Good cross-platform IDE / multiple document text editor for ruby / rails?


Jamal Hansen

On Linux, I can strongly recommend Kate or KDevelop. Maybe someday (with
QT4) they will be available on Windows, too.

I made the move to Linux on my home PC about 3 months ago and felt
completely lost in the text editor department until I tried Kate. It
is not cross platform, though on windows (i.e at work) I use UltraEdit
which is very similar in functionality.

Cristóferson Bueno

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UniRed works well with Ruby too.


I made the move to Linux on my home PC about 3 months ago and felt
completely lost in the text editor department until I tried Kate. It
is not cross platform, though on windows (i.e at work) I use UltraEdit
which is very similar in functionality.

Ruby is the digital equivalent of a big smile!

Crist=F3ferson Bueno - Ipatinga/MG. <>


tony summerfelt

Brock Weaver wrote on 8/24/2005 10:51 AM:
* Debugging = not needed.

can't speak for anyone else, but i'm envious :)
* Teh snappy. Startup time doesn't matter, text editing does
I've been leaning towards Eclipse, but haven't tried it out yet -- any
ruby / rails plugins for it?

i'm not sure i'd use 'snappy' and 'eclipse' together :)

Randy Kramer

Brock Weaver wrote on 8/24/2005 10:51 AM:

i'm not sure i'd use 'snappy' and 'eclipse' together :)

And, Off Point for this post, I guess if I was going to ask for a snappy
whatever, I'd say something about the environment, like snappy on a system
running a 233 MHz Pentium, 256 MB of RAM, running a mix of processes
typically including 5 open edit windows, 10 browser windows, ...

(I guess I'm getting carried away, but I'm sure a lot of developers on their 3
GHz, 1 GB systems think their app is snappy, but then I run it and ;-( (My
system is 500 MHZ with 384 MB of RAM, and a typical mixture of open windows
quite a bit larger than mentioned above--4 open browser with 10-15 tabs each
is not unusual, plus 6-7 konsole "tabs", 3-6 nedit windows, kmail, ...)

Randy Kramer

Randy Kramer

Maybe OT, but one possible issue with such cross-posting is that not
everyone is subscribed to both lists , so replies are not seen by everyone.

You are absolutely right that that is one of the problems with crossposting.
The typical ways I consider dealing with it include posting my replies to
both (all) lists, but just as crossposting is considered offensive by many,
crossposting replies may be just as or even more offensive.

Do you have any alternate solutions (presuming there was a valid reason for
the crossposting in the first place, which I feel there sometimes is)?

Randy Kramer

James Britt

Randy Kramer wrote:
Do you have any alternate solutions (presuming there was a valid reason for
the crossposting in the first place, which I feel there sometimes is)?
Um, no, other than to perhaps make a point of periodically summarizing
discussion points from the multiple lists so people not subscribed to
all lists can keep track.


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Chris Martin

On Linux, I can strongly recommend Kate or KDevelop. Maybe someday (with
QT4) they will be available on Windows, too.

I've added basic rails syntax support for Editors that make use of
kate part (Kate, Kdevelop, Quanta Plus)
There was a recent discussion (w/ instructions, and syntax file) of that he=

I hope to start work this weekend on adding document structure view,
and auto-complete, to Quanta Plus (kdewebdev ide).

I've heard there are some ports of kde apps for windows, never used
them though. When I'm forced to use Windows, I use FreeRIDE. On *nix,
Quanta or kdevelop win hands down, depending on the app you're coding.
(Rails->Quanta, Other ruby programming->kdevelop)

These can be compiled on OS X, via fink. Although < 10.4 there's no
copy/paste between Aqua and X11

ps. Cross posting is nicely readable via gmail, assuming users are on
both lists. Which why would you not be?! ;)

Chris Martin
Web Developer
Open Source & Web Standards Advocate


What I suggest is that people don't cross-post, but rather choose one
list that has the bigger chance to answer the question they have. If
the thread dies with no satisfying answer, then start a new one on the
second ML with a summary of the preceding discussion included.

That makes sense, and maybe we should even start suggesting that as an
obligation of any one that starts a cross posted thread. (Not sure how f= ar
we'd get, but I might start out any reply with "Thanks for cross posting
that, please keep us informed of any interesting posts from the other
list(s). ;-)
Of course, if I start the thread, I may not be so eager to keep both list= s up
to date. Maybe a summary (oh, that's what you said ;-), at strategic tim= es,
one being when I feel my question is answered or whatever. (And if
discussion continues or is going off on some tangent(s), maybe mention th= at.)
Randy Kramer


Brock Weaver

Thank you everybody for the active discussion.

Again, I apologize for initially cross-posting this thread. I will
not do it again.

Zimba, to which list would you have posted this particular topic?

What I suggest is that people don't cross-post, but rather choose one
list that has the bigger chance to answer the question they have. If
the thread dies with no satisfying answer, then start a new one on the
second ML with a summary of the preceding discussion included.


Brock Weaver


On 25/08/05 said:
Zimba, to which list would you have posted this particular topic?

I would have posted on the rails ML first.
Both ML are about ruby, so there are people on both that uses ruby
IDEs. But rails may have specific extensions that we don't know here.


tony summerfelt

Randy Kramer wrote on 8/25/2005 11:19 AM:
And, Off Point for this post, I guess if I was going to ask for a snappy
whatever, I'd say something about the environment, like snappy on a system
running a 233 MHz Pentium, 256 MB of RAM, running a mix of processes
typically including 5 open edit windows, 10 browser windows, ...

then i think it was relevant. i've tried all the ide's on a PII/350
with plenty of ram. i found jedit, eclipse, mondrian, and freeride
unsable. arachno-ruby seemed to have problems on win2k on that system.

vim worked great (and was 'snappy') but it's editor not really an ide

i've tried all the above on a 2gig system with a 1gig of ram on xp.
eclipse was still unusable, jedit was 'slowish'. i'm assuming it's
because those two were java based.

coudln't get mondrian installed/working, freeride was usable, but
seemed to be chugging. i settled on arachno-ruby.

if i need quickie ruby code i'll fire up vim or boxer
system is 500 MHZ with 384 MB of RAM,

i'd be suprised if you were happy with the performance of eclipse,
jedit or freeride. features of those ide's aside, i found it painful
to write any serious code with.

Randy Kramer

Randy Kramer wrote on 8/25/2005 11:19 AM:

i'd be suprised if you were happy with the performance of eclipse,
jedit or freeride. features of those ide's aside, i found it painful
to write any serious code with.

Thanks! (I use nedit, works great!)

Randy Kramer

tony summerfelt

Randy Kramer wrote on 8/26/2005 1:45 PM:
Thanks! (I use nedit, works great!)

ah, i thought you were looking for a cross-platform ide...

i've just jumped through a couple of hoops trying nedit for windows.
imho, not worth it to write ruby code with on windows...

Randy Kramer

Randy Kramer wrote on 8/26/2005 1:45 PM:

ah, i thought you were looking for a cross-platform ide...

Ahh, sorry for the confusion, that was the OP (somewhere back in the dawn of

(But, (as I mentioned previously) nedit does work on Windows and Mac as long
as X is available.

Randy Kramer

Lothar Scholz

Hello Randy,

RK> And, Off Point for this post, I guess if I was going to ask for a snappy
RK> whatever, I'd say something about the environment, like snappy on a system
RK> running a 233 MHz Pentium, 256 MB of RAM, running a mix of processes
RK> typically including 5 open edit windows, 10 browser windows, ...

RK> (I guess I'm getting carried away, but I'm sure a lot of developers on their 3
RK> GHz, 1 GB systems think their app is snappy, but then I run it and ;-( (My
RK> system is 500 MHZ with 384 MB of RAM, and a typical mixture of open windows
RK> quite a bit larger than mentioned above--4 open browser with 10-15 tabs each
RK> is not unusual, plus 6-7 konsole "tabs", 3-6 nedit windows, kmail, ...)

Sounds like a challenge. But please contact me, if you want to
participate in a little experiment.

I would like to prepare a special optimnized version of ArachnoRuby for you
that runs on such slow machines. It will contain no debugging code at all.
I did this in the past for someone who tried it on a 450 Apple G4 Cube,
and i worked snappy - except that the MacOSX port is not very bugfree
at the moment.

Gaston Garcia

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VIM : )

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brock Weaver <[email protected]>
Date: Aug 24, 2005 7:51 AM
Subject: Good cross-platform IDE / multiple document text editor for ruby /=
To: ruby-talk ML <[email protected]>, (e-mail address removed)

I apologize for the cross-post, but I thought it would spur a good
discussion on both lists.

I'm looking for a good editor for doing ruby / rails development.
Here's my requirements:

* Cross platform. I spend days on XP and nights on Suse, with occassional O=
* Multiple Document Interface. SciTe's single doc interface just won't do
* Debugging =3D not needed. Just a good editor
* FreeRIDE =3D no go. Doesn't respect my mouse speed
* Emacs =3D no go. I'm a vi guy, but not for this situation
* Teh snappy. Startup time doesn't matter, text editing does

What I'd really like is something like the windows-only TextPad
application for linux.

I've been leaning towards Eclipse, but haven't tried it out yet -- any
ruby / rails plugins for it?


Brock Weaver



Randy Kramer

Sounds like a challenge. But please contact me, if you want to
participate in a little experiment.

I'll start by saying "maybe".

You should know that I'm not the OP, and I was commenting to him rather than
expressing my own search for a snappy cross-platform IDE, in fact I'm fairly
happy with nedit for the time being (more below) and am taking a sojourn into
lisp and therefore spending some time with emacs/xemacs.


* I'm always on the lookout for a better editor, and

* I'm looking for an editing component (widget, control, ...) for a project
I'd like to do

For that project, I'd like to find an editing component that:
* is snappy, even on slower overloaded machines
* without listing all of them at the moment, has all the typical features
of an editor, and in addition has the following:
* customizable syntax highlighting
* keyboard macros (Arachno has this, according to
* a macro language, and
* which can be integrated with recorded keyboard macros (it is quite
common for me to start writing a macro by recording keystrokes. That macro
may not have all the features I need (especially conditionals) so I am used
to taking that macro and adding code from the macro language so that it can
do everything I need)
* folding based on custom "sentinels" or features of the file (I have
nedit macros that fold on any TWiki level heading (i.e., on "---+ " through
"---++++++ ")
* in the macros, the ability to define a portion of a file and search
within that portion (that's not explained very well (I'm not sure I'm stating
all the requirements), but here's an alternate explanation: I have files in
which I store multiple records (separated by a record separator string
(currently "---++ ", but intended to be easily changable)). I have nedit
macros that can search the file and find records that contain all of a list
of search terms.
* able to export selected records to another application for further
processing (sort of like an abiltiy to sort, although the first external
application will not return any results, the record is just specially
formatted and displayed for the user) (so, in fact, unlike the similar
capability in nedit, I need an option that either deletes the text sent to
the other application for replacement by what is sent back from that
application, or that does not delete that text (as nothing will be sent back
from that application)
* written in a language that I can grok so if necessary I can customize
it still further (and with a license that lets me do that)
* usable at resolutions from 640x480 and up

This was just a quick off the top of my head list--if Arachno satisfies these
criteria I may need to look a little closer.

What is the editor component in Arachno written in? Does it have any sort of
open source license? Does it have the features listed above?
I would like to prepare a special optimnized version of ArachnoRuby for you
that runs on such slow machines. It will contain no debugging code at all.
I did this in the past for someone who tried it on a 450 Apple G4 Cube,
and i worked snappy - except that the MacOSX port is not very bugfree
at the moment.

It would be wonderful if Arachno would satisfy me in all the respects listed
above. If not, perhaps someone else on the list is interested in testing out
the special optimized version.

Randy Kramer

Randy Kramer

Hmm, maybe I should have said something about why I'm not considering nedit
for the editing component:

* I am, but for one thing I haven't discussed it so far with the nedit
developers, and there are a few (potential problems)
* I'm not sure that it is currently available as a component, nor that
anyone is working on such, nor that any of the developers would have any
interest in supporting / helping make it into a component
* folding in nedit is not well supported--what I mean is that my folding
macros really fold and unfold a line (i.e., either show a block of text as a
block of text, or fold (unfold) it into one long line that stretches off to
the right--as long as I view lines like that with wrap set to none, the line
does stretch far off to the right and I can treat it as folded--there is no
(simple) way to really hide text in nedit
* a minor issue is the somewhat dated look due to the Motif/Lesstif
stuff that it is based on
* nedit expects that if I send text to another application the other
application will send back something to be inserted into the file in place of
that text (therefore it deletes that text--I need to make that behavior
optional so that text sent to another application is not deleted (of course,
a workaround is to have that other application send back a copy of the
original text--I'm not sure how difficult that might be, and in any case it
is more cumbersome than necessary)

There may be some other issues that I can't think of or am not aware of at the

If I haven't said it earlier, nedit is snappy in my machines with the typical
mix of applications I run.

Randy Kramer

I'll start by saying "maybe".
---<my stuff snipped>---

Lothar Scholz

Hello Randy,

RK> * I'm always on the lookout for a better editor, and

RK> * I'm looking for an editing component (widget, control, ...) for a project
RK> I'd like to do

I think there is not very much except Scintilla.
I've seen a Delphi component some time ago written for a php editor,
but it wasn't under heavy development and missed a lot of features.
Don't know if Simon found some time to work on this "aeditor"
component, which is 100% ruby (I'm not sure if this is a good idea,
because hard to get it snappy).

RK> For that project, I'd like to find an editing component that:
RK> * is snappy, even on slower overloaded machines
RK> * without listing all of them at the moment, has all the typical features
RK> of an editor, and in addition has the following:
RK> * customizable syntax highlighting

Arachno don't have it yet. But it is planned based on simple regexpr
or as C extension.

RK> * keyboard macros (Arachno has this, according to
RK> * a macro language, and

Not yet. But it will come, and it will be Ruby (or Python - if you
prefer this). I started with the macro language two weeks ago when
a customer mentioned that it might be good enough if the macro
language runs in a second process and communicate via sockets with the
main application. In this way i can work around the current limitation
that there can be only one ruby interpreter in one native thread.
And this also gives a higher security level during development if a
macro crashs. But adding this raises a few interesting points and i
have to check every source line if there are problems. As for example
you have to completely disable the user interface before running

RK> * which can be integrated with recorded keyboard macros (it is quite
RK> common for me to start writing a macro by recording keystrokes. That macro
RK> may not have all the features I need (especially conditionals) so I am used
RK> to taking that macro and adding code from the macro language so that it can
RK> do everything I need)

Nice idea. AFAIK even XEmacs don't support it (at least without shooting
yourself in your foot).

RK> * folding based on custom "sentinels" or features of the file (I have
RK> nedit macros that fold on any TWiki level heading (i.e., on "---+ " through
RK> "---++++++ ")

I could implement something like this but it's the first time i
hear about it. Everybody wants it either on syntax elements
(implemented in Arachno) or on indentation.

RK> * in the macros, the ability to define a portion of a file and search
RK> within that portion (that's not explained very well (I'm not sure I'm stating
RK> all the requirements), but here's an alternate explanation: I have files in
RK> which I store multiple records (separated by a record separator string
RK> (currently "---++ ", but intended to be easily changable)). I have nedit
RK> macros that can search the file and find records that contain all of a list
RK> of search terms.

As long as the search range does not have gaps it should work with all
the macro enabled editors. First set the selection and then use the
"search in selection" (or whatever it is called) option. And of course
it might be much easier to do it yourself with simple string
operations in your macro language (assuming it is a complete and universal

RK> * able to export selected records to another application for further
RK> processing (sort of like an abiltiy to sort, although the first external
RK> application will not return any results, the record is just specially
RK> formatted and displayed for the user) (so, in fact, unlike the similar
RK> capability in nedit, I need an option that either deletes the text sent to
RK> the other application for replacement by what is sent back from that
RK> application, or that does not delete that text (as nothing will be sent back
RK> from that application)

This feature will be in the next release (expected end of next week).
You can even catch the exit code and decide on this if you want to replace
the selected text range with the external application or not.

RK> * written in a language that I can grok so if necessary I can customize
RK> it still further (and with a license that lets me do that)

Okay, thats a knock out criterium for me. I will not publish my eiffel
code, but i think if you have a good complete macro language it is not
necessary. When i see what you can do with VisualSlick Edit then you
don't really need it. And if the wanted features are so different from the
current state of the editor, i doubt that you want to hack inside a
300000 lines project.

RK> * usable at resolutions from 640x480 and up

Arachno has a nice slimline mode, (even hidding scrollbars on small
displays) you simply can't get more then this.

RK> This was just a quick off the top of my head list--if Arachno satisfies these
RK> criteria I may need to look a little closer.

RK> What is the editor component in Arachno written in? Does it have any sort of
RK> open source license? Does it have the features listed above?

It's written in Eiffel, and from your mentioned features i can't find
something really new, just your heavy demand of macro programming, but
this is "under development".

So i think Arachno will be (at the current development level) not
your editor, but maybe you like to try it out end of 2006. I think
until then i implemented the points on your requirement list.

At the moment i see that there is heavy feature demand from two different
camps, the one that want to add more ruby specific features (mostly
this are the java converting guys) and the other people that want a general
purpose editor with some ruby support (long time programmers of
scripting languages and xemacs/vi users)

So i continue to do what i did in the past: look what i would like to see in
a Ruby IDE and implement this first. Thats the way every successful Shareware
application was developed in the past.

Randy Kramer

On Saturday 27 August 2005 09:30 pm, Lothar Scholz wrote:
Hi, Lothar, thanks for the response!

---< snipping good stuff liberally (throughout) >--

I had started to look at Scintella just a few days ago. I'll look for the
Delphi component and aeditor.
RK> * which can be integrated with recorded keyboard macros (it is
quite RK> common for me to start writing a macro by recording keystrokes.
That macro RK> may not have all the features I need (especially
conditionals) so I am used RK> to taking that macro and adding code from
the macro language so that it can RK> do everything I need)

Nice idea. AFAIK even XEmacs don't support it (at least without shooting
yourself in your foot).

Just for your information, both nedit and Microsoft Word (what I call 97 (for
Windows) and some earlier versions, and I assume also the later versions) do
RK> * folding based on custom "sentinels" or features of the file (I
have RK> nedit macros that fold on any TWiki level heading (i.e., on "---+
" through RK> "---++++++ ")

I could implement something like this but it's the first time i
hear about it. Everybody wants it either on syntax elements
(implemented in Arachno) or on indentation.

I do it with macros in nedit, which is fine.
RK> * able to export selected records to another application for
further RK> processing (sort of like an abiltiy to sort, although the first
external RK> application will not return any results, the record is just
specially RK> formatted and displayed for the user) (so, in fact, unlike
the similar RK> capability in nedit, I need an option that either deletes
the text sent to RK> the other application for replacement by what is sent
back from that RK> application, or that does not delete that text (as
nothing will be sent back RK> from that application)

This feature will be in the next release (expected end of next week).
You can even catch the exit code and decide on this if you want to replace
the selected text range with the external application or not.

RK> * written in a language that I can grok so if necessary I can
customize RK> it still further (and with a license that lets me do that)

Okay, thats a knock out criterium for me. I will not publish my eiffel
code, but i think if you have a good complete macro language it is not
necessary. When i see what you can do with VisualSlick Edit then you
don't really need it. And if the wanted features are so different from the
current state of the editor, i doubt that you want to hack inside a
300000 lines project.

You're right, I don't want to mess around inside a 300,000 line project, and
with a good macro language it shouldn't be necessary. BTW, the only two
reasons I need/want to hack inside nedit are to:
* actually hide text when folded
* give an option to delete or not delete text sent to an external

It sounds like Arachno will have both of those.
So i think Arachno will be (at the current development level) not
your editor, but maybe you like to try it out end of 2006. I think
until then i implemented the points on your requirement list.

Yes, I would. Will it be available as a component that I could incorporate in
another project?
So i continue to do what i did in the past: look what i would like to see
in a Ruby IDE and implement this first.

I think that's a good way to do it (at least until you're programming
something for which you have no experience).

Thanks again for the response! I look forward to looking more closely at
Arachno sometime near the end of 2006.

Randy Kramer

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