D. Layman
Hello group,
After quite a long time of consideration, I'v finally decided to switch
from Java to C. Given the condition that almost without any knowledge on C and
3 years expereince on java, , Which tutorial or book might be good for
me to start with? It would be the best if it's (freely) available on the net.
I'd prefer standard C, anyway some Gnu extensions are just fine.
I'd appreciate any of your recommendation of book/tutorials or suggestions on
learning C.
Thanks in advance!
D. Layman
After quite a long time of consideration, I'v finally decided to switch
from Java to C. Given the condition that almost without any knowledge on C and
3 years expereince on java, , Which tutorial or book might be good for
me to start with? It would be the best if it's (freely) available on the net.
I'd prefer standard C, anyway some Gnu extensions are just fine.
I'd appreciate any of your recommendation of book/tutorials or suggestions on
learning C.
Thanks in advance!
D. Layman