gem install mysql failure


Paul Hammer

I've been using Ruby with Watir for a few months now to scrape data
off of internal web pages where I work. I'm fairly happy with the
although I want to improve these processes. I want to put this data
mysql, so I tried using this command to load mysql:

gem install mysql

The result I got is below. Can anyone help me here?


Select which gem to install for your platform (i386-mswin32)
1. mysql 2.7.3 (mswin32)
2. mysql 2.7.1 (mswin32)
3. mysql 2.7 (ruby)
4. mysql 2.6 (ruby)
5. mysql 2.5.1 (ruby)
6. Cancel installation
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of
necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more
details. You may need configuration options.

Provided configuration options:
--ruby=c:/program files/ruby/bin/ruby

ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
Gem files will remain installed in c:/Program
mysql-2.5.1 for inspection.

Results logged to c:/Program

Chris Shea

I've been using Ruby with Watir for a few months now to scrape data
off of internal web pages where I work. I'm fairly happy with the
although I want to improve these processes. I want to put this data
mysql, so I tried using this command to load mysql:

gem install mysql

The result I got is below. Can anyone help me here?


Select which gem to install for your platform (i386-mswin32)
1. mysql 2.7.3 (mswin32)
2. mysql 2.7.1 (mswin32)
3. mysql 2.7 (ruby)
4. mysql 2.6 (ruby)
5. mysql 2.5.1 (ruby)
6. Cancel installation> 5

Building native extensions. This could take a while...
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of
necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more
details. You may need configuration options.

Provided configuration options:
--ruby=c:/program files/ruby/bin/ruby

ERROR: While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
Gem files will remain installed in c:/Program
mysql-2.5.1 for inspection.

Results logged to c:/Program

Try one of the mswin32 options instead. I think the rule is if you
installed via the One-Click Installer, you have to.

Paul Hammer

Chris said:
Try one of the mswin32 options instead. I think the rule is if you
installed via the One-Click Installer, you have to.

I'm new to gem also. Is the mswin32 option a command line option to

What is the One-Click Installer? Where can I read about this?


Chris Shea

I'm new to gem also. Is the mswin32 option a command line option to

What is the One-Click Installer? Where can I read about this?



What I meant was: when you run 'gem install mysql' choose an install
option with (mswin32) at the end. So when faced with this:

Select which gem to install for your platform (i386-mswin32)
1. mysql 2.7.3 (mswin32)
2. mysql 2.7.1 (mswin32)
3. mysql 2.7 (ruby)
4. mysql 2.6 (ruby)
5. mysql 2.5.1 (ruby)
6. Cancel installation

Choose 1 or 2.

The Ruby One-Click Installer is found here:
It installs Ruby, and sets environment options, and installs a lot of
helpful tools (like rubygems and the Win32API bindings). I assumed
your installation of Ruby was handled by it, many Windows
installations are.

The other main possibility is that Ruby is installed on top of Cygwin
(, but I'm guessing it's not.


Paul Hammer

Chris said:

What I meant was: when you run 'gem install mysql' choose an install
option with (mswin32) at the end. So when faced with this:

Select which gem to install for your platform (i386-mswin32)
1. mysql 2.7.3 (mswin32)
2. mysql 2.7.1 (mswin32)
3. mysql 2.7 (ruby)
4. mysql 2.6 (ruby)
5. mysql 2.5.1 (ruby)
6. Cancel installation

Choose 1 or 2.

The Ruby One-Click Installer is found here:
It installs Ruby, and sets environment options, and installs a lot of
helpful tools (like rubygems and the Win32API bindings). I assumed
your installation of Ruby was handled by it, many Windows
installations are.

The other main possibility is that Ruby is installed on top of Cygwin
(, but I'm guessing it's not.


Hi Chris,

Thanks for your help. This has gotten me further. I selected 1. mysql
2.7.3 (mswin32), and the install completed quickly without an error.

Next, I did a web search and found this example ruby script:

require "mysql"

# connect to the MySQL server
dbh = Mysql.real_connect("localhost", "testuser", "testpass",
# get server version string and display it
puts "Server version: " + dbh.get_server_info
rescue Mysql::Error => e
puts "Error code: #{e.errno}"
puts "Error message: #{e.error}"
puts "Error SQLSTATE: #{e.sqlstate}" if e.respond_to?("sqlstate")
# disconnect from server
dbh.close if dbh

Running this gave me the error:

Error code: 1045
Error message: Access denied for user 'testuser'@'localhost' (using
password: YES)

I have tried searching for where mysql is been installed, and can't find

Installing mysql in the past I've been able to set the root password. I
didn't get that chance here.

So, I now have questions:

This is progress because the login has been attempted, right?
What users & passwords come along with a gem install? How do I set
I'd like to run mysql by hand also. Where has mysql been installed?


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