This question actually pertains to a Rails app but it's more of a
general Ruby question so I'll ask it here.
Within a body of text I'm trying to match URLs for
youtube/google/myspace/etc videos and replace them with their associated
embed codes. For each different site there is a different regular
expression and a different embed code. So I made a hash with each value
being an array containing the regular expression and replacement like:
{:videosite => [regexp, replacement]}. From there I figured I should
loop through the hash and check the text against each expression and
replace the URLs if necessary. Unfortunately I am having a problem:
class Embedment < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.capture_embedments(text)
embedments = []
regexps.each do |k,v|
text.gsub!(v[0]) do |match|
embedments << embedment = self.new
embedment.html = v[1]
return embedments
def self.regexps
return {
:youtube => [/\(youtube:.*?(?:v=)?([\w|-]{11}).*\)/, "<object
width=\"425\" height=\"350\"><param name=\"movie\"
name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"></param><embed
type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\"
width=\"425\" height=\"350\"></embed></object>"]
I think the flaw in my plan is that the second member of the array is
being parsed as soon as it's referenced, so this raises an exception
(undefined local variable or method `match' for Embedment:Class) since
the object 'match' does not exist yet. I'm guessing my approach to this
problem is very very wrong, but I have yet to see past my poor solution.
The reason why I separated the regular expressions from the method is
because there's going to be a few tens of them and I wanted to
consolidate them. Any help would be appreciated.
general Ruby question so I'll ask it here.
Within a body of text I'm trying to match URLs for
youtube/google/myspace/etc videos and replace them with their associated
embed codes. For each different site there is a different regular
expression and a different embed code. So I made a hash with each value
being an array containing the regular expression and replacement like:
{:videosite => [regexp, replacement]}. From there I figured I should
loop through the hash and check the text against each expression and
replace the URLs if necessary. Unfortunately I am having a problem:
class Embedment < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.capture_embedments(text)
embedments = []
regexps.each do |k,v|
text.gsub!(v[0]) do |match|
embedments << embedment = self.new
embedment.html = v[1]
return embedments
def self.regexps
return {
:youtube => [/\(youtube:.*?(?:v=)?([\w|-]{11}).*\)/, "<object
width=\"425\" height=\"350\"><param name=\"movie\"
name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\"></param><embed
type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\"
width=\"425\" height=\"350\"></embed></object>"]
I think the flaw in my plan is that the second member of the array is
being parsed as soon as it's referenced, so this raises an exception
(undefined local variable or method `match' for Embedment:Class) since
the object 'match' does not exist yet. I'm guessing my approach to this
problem is very very wrong, but I have yet to see past my poor solution.
The reason why I separated the regular expressions from the method is
because there's going to be a few tens of them and I wanted to
consolidate them. Any help would be appreciated.