.write((char*) record, partnum[6]);

return true;

// process the third number
strncpy( issue_rec, &record[13], 4 );
code[4] = '\0';
if( !CheckAllNumeric( issue_rec ) ) {
prnfile << "Invalid: the code needs to be all numeric [position 16
- 4 characters]:\n";
prnfile << record << endl;
return false;
issuerec = atol( issue_rec );

return true;


int main()
const char infile[] = "A:\\514650TD.txt";
const char outfile[] = "A:\\514650VD.DAT";
const char printerfile[] = "A:\\514650.TXT";

int max = 256;

char temp1[256];

ifstream testdata;
ofstream validdata;
ofstream prnfile;"A:\\514650TD.txt", ios::in);
cout<<"The file does not already exist" << infile << endl;
}"A:\\514650.DAT", ios::eek:ut | ios::binary);
cout<<" The file could not be opened " << outfile <<endl;
}"A:\\514650.TXT", ios::eek:ut);
cout<< "File could not be opened" << prnfile << endl;

prnfile << "C_RECORD, I-R RECORD, D_RECORD ERRORS" << endl;

while( testdata.getline( temp1, sizeof(temp1)) ){
if(!CRecordvalidlength( temp1 )){
prnfile<<"Invalid: record does not contain enough characters:\n";
prnfile<< temp1 <<endl;
if(!IRRecordvalidlength( temp1 )){
prnfile<< "Invalid: record does not contain enough characters:\n";
prnfile<< temp1 << endl;
if(!Drecordvalidlength( temp1 )){
prnfile<< "Invalid: record does not contain enough characters:\n";
prnfile<< temp1 << endl;

switch( temp1[0] )
case 'c':
case 'C':
Processcrecord( prnfile, validdata, temp1 );
checkdigitforcustomercode( prnfile, validdata, temp1);
//must be able to reference
//these two, but only by creating variables within the function
they came from.
//it could be possible that these variables will have to be
//there is a page about it in the newsgroups.


case 'i':
case 'I':
case 'r':
case 'R':
ProcessIRecord( prnfile, validdata, temp1 );
CheckDigit( prnfile, validdata, temp1 );
checkdigitforpartnum( prnfile, validdata, temp1 );

case 'd':
case 'D':
processdrecord( prnfile, validdata, temp1 );
checkdigit( prnfile, validdata, temp1 );
default: prnfile<< "Unknown record";
prnfile<< temp1 << endl;




Ron Natalie

muser said:
customercode[5] = '\0';

You are writing the sixth position in a five character array.
Newdrecord.customercode[5] = atol( customercode );

Same problem here. What do you think you're doing?
validdata.write((char*) record, Newdrecord.customercode[5]);

Why do you think the number of characters to be written should be some goofy undefined

Mike Wahler

muser said:
In the following function there is an access violation error, some
memory can't be read. A week ago this code did compile.
Can anyone possibly tell me why my compiler is unable to read part of
this function.

bool processdrecord( ofstream& prnfile, ofstream& validdata, char*
record )
drecord Newdrecord;
char customercode[5];

strncpy( customercode, &record[1], 5);

You're trying to write past the end of the array
'customercode', whose valid indices are 0 - 4.
Undefined behavior.
customercode[5] = '\0';

You're trying to write past the end of the array
'customercode', whose valid indices are 0 - 4.
Undefined behavior.

I didn't look any further.



muser said:
In the following function there is an access violation error, some
memory can't be read. A week ago this code did compile.
Can anyone possibly tell me why my compiler is unable to read part of
this function.

I'm confused. You talk about an access violation, which is a run-time
error, then you say that it used to compile, and ask why the compiler is
"unable to read part of this function". Is it failing to compile, or is it
crashing when running? And what do you mean when you say the compiler is
"unable to read part of this function"? Is the compiler giving you an
error? What's the error message?

I just noticed the answers regarding your writing past the end of your local
arrays. That's a very likely cause of an access violation, and also a
reason why it might have worked before. When you do something that invokes
undefined behavior like that, you never know what's going to happen. It
might work fine for you, but crash for someone else. Fix those problems.
Then let us know if there is a compile problem, too, and what the compiler
error message is, and what line of code it refers to. (And make sure that
you know the difference between compile-time and run-time errors!)



Howard said:
I'm confused. You talk about an access violation, which is a run-time
error, then you say that it used to compile, and ask why the compiler is
"unable to read part of this function". Is it failing to compile, or is it
crashing when running? And what do you mean when you say the compiler is
"unable to read part of this function"? Is the compiler giving you an
error? What's the error message?

I just noticed the answers regarding your writing past the end of your local
arrays. That's a very likely cause of an access violation, and also a
reason why it might have worked before. When you do something that invokes
undefined behavior like that, you never know what's going to happen. It
might work fine for you, but crash for someone else. Fix those problems.
Then let us know if there is a compile problem, too, and what the compiler
error message is, and what line of code it refers to. (And make sure that
you know the difference between compile-time and run-time errors!)


completely different problem, but still in the area of functions.
here is the function.

bool checkdigitinaddress( const char* string )
for( int i =0; i <4; i++)
if(string == isalpha(string))//find first occurance of a
for(i = string; i <4; i++)//increment to the next set of
if(string != isalpha(string))//if the next element, after a
character is found
//isn't another character then return false.//
return false;

if(string == isalpha(string))//find first occurance of a
for(i = string; i <4; --i)//decrement to the previous set of
if(string != isdigit(string))//if the previous element,
before a character is found
//isn't a digit then return false.//
return false;

return true;

return true;

the line this function is suppose to evaluate is an address.
a1a2kewgardens etc etc.
it should return false and this should be written to the approriate
error file like so:

strncpy( Newcrecord.customeraddress, &record[27], 61 );
Newcrecord.customeraddress[61] = '\0';
if(!checkdigitinaddress( Newcrecord.customeraddress )){
prnfile<< "Invalid customer address, incorrect format";
prnfile<< record << endl;
return false;
return true;

can you please tell me why it isn't picking up the error in the

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Juli=E1n?= Albo

muser escribió:
if(string == isalpha(string))//find first occurance of a

isalpha returns 0 or 1, not a char value . Use simply if (isalpha
(string ) )


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