Help! IncompatibleClassChangeError



I'm doing a class assignment comprised of three modules:,, and (the code for all three is included
below.) We were provided with the AirportClient and Pause compiled
modules (both *.java and *.class) and a partially completed Airport
module, and had to flesh out the Airport one (the required additions
are marked in the Airport code with '*****', five asterisks). My
Airport code compiles fine, but when I run the,
which calls the Airport and Pause modules, I get a series of errors
like this:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"

relating to the AirportClient.paint( method/line.
There are multiple error blocks, all the same, repeating this

There is an additional error, same as above, but relating to the
AirportClient.workWithAirports method, line 42. It is not liking the
reference to getCountAirports, which is an addition we had to make in

If I try to recompile AirportClient, I get the error: non-static method getCountAirports() cannot be
referenced from a static context
Airport.getCountAirports( ) );

my reference in is:
private static int countAirports = 0;

I also tried
public static int countAirports = 0;

static int countAirports = 0;

I know that to examine closely, the code below will have to copied in
and compiled and run, but if anyone could take the time to tell me
what's wrong I would appreciate it.


****************** *********************
public class Airport

// instance variables
private String airportCode;
private int gates;

// 1. ***** Add a static class variable *****
// countAirports is an int
// assign an initial value of 0
public static int countAirports = 0; // this line is my addition

// 2. ***** Modify this method *****
// Default constructor:
// method name: Airport
// return value: none
// parameters: none
// function: sets the airportCode to an empty String
// ***** add 1 to countAirports class variable
public Airport( )
airportCode = "";
countAirports = countAirports + 1; // this line is my addition


// 3. ***** Modify this method *****
// Overloaded constructor:
// method name: Airport
// return value: none
// parameters: a String airport code and an int startGates
// function: assigns airportCode the value of the
// startAirportCode parameter;
// calls the setGates method,
// passing the startGates parameter
// ***** add 1 to countAirports class variable
public Airport( String startAirportCode, int startGates )
airportCode = startAirportCode;
setGates( startGates );
countAirports = countAirports + 1; // this line is my addition


// Accessor method for the airportCode instance variable
// method name: getAirportCode
// return value: String
// parameters: none
// function: returns airportCode
public String getAirportCode( )
return airportCode;

// Accessor method for the gates instance variable
// method name: getGates
// return value: int
// parameters: none
// function: returns gates
public int getGates( )
return gates;

// 4. ***** Write this method *****
// Accessor method for the countAirports class variable
// method name: getCountAirports
// return value: int
// parameters: none
// function: returns countAirports
public int getCountAirports() // this line is my addition
return countAirports; // this line is my addition

// Mutator method for the airportCode instance variable
// method name: setAirportCode
// return value: void
// parameters: String newAirportCode
// function: assigns airportCode the value of the
// newAirportCode parameter
public void setAirportCode( String newAirportCode )
airportCode = newAirportCode;

// Mutator method for the gates instance variable
// method name: setGates
// return value: void
// parameters: int newGates
// function: validates the newGates parameter.
// if newGates is greater than 0, sets gates to newGates;
// otherwise, prints an error message to System.err
// and does not change value of gates
public void setGates( int newGates )
if ( newGates >= 0 )
gates = newGates;
System.err.println( "Gates must be at least 0" );
System.err.println( "Value of gates unchanged." );

// 5. ***** Write this method *****
// method name: toString
// return value: String
// parameters: none
// function: returns a String that contains the airportCode
// and gates

public String toString() // this method is my addition
return "Airport Code: " + airportCode + "\n"
+ "Gate: " + gates;

// 6. ***** Write this method *****
// method name: equals
// return value: boolean
// parameter: Airport object
// function: returns true if airportCode
// and gates in this object
// are equal to those in the parameter object;
// returns false otherwise

public boolean equals(Airport airportA) // this method is my addition
if (airportCode.equals(airportA.airportCode)
&& gates==airportA.gates)
return true;
return false;

} // end of Airport class definition
***************** end of *****************************

***************** ****************************
// A client program to display Airport object values

import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class AirportClient extends JFrame
String action1, action2;
boolean firstTime = true;

int animationPause = 6; // 6 seconds between animations
Airport airport1, airport2; // declare Airport object references

public void workWithAirports( )
animate( "Two airport object references declared:",
"Airport airport1, airport2;" );

/* Instantiate airport1 using the overloaded constructor */
airport1 = new Airport( "IAD", 30 );
animate( "Instantiated airport1 using overloaded constructor:",
"airport1 = new Airport( \"IAD\", 30 );" );

/* Call toString() */
animate( "Calling toString:",
"JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null,
airport1.toString( ) );" );
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, airport1.toString( ) );

/* Instantiate a second airport object using overloaded
airport2 = new Airport( "IAD", 30 );
animate( "Instantiated airport2 using overloaded constructor:",
"airport2 = new Airport( \"IAD\", 30 );" );

/* Get the value of countAirports */
animate( "Getting the value of countAirports:",
"JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null,
\"countAirports is \" +"
+ " Airport.getCountAirports( ) );" );
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "countAirports is " +
Airport.getCountAirports( ) );

/* Compare the two airport objects */
animate( "Comparing airport1 and airport2 using the equality
operator ",
" if ( airport1 == airport2 )..." );
if ( airport1 == airport2 )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "airport1 and airport2 are
equal" );
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "airport1 and airport2 are
not equal" );

/* Compare the two Airport objects */
animate( "Comparing airport1 and airport2 using equals:",
" if ( airport1.equals( airport2 ) )..." );
if ( airport1.equals( airport2 ) )
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "airport1 and airport2 are
equal" );
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "airport1 and airport2 are
not equal" );

/* Finished */
animate( "Actions are complete, exiting", "" );
System.exit( 1 );

public AirportClient( )
super( "Using the Airport Class" );
setSize( 520, 400 );
setVisible( true );

public void paint( Graphics g )
super.paint( g );
if ( firstTime )
firstTime = false;
int boxL = 75, boxH = 20;
int sX = 50, sY = 50;

// countAirports
g.setColor( Color.BLACK );
g.drawRect( sX, sY, boxL, boxH );
g.drawString( "countAirports", sX, sY - 10 );
g.setColor( Color.BLUE );
g.drawString( Integer.toString( Airport.getCountAirports( ) ),
sX + 15, sY + 15 );

// airport1
sY = 125;
if ( airport1 != null )
// object reference box
g.setColor( Color.BLACK );
g.drawRect( sX, sY, boxL, boxH );
g.drawString( "airport1", sX, sY - 10 );
draw( g, sX, sY, airport1 ); // draw airport object
// indicate null reference
g.setColor( Color.BLACK );
g.drawRect( sX, sY, boxL, boxH );
g.drawString( "airport1", sX, sY - 10 );
g.setColor( Color.BLUE );
g.drawString( "null", sX + 15, sY + 15 );

sY = 250;
if ( airport2 != null )
// object reference box
g.setColor( Color.BLACK );
g.drawRect( sX, sY, boxL, boxH );
g.drawString( "airport2", sX, sY - 10 );
draw( g, sX, sY, airport2 ); // draw airport object
// indicate null reference
g.setColor( Color.BLACK );
g.drawRect( sX, sY, boxL, boxH );
g.drawString( "airport2", sX, sY - 10 );
g.setColor( Color.BLUE );
g.drawString( "null", sX + 15, sY + 15 );

// display action at bottom of screen
g.setColor( Color.BLUE );
g.drawString( action1, 15, 370 );
g.drawString( action2, 20, 385 );

private void draw( Graphics g, int sX, int sY, Airport a )
int boxL = 75, boxH = 20;

// arrow
g.setColor( Color.BLACK );
g.drawLine( sX + boxL, sY + boxH / 2,
sX + boxL + 25, sY + boxH / 2 );
g.drawLine( sX + boxL + 25, sY + boxH / 2,
sX + boxL + 25, sY + boxH * 2 );
g.drawLine( sX + boxL + 25 - 5, sY + boxH * 2 - 5,
sX + boxL + 25, sY + boxH * 2 );
g.drawLine( sX + boxL + 25 + 5, sY + boxH * 2 - 5,
sX + boxL + 25, sY + boxH * 2 );

// airportCode
g.setColor( Color.BLACK );
g.drawString( "airport code", sX + boxL - 75, sY + 2 * boxH + 15 );
g.drawRect( sX + boxL, sY + 2 * boxH, boxL, boxH );
g.setColor( Color.BLUE );
g.drawString( a.getAirportCode( ),
sX + boxL + 5, sY + 2 * boxH + 15);

// gates
g.setColor( Color.BLACK );
g.drawString( "gates", sX + boxL - 75, sY + 3 * boxH + 15 );
g.drawRect( sX + boxL, sY + 3 * boxH, boxL, boxH );
g.setColor( Color.BLUE );
g.drawString( Integer.toString( a.getGates( ) ),
sX + boxL + 5, sY + 3 * boxH + 15 );

private void animate( String a1, String a2 )
action1 = a1;
action2 = a2;
repaint( );
Pause.wait( animationPause );

public static void main( String[] args )
AirportClient app = new AirportClient( );
app.workWithAirports( );
app.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
************ end of *****************

************ *********************************
public class Pause
/** wait method
* @param seconds number of seconds to pause
public static void wait( int seconds )
Thread.sleep( (int)( seconds * 1000 ) );
catch ( InterruptedException e )
e.printStackTrace( );
************ end of **********************

Ross Bamford

I'm doing a class assignment comprised of three modules:,, and (the code for all three is included
below.) We were provided with the AirportClient and Pause compiled
modules (both *.java and *.class) and a partially completed Airport
module, and had to flesh out the Airport one (the required additions
are marked in the Airport code with '*****', five asterisks). My
Airport code compiles fine, but when I run the,
which calls the Airport and Pause modules, I get a series of errors
like this:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"

This could be related to your classes becoming of out sync. Try deleting
all .class files, and compile everything again after changing the
'getCountAirports()' method, making it static, to fix the compilation
error you mentioned:

// 4. ***** Write this method *****
// Accessor method for the countAirports class variable
// method name: getCountAirports
// return value: int
// parameters: none
// function: returns countAirports
public static int getCountAirports()
// ^^^^^^
return countAirports;

You should then find it compiles. Now you can start work on the thread
model :)

Andrew Thompson

Luch said:
If I try to recompile AirportClient, I get the error: non-static method getCountAirports() cannot be
referenced from a static context
Airport.getCountAirports( ) );

my reference in is:
private static int countAirports = 0;

I also tried
public static int countAirports = 0;

static int countAirports = 0;

That error is not referring to the declaration of the
countAirports attribute, but the getCountAirports( )

Of course, any attribute used in a static method
will need to be local, passed in as an argument, or static
(I think that covers it).



Ross, Andrew,

Well, that worked. I changed the getCountAirports to static, it runs
like it should. It's always the little details.....

thank you very much.

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