Good book


Bill Cunningham

I just thought I'd post this if anyone had a real interest. If not well
fine. The flame trolls should love it. kandr2 is out the window for me. Well
I might keep it as reference. But it's /terrible/ for learning. About 2-3
weeks ago I found a much simplified older book from '94 called "C
programming in 12 easy lessons" by Greg Perry. It's *great*. It actually is
a tutorial and not a refernce. Good for amateurs and it's a start in the
right direction.

FYI for those who care.

Charles Richmond

Richard said:
K&R is one of the best programmers tutorials I have ever read.

I suppose it depends on "where your mind is at". I have usually found books
on programming languages that were written by the creators of the
language... to be the best for explaining the language. For some people,
these types of books do *not* seem to resonate though.

glen herrmannsfeldt

(snip, someone wrote)
I suppose it depends on "where your mind is at". I have usually
found books on programming languages that were written by the
creators of the language... to be the best for explaining
the language. For some people, these types of books
do *not* seem to resonate though.

I think I learned C mostly from K&R (1, though not so long before 2).

I also learned Fortran from the IBM Fortran IV Reference Manual,
though I know many people who dislike IBM manuals.

In general, I like the original source, but many people like
other references better.

-- glen

James Kuyper

I suppose it depends on "where your mind is at". I have usually found books
on programming languages that were written by the creators of the
language... to be the best for explaining the language. For some people,
these types of books do *not* seem to resonate though.

Some people have said that K&R is not a good book to use, if C is your
first programming language, because it assumes a certain minimum amount
of familiarity with programming. I wouldn't know - I had already learned
Fortran I, Basic, and APL before I learned C. I found K&R clear, easy to
understand, and fairly comprehensive.

Bill Cunningham

James Kuyper said:
Some people have said that K&R is not a good book to use, if C is your
first programming language, because it assumes a certain minimum amount
of familiarity with programming. I wouldn't know - I had already learned
Fortran I, Basic, and APL before I learned C. I found K&R clear, easy to
understand, and fairly comprehensive.

I have spent *a lot* of time with kandr2 and it didn't even read well.
It was like a book to look at to refresh from a known language. Like a
reference as I said /supra/. But this other book made pointers very clear.
Now the next step is exactly how to use them to change values and such.
Pointer notation. Pointer arithmetic. I'll take it lesson by lesson now that
I have some time to devote to C again.


glen herrmannsfeldt

Some people have said that K&R is not a good book to use, if C is your
first programming language, because it assumes a certain minimum amount
of familiarity with programming. I wouldn't know - I had already learned
Fortran I, Basic, and APL before I learned C. I found K&R clear, easy to
understand, and fairly comprehensive.

Well, even more, C pointers are easy to learn if you have been
doing assembly programming beforehand. You get used to thinking
in terms of addresses of things, instead of just things.

There are books for many languages that start out from the most basic
features of computing, such as binary arithmetic, and build up
from there. If you do already know some programming, you get tired
of them pretty fast.

-- glen

Malcolm McLean

Some people have said that K&R is not a good book to use, if C is you
first programming language, because it assumes a certain minimum amount
of familiarity with programming. I wouldn't know - I had already learned
Fortran I, Basic, and APL before I learned C. I found K&R clear, easy to
understand, and fairly comprehensive.
I learnt C after I had learnt assembly programming. So it was "what's
that funny unary multiplication sign doing?" "oh, it's the indirection
If you're new to programming, of course, being told that C uses an
asterisk for indirection isn't in the least bit helpful.

Ken Brody

I suppose it depends on "where your mind is at". I have usually found books
on programming languages that were written by the creators of the
language... to be the best for explaining the language. For some people,
these types of books do *not* seem to resonate though.

When I first learned C, I found K&R to be a very useful book. However, I
already had experience with several languages prior to C, and wanted a book
that explained "The C Language", and not "programming".

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think so.

Ken Brody

On 5/13/2014 5:22 PM, James Kuyper wrote:
Some people have said that K&R is not a good book to use, if C is your
first programming language, because it assumes a certain minimum amount
of familiarity with programming. I wouldn't know - I had already learned
Fortran I, Basic, and APL before I learned C. I found K&R clear, easy to
understand, and fairly comprehensive.

I first learned programming with "Basic BASIC".

Fortunately, it (and APL, too) didn't ruin me for "real" languages. :)

Ken Brody

For the full 10 seconds it takes to sink in for any sentient being that
is familiar with assembler.

Unfortunately, many people learning programming nowadays have no concept of
what "assembly language" is, let alone are able to actually code in it.

And a lot have the attitude of "why would you want to code in $FOO, when
$BAR can do everything you want?"

James Kuyper

On 05/14/2014 05:55 PM, Ken Brody wrote:
Unfortunately, many people learning programming nowadays have no concept of
what "assembly language" is, let alone are able to actually code in it.

I'm not entirely sure that's a bad thing. I've learned three assembly
languages in my day, used all three in projects of varying complexity,
and have made little or no use of anything that I learned while working
on those projects at any time in the past two decades (except in this
newsgroup, where some of my comments have been informed by those
experiences). There needs to be someone who knows the details of
assembly language, but as more and more programming is done in
higher-level languages, I don't think it's necessary that all
programmers have such knowledge. Basic concepts that underlie assembly
language programming can be helpful to programmers using higher-level
languages, but an actually detailed knowledge of the syntax and
semantics of a particular assembly language is needed only by those who
will be actually writing it.
And a lot have the attitude of "why would you want to code in $FOO, when
$BAR can do everything you want?"

Again, that strikes me as a fairly reasonable attitude. The only good
reason I can think of for bothering to use $FOO rather than $BAR is that
there is something that I can do in $FOO rather that I can't do in $BAR
(or, at least, I can do more easily in $FOO than in $BAR).

Joe Pfeiffer

Ken Brody said:
When I first learned C, I found K&R to be a very useful book.
However, I already had experience with several languages prior to C,
and wanted a book that explained "The C Language", and not

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think so.

No, I think you're exactly right on this. I found the original C memo
written by K&R (that later mutated into a chapter in the book) to be
exactly what I needed for learning the language. If it had been my
first language, it would have been hopeless (I don't even remember how
many languages I'd learned by the time I came across C -- I think I'd
even had my "language of the week" style programming languages course

Ian Collins

James said:
On 05/14/2014 05:55 PM, Ken Brody wrote:

I'm not entirely sure that's a bad thing. I've learned three assembly
languages in my day, used all three in projects of varying complexity,
and have made little or no use of anything that I learned while working
on those projects at any time in the past two decades (except in this
newsgroup, where some of my comments have been informed by those
experiences). There needs to be someone who knows the details of
assembly language, but as more and more programming is done in
higher-level languages, I don't think it's necessary that all
programmers have such knowledge. Basic concepts that underlie assembly
language programming can be helpful to programmers using higher-level
languages, but an actually detailed knowledge of the syntax and
semantics of a particular assembly language is needed only by those who
will be actually writing it.

My experience is similar and I agree. I see a lot of incorrect
assumptions made by people who "know assembly language" from the days of
the 68K or 386 about the performance of code on modern descendents of
those processors. The core assembly may the same, but the machines
underneath bear next to no resemblance to their forbears.

glen herrmannsfeldt

James Kuyper said:
On 05/14/2014 05:55 PM, Ken Brody wrote:
I'm not entirely sure that's a bad thing. I've learned three assembly
languages in my day, used all three in projects of varying complexity,
and have made little or no use of anything that I learned while working
on those projects at any time in the past two decades (except in this
newsgroup, where some of my comments have been informed by those

I usually believe that people do better at something when they
have a reasonable understanding one level below the one that they
are actually working in.

I this case, I probably believe that knowing an assembly language,
even if not for the actual processor in use, is enough. That is
especially true as processors get RISCier, and it is more difficult
to understand what is actually happening, though it isn't really
all that different.
There needs to be someone who knows the details of
assembly language, but as more and more programming is done in
higher-level languages, I don't think it's necessary that all
programmers have such knowledge. Basic concepts that underlie
assembly language programming can be helpful to programmers
using higher-level languages, but an actually detailed knowledge
of the syntax and semantics of a particular assembly language
is needed only by those who will be actually writing it.

It helps to be able to read the generated code listings, which
may or may not have the same syntax as actual assemblers.


-- glen

glen herrmannsfeldt

(snip, I wrote)
This is very true.
Unfortunately monstrosities like Java have killed that. I'm still very
very strongly opposed to GC for example. Time and time again I have seen
to lead to ZERO concern for performance and structure. And yes I know
that bullshit c.l.c out dated claim about never considering performance
and optimisation til after its designed etc : total and utter nonsense.

Hmm. I think my Java programs look more like C than those of others.

You need a balance from being really wasteful with object creation
and destruction (GC), and way overdoing it in hand optimizing.

-- glen

David Brown

My experience is similar and I agree. I see a lot of incorrect
assumptions made by people who "know assembly language" from the days of
the 68K or 386 about the performance of code on modern descendents of
those processors. The core assembly may the same, but the machines
underneath bear next to no resemblance to their forbears.

The biggest incorrect assumption I see about assembly is the idea that
any C code could be re-written in assembly to make it faster.
Occasionally it makes sense to do this, but only occasionally.

I think knowledge of assembly is more important for smaller processors -
if you are using bigger and more complex processors, you can usually
ignore the low-level details. But on smaller devices, understanding the
assembly - and in particular, understanding the processor architecture -
can make a significant difference to the size and performance of your
code. Obvious examples are that if you know your processor has only
single-point hardware floating point, don't use doubles if you can avoid
them. If your chip is 16-bit, don't use 32-bit types if you don't need

Less obvious examples would be knowing the number of pointer registers
available, and taking that into account in code, or knowing the range of
"static pointer + index" and considering that when putting a temporary
array on the stack or statically allocated.

And of course when things don't work, or don't work fast enough, it can
be useful to examine the generated assembly code.

I also think that a background in assembly programming gives a developer
better insight into what is happening under the hood, and the resulting
code is often more efficient. But there is a danger that people get too
carried away, and write code full of "micro-optimisations" which are
detrimental to the clarity, correctness or maintainability of the code,
which are unnecessary with modern tools, and might be pessimisms on
newer processors. There is a balance to be struck.

Ian Collins

David said:
The biggest incorrect assumption I see about assembly is the idea that
any C code could be re-written in assembly to make it faster.
Occasionally it makes sense to do this, but only occasionally.

That was basically what I was hinting at.
I think knowledge of assembly is more important for smaller processors -
if you are using bigger and more complex processors, you can usually
ignore the low-level details. But on smaller devices, understanding the
assembly - and in particular, understanding the processor architecture -
can make a significant difference to the size and performance of your
code. Obvious examples are that if you know your processor has only
single-point hardware floating point, don't use doubles if you can avoid
them. If your chip is 16-bit, don't use 32-bit types if you don't need

Indeed. If I were to some of my old 8 and 16 bit device code I would
find it full of code tailored to the processor architecture.
Less obvious examples would be knowing the number of pointer registers
available, and taking that into account in code, or knowing the range of
"static pointer + index" and considering that when putting a temporary
array on the stack or statically allocated.

That can be to top of a slipper slope, given different member of the
same family have different register sets. Writing code that constrains
performance on a newer or bigger versions of the process should not be
undertaken lightly.
And of course when things don't work, or don't work fast enough, it can
be useful to examine the generated assembly code.

This often helps on smaller or older processors where assembly maps
directly the the hardware, but on RISC or pseudo CISC on a RISC core
(current x86 chips), can lead you down the path of pseudo understanding!
I also think that a background in assembly programming gives a developer
better insight into what is happening under the hood, and the resulting
code is often more efficient.

Not really on bigger CPUs. Understanding the processor and system
architecture is way more important when writing in a higher level
language (or C!).
But there is a danger that people get too
carried away, and write code full of "micro-optimisations" which are
detrimental to the clarity, correctness or maintainability of the code,
which are unnecessary with modern tools, and might be pessimisms on
newer processors. There is a balance to be struck.

I would say nearly always rather than might.

David Brown

Less obvious? That would be the most obvious.

"Obvious" is in the eye of the beholder. I know that /I/ like to know
things like the numbers and types of registers in a cpu, but many other
people don't. But things like floating point support are often listed
clearly as features for chips - therefore I rated it as more "obvious".
And even then the compiler module for that processor probably know more
about it and the cache spans etc.

Very rarely.

This will vary. Among other things, it depends on the complexity of the
chip and the experience of the developer. If you are familiar with the
assembly language in question, you will find it natural to look at the
generated assembly more often because it is easy to do. But if you are
not familiar with it, and especially if it is a complicated cpu, then
you usually want to avoid seeing the assembly.
I think you dont need to "think" that : it's so obviously true. Knowing
how bits and bytes are shifted and used can only add another skill
level. So long as its tempered with the knowledge that higher level
languages are not there to shave clock cycles : rather to provide type
safety and runtime stability.

Agreed - and also tempered with the knowledge that compilers know lots
of tricks too, so you don't need to hand-optimise the C code. There are
people who write "(x << 2) + x" because they "know" that this will be
faster on their cpu with limited multiply support than writing "x * 5".
Usually, they are wrong - if shifts and adds is faster, the C compiler
will generate it, and it can possibly take greater advantage of the
clearer and simpler source code for other optimisations.

David Brown

That was basically what I was hinting at.

Indeed. If I were to some of my old 8 and 16 bit device code I would
find it full of code tailored to the processor architecture.

I am planning for a project in which an old 8-bit processor with 12 year
old C code using a rather limited compiler is going to be replaced with
a Cortex M4 and modern gcc. The old code is full of things like copying
data from structures into local variables because the compiler was not
smart enough to re-use data that was loaded into registers. I'm glad
I've left that sort of thing behind me.
That can be to top of a slipper slope, given different member of the
same family have different register sets. Writing code that constrains
performance on a newer or bigger versions of the process should not be
undertaken lightly.

Agreed - and it is rare that you should sacrifice clarity and
maintainability in the name of optimisation. But sometimes, especially
with smaller cpus, this sort of thing can make a very big difference.
It is not uncommon for small processors to be able to work fairly well
with two pointers at a time - but a third pointer makes code much
slower. Keeping target limitations in mind is not a bad thing.
This often helps on smaller or older processors where assembly maps
directly the the hardware, but on RISC or pseudo CISC on a RISC core
(current x86 chips), can lead you down the path of pseudo understanding!

Not really on bigger CPUs. Understanding the processor and system
architecture is way more important when writing in a higher level
language (or C!).

I see understanding assembly as a major part of understanding the cpu
and system architecture. But for bigger processors, it is perhaps a
less vital part of the process than things like caches or memory
structures, as memory and bus bandwidth is often the bottleneck rather
than the cpu instructions.

Malcolm McLean

My experience is similar and I agree. I see a lot of incorrect
assumptions made by people who "know assembly language" from the days of
the 68K or 386 about the performance of code on modern descendents of
those processors. The core assembly may the same, but the machines
underneath bear next to no resemblance to their forbears.
It used to be a lot faster to pad a 2D array out to a sum of two powers of 2, then
access via ((y << 8) | (y << 2)) + x. I haven't actually checked, but I wouldn't be at
all surprised if y * (soft) width +x isn't equally fast or even faster.

However it could easily go back again as chip architecture develops. If you
have experience of work at the instruction level, you're aware of these potential

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