Request for help


jacob navia


I am doing a series of benchmarks against gcc, and I found out that the
results of my benchmark would change from version to version of gcc,
i.e. the 2.95 version would give different results than 3.4 version.

This is strange since under windows, MSVC, intel and lcc-win32
give exactly the same results...

This is not *per se* a bug, but I would like to know what
results you get. The program in question is a matrix
manipulation program that uses heavily floating point.

Just mail as an answer to this message the output you
get with a small note of machine, and gcc version (or
other compiler of course).

Thanks in advance. The program compiles under windows and linux
without modifications. I did not write this program, so please
ignore questions of style.

-----------------------------------------------cut here
/* SCCS ID @(#)ge.h 1.1 2/4/86 */
**** Matrix data structure(s) for Gaussian Elimination ****
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef __LCC__
#include <fenv.h>
double sasum(int n,double * sx,int incx );
int isamax( int n, double *sx, int incx );
This file contains the definitions of the structures used in
various algorithms for doing Gaussian Elimination.

The following gives an array (of length 10) of pointers to doubles.
double *a[10];
Now assume that each a points to space for an array of doubles
by a call to malloc, say).
Then the following is true:
a can be thought of as a pointer to the i-th array of
*(a+j) is the j-th element of the i-th array.

The following shows how to reference things for the definition of
the FULL
structure given below.
a->cd is the value of (as apposed to a pointer to) the column
a->rd is the value of (as apposed to a pointer to) the row dimension.
a->pd[j] is a pointer to the j-th column (an array of doubles).
*(a->pd[j]+i) is the i-th element of the j-th column, viz., a(i,j).
Here we think, as is natural in C, of all matrices and vectors indexed
from 0 insead of 1.

#define MAXCOL 1000 /* Maximum number of Columns. */

struct FULL { /* Struct definition for the FULL matrix
structure. */
int cd; /* Column dimension of the matrix. */
int rd; /* Row Dimension of the matrix. */
double *pd[MAXCOL]; /* Array of pointers to the columns of a
matrix. */
void sgesl(struct FULL * a,int * ipvt,double b[],int job );
void saxpy(int n,double sa, double *sx,int incx,double * sy,int incy );
/* The following macro will get a(r,c) from a matrix in the FULL
structure. */
#define elem(a,r,c) (*(a.pd[(c)]+(r)))

/* The following macro will get a(r,c) from a pointer to a matrix
in the FULL structure. */
#define pelem(a,r,c) (*(a->pd[(c)]+(r)))
int sgeco( struct FULL *a,int * ipvt, double *rcond,double * z );
void matgen( int n,struct FULL * a,double * b );
int sgefa(struct FULL * a,int * ipvt );
double copysign(double,double);
double second(void);
double sdot(int n,double * sx,int incx,double * sy, int incy );

**** Sample driver for SGEFA/SL and CO ****
* double second(); Returns cpu time used in seconds

#define MAXN 500 /* Maximum problem size. */

int main()
/* Storage for the linear system and associates. */
struct FULL a;
double x[MAXCOL], b[MAXCOL], z[MAXCOL], rcond;
int ipvt[MAXCOL];

#ifdef __LCC__
DoublePrecision(); // Set 53 bits preision
/* Local vars. */
double opsfa, opsco, opssl, xerrnrm, resnrm, xnrm;
double tfai, tfao, tsli, tslo, tcoi, tcoo;
int n, i, j, retval;

#ifdef sun
/* The following is a kludge for correct Sun FPA core dumps. */
unsigned newmode = 62464;

for( n=50; n<=MAXN; n+=50 ) {

/* Generate the linear system. */
matgen( n, &a, b );
opsfa = 1.0E-6*((2.0e0*(double)n*(double)n*(double)n)/3.0e0 +
opsco = opsfa + 1.0E-6*(6.0e0*(double)n*(double)n);
opssl = 1.0e-6*(2.0e0*(double)n*(double)n);

/* Factor. */
tfai = second();
retval = sgefa( &a, ipvt );
tfao = second();

if( retval )
printf("Zero Column %d found.\n", retval );
else {

/* Solve the system. */
tsli = second();
sgesl( &a, ipvt, b, 0 );
tslo = second();

/* Compute a residual to verify results. */
for( i=0; i<n; i++ )
x = b;
matgen( n, &a, b );
for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) {
register double *col = a.pd[j];
register double xj = x[j];

for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
b -= col*xj;
xerrnrm = 0.0;
resnrm = 0.0;
for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
xerrnrm += ((double)x-1.0)*((double)x-1.0);
resnrm += (double)b*(double)b;
xnrm = sqrt( (double)n );
xerrnrm = sqrt( xerrnrm )/xnrm;
resnrm = sqrt( resnrm )/xnrm;

/* Now factor and est condition number. */
tcoi = second();
retval = sgeco( &a, ipvt, &rcond, z );
tcoo = second();

printf("\n\n\tLinpack Benchmark in C of size %d\n",n);
printf(" 1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = %15e\n",rcond);
printf(" ||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = %15e\n",xerrnrm);
printf(" ||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = %15e\n",resnrm);
printf("\tWhere X = True solution and and x = computed solution\n");
return 0;
void matgen(int n,struct FULL * a,double * b )

/* This routine generates a struct FULL matrix */
int i, j, init = 1325;

/* Allocate/Deallocate space for the columns. */
for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
if( a->pd != NULL ) (void)free( a->pd );
if( (a->pd = (double *)malloc( (unsigned)n*sizeof(double) ))
== NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr, "MATGEN: Error allocating matrix for
exit( 1 );

/* Set the matrix elements and right hand side. */
a->cd = n;
a->rd = n;
for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) {
register double *col = a->pd[j];

for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
init = 3125*init % 65536;
col = ((double)init-32768.0)/16384.0;
for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) b[j] = 0.0;
for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) {
register double *col = a->pd[j];

for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
b += col;

* Routines for getting elapsed CPU usage.

#include <time.h>
static int epsilon=0;
double second(void)
* Returns the total cpu time used in seconds.
* Emulates the Cray fortran library function of the same name.

return( (double)epsilon + ((double)clock())/1000.0 );
void sscal(int n,double sa,double * sx,int incx );

**** Gaussian Elimination with partial pivoting ****
**** and condition number estimation. ****
**** This file contains the factorization driver and ****
**** contion number estimation routine SGECO ****

int sgeco(struct FULL * a,int * ipvt,double * rcond,double * z )
SGECO factors a real matrix by gaussian elimination
and estimates the condition of the matrix.

If rcond is not needed, SGEFA is slightly faster.
to solve A*x = b , follow SGECO by SGESL.
To compute inverse(A)*c , follow SGECO by SGESL.
To compute determinant(A) , follow SGECO by SGEDI.
To compute inverse(A) , follow SGECO by SGEDI.

a A pointer to the FULL matrix structure.
See the definition in ge.h.

a A pointer to the FULL matrix structure containing
an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers
which were used to obtain it.
The factorization can be written a = l*u where
l is a product of permutation and unit lower
triangular matrices and u is upper triangular.
ipvt An integer vector (of length a->cd) of pivot indices.
rcond A double estimate of the reciprocal condition of A .
for the system A*x = b , relative perturbations
in A and b of size epsilon may cause
relative perturbations in x of size epsilon/rcond .
If rcond is so small that the logical expression
1.0 + rcond .eq. 1.0
is true, then a may be singular to working
precision. In particular, rcond is zero if
exact singularity is detected or the estimate
z A double vector (of length a->cd) for a work vector
whose contents are usually unimportant. If A is
close to a singular matrix, then z is an approx-
imate null vector in the sense that:
norm(a*z) = rcond*norm(a)*norm(z) .

= -1 Matrix is not square.
= 0 Normal return value.
= k if u(k,k) .eq. 0.0 . This is not an error
condition for this subroutine, but it does
indicate that sgesl or sgedi will divide by zero
if called. Use rcond in sgeco for a reliable
indication of singularity.

SGEFA(), blas sasum() and sdot(), copysign(), fabs();

This routine uses the UN*X math library routines
copysign() and fabs().
register int j;
int k, n, info ;
register double s;
double ek, anorm, ynorm;

n = a->cd;

/* Compute 1-norm of A. */
for( j=0, anorm=0.0; j<n; j++ ) {
register double sum;

sum = sasum( n, a->pd[j], 1 );
anorm = (double)sum > anorm ? (double)sum : anorm;

/* Factor A. */
info = sgefa( a, ipvt );

* rcond = 1/(norm(a)*(estimate of norm(inverse(a)))) .
* estimate = norm(z)/norm(y) where a*z = y and trans(a)*y = e .
* trans(a) is the transpose of a . The components of e are
* chosen to cause maximum local growth in the elements of w where
* trans(u)*w = e . The vectors are frequently rescaled to avoid
* overflow.

/* solve trans(u)*w = e */
ek = 1.0;
for( j=0; j<n; j++ ) {
z[j] = 0.0e0;
for( k=0; k<n; k++ ) {
register double zk = z[k];
double wk, wkm, sm;
int kp1 = k+1;

if( zk != 0.0 ) ek = (double)copysign( (double)ek, (double)-zk );
if( fabs( (double)(ek-zk) ) > fabs( (double)pelem(a,k,k) ) ) {
s = (double)fabs( (double)pelem(a,k,k) )/(double)fabs(
(double)(ek-zk) );
sscal( n, (double)s, z, 1 );
zk = z[k];
ek *= s;
wk = ek - zk;
wkm = -ek - zk;
s = (double)fabs( (double)wk );
sm = (double)fabs( (double)wkm );
if( pelem(a,k,k) == 0.0 ) {
wk = 1.0;
wkm = 1.0;
else {
wk /= pelem(a,k,k);
wkm /= pelem(a,k,k);
if( kp1<n ) {
for( j=kp1; j<n; j++ ) {
sm = sm + (double)fabs( (double)(z[j]+wkm*pelem(a,k,j)) );
z[j] += ((double)wk)*pelem(a,k,j);
s += (double)fabs( (double)z[j] );
if( s < sm ) {
register double t = wkm-wk;

wk = wkm;
for( j=kp1; j<n; j++ ) {
z[j] += t*pelem(a,k,j);
z[k] = wk;
s = 1.0/(double)sasum( n, z, 1 );
sscal( n, (double)s, z, 1 );

/* Solve trans(L)*y = w. */
for( k=n-1; k>=0; k-- ) {
register int l;
register double t;

if( k < n-1 ) z[k] += (double)sdot( n-k-1, a->pd[k]+k+1, 1,
(z+k+1), 1 );
if( fabs( (double)z[k] ) > 1.0 ) {
s = 1.0/(double)fabs( (double)z[k] );
sscal( n, (double)s, z, 1 );
l = ipvt[k];
t = z[l];
z[l] = z[k];
z[k] = t;
s = 1.0/(double)sasum( n, z, 1 );
sscal( n, (double)s, z, 1);

ynorm = 1.0;

/* solve L*v = y. */
for( k=0; k<n; k++ ) {
register int l;
register double t;

l = ipvt[k];
t = z[l];
z[l] = z[k];
z[k] = t;
if( k < n-1 ) saxpy( n-k-1, (double)t, (a->pd[k]+k+1), 1,
(z+k+1), 1 );
if( fabs( (double)z[k] ) > 1.0) {
s = 1.0/(double)fabs( (double)z[k] );
sscal( n, (double)s, z, 1 );
ynorm *= s;
s = 1.0/(double)sasum( n, z, 1 );
sscal( n, (double)s, z, 1 );
ynorm *= s;

/* Solve U*z = v. */
for( k=n-1; k>=0; k-- ) {
register double t;

if( fabs( (double)z[k] ) > fabs( (double)pelem(a,k,k) ) ) {
s = (double)fabs( (double)pelem(a,k,k) )/(double)fabs(
(double)z[k] );
sscal( n, (double)s, z, 1 );
ynorm *= s;
if( pelem(a,k,k) == 0.0 ) z[k] = 1.0;
else z[k] /= pelem(a,k,k);
t = -z[k];
saxpy( k, (double)t, a->pd[k], 1, z, 1 );

/* Make znorm = 1.0. */
s = 1.0/(double)sasum( n, z, 1 );
sscal( n, (double)s, z, 1 );
ynorm *= s;

if( anorm == 0.0e0) *rcond = 0.0;
else *rcond = ynorm/anorm;

return( info );

**** Gaussian Elimination with partial pivoting. ****
**** This file contains the factorization routine SGEFA ****

int sgefa(struct FULL *a,int * ipvt )
SGEFA factors a real matrix by gaussian elimination.

SGEFA is usually called by SGECO, but it can be called
directly with a saving in time if rcond is not needed.
(time for SGECO) = (1 + 9/n)*(time for SGEFA) .

a A pointer to the FULL matrix structure.
See the definition in ge.h.

a A pointer to the FULL matrix structure containing
an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers
which were used to obtain it.
The factorization can be written a = l*u where
l is a product of permutation and unit lower
triangular matrices and u is upper triangular.
ipvt An integer vector (of length a->cd) of pivot indices.

= -1 Matrix is not square.
= 0 Normal return value.
= k if u(k,k) .eq. 0.0 . This is not an error
condition for this subroutine, but it does
indicate that sgesl or sgedi will divide by zero
if called. Use rcond in sgeco for a reliable
indication of singularity.

register int i, j;
int isamax(), k, l, nm1, info, n;
double *akk, *alk;
register double t, *mik;

/* Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting. */
if( a->cd != a->rd ) return( -1 );
n = a->cd;
nm1 = n - 1;
akk = a->pd[0];
info = 0; /* Assume nothing will go wrong! */
if( n < 2 ) goto CLEAN_UP;

/* Loop over Diagional */
for( k=0; k<nm1; k++, ipvt++ ) {

/* Find index of max elem in col below the diagional (l = pivot
index). */
akk = a->pd[k] + k;
l = isamax( n-k, akk, 1 ) + k;
*ipvt = l;

/* Zero pivot implies this column already triangularized. */
alk = a->pd[k] + l;
if( *alk == 0.0e0) {
info = k;

/* Interchange a(k,k) and a(l,k) if necessary. */
if( l != k ) {
t = *alk;
*alk = *akk;
*akk = t;

/* Compute multipliers for this column. */
t = -1.0e0 / (*akk);
for( i=k+1, mik=a->pd[k]; i<n; i++ )
mik *= t;

/* Column elimination with row indexing. */

if( l != k ) {
/* Interchange a(k,j) and a(l,j) if necessary. */
for( j=k+1; j<n; j++ ) {
t = pelem(a,k,j);
pelem(a,k,j) = pelem(a,l,j);
pelem(a,l,j) = t;
for( j=k+1; j<n; j++ ) {
register double *aij = a->pd[j];

t = pelem(a,k,j);
for( i=k+1, mik=a->pd[k]; i<n; i++ )
aij += t*mik;
} /* End of for k loop */

*ipvt = nm1;
if( *akk == 0.0e0 ) info = n;
return( info );

**** Gaussian Elimination with partial pivoting. ****
**** This file contains the solution routine SGESL ****

void sgesl(struct FULL * a,int * ipvt,double b[],int job )
SGESL solves the real system
a * x = b or trans(a) * x = b
using the factors computed by SGECO or SGEFA.

a A pointer to the FULL matrix structure containing the
matrix. See the definition of FULL in ge.h.
ipvt The pivot vector (of length a->cd) from SGECO or SGEFA.
b The right hand side vector (of length a->cd).
job = 0 to solve a*x = b ,
= nonzero to solve trans(a)*x = b where
trans(a) is the transpose.

b The solution vector x.

Error condition:
A division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a
zero on the diagonal. Technically this indicates singularity
but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper
setting of lda . It will not occur if the subroutines are
called correctly and if sgeco has set rcond .gt. 0.0
or sgefa has set info .eq. 0 .
register double t, *mik;
double *akk;
register int i, k;
int l, n, nm1;

n = a->cd;
nm1 = n - 1;

/* job = 0 , solve A * x = b. */
if( job == 0 ) {

/* Forward elimination. Solve L*y = b. */
for( k=0; k<nm1; k++ ) {
akk = a->pd[k] + k; /* akk points to a(k,k). */

/* Interchange b[k] and b[l] if necessary. */
l = ipvt[k];
t = b[l];
if( l != k ) {
b[l] = b[k];
b[k] = t;
for( i=k+1, mik=a->pd[k]; i<n; i++ )
b += t*mik;

/* Back substitution. Solve U*x = y. */
for( k=nm1; k>=0; k-- ) {
register double *uik = a->pd[k];
akk = uik + k;
b[k] /= (*akk);
for( i=0; i<k; i++ )
b -= uik*b[k];

/* job = nonzero. Solve trans(A) * x = b. */
/* First solve trans(U)*y = b. */
for( k=0; k<n; k++ ) {
register double *uik = a->pd[k];
akk = uik + k;
t = 0.0;
for( i=0; i<k; i++ )
t += uik*b;
b[k] = (b[k] - t) / (*akk);

/* b now contains y. */
/* Solve trans(L)*x = y. */
for( k=n-2; k>=0; k-- ) {
mik = a->pd[k];
t = 0.0;
for( i=k+1; i<n; i++ )
t += mik*b;
b[k] += t;

/* Interchange b(k) and b(ipvt(k)) if necessary. */
l = ipvt[k];
if( l == k ) continue;
t = b[l];
b[l] = b[k];
b[k] = t;

***** *****
***** BLAS *****
***** Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines *****
***** Written in the C Programming Language. *****
***** *****
***** Functions include: *****
***** isamax, sasum, saxpy, scopy, sdot, snrm2, *****
***** *****
***** In addition a few other routines are included: *****
***** vexopy, vfill *****
***** *****
***** If your 3M library does not have the copysign function *****
***** then compile this file with -DCOPYSIGN and one will be *****
***** be supplied. *****
#ifndef HUGEsp
#define HUGEsp 1.0e+38
#ifndef SMALLsp
#define SMALLsp 1.0e-45

int isamax(int n, double *sx,int incx )
Finds the index of element having max. absolute value.

n Number of elements to check.
sx Vector to be checked.
incx Every incx-th element is checked.

register double smax = 0.0e0;
register int i, istmp = 0;

#ifndef abs
#define abs(x) ((x)<0.0?-(x):(x))
#ifdef alliant
int isamax_();

istmp = isamax_( &n, sx, &incx )-1; /* Remember 0 is first. */
return( istmp );
if( n <= 1 ) return( istmp );
if( incx != 1 ) {
/* Code for increment not equal to 1. */
if( incx < 0 ) sx = sx + ((-n+1)*incx + 1);
istmp = 0;
smax = abs( *sx );
sx += incx;
for( i=1; i<n; i++, sx+=incx )
if( abs( *sx ) > smax ) {
istmp = i;
smax = abs( *sx );
return( istmp );
/* Code for increment equal to 1. */
istmp = 0;
smax = abs(*sx);
for( i=1; i<n; i++, sx++ )
if( abs( *sx ) > smax ) {
istmp = i;
smax = abs( *sx );
return( istmp );

double sasum(int n,double * sx,int incx )
Returns sum of magnitudes of single precision SX.
sasum = sum from 0 to n-1 of ABS(SX(1+I*INCX))

n Number of elements to multiply.
sx Pointer to double vector to take abs sum of.
incx Storage incrament for sx.

sasum Double variable with the result.

This routine uses the UN*X math library function fabs().

#ifndef abs
#define abs(x) ((x)<0.0?-(x):(x))
register double sum = 0.0;

if( n<= 0 ) return( sum );
if( incx == 1 ) {
register int i, m;

/* Code for increments equal to 1. */

/* Clean-up loop so remaining vector length is a multiple of 6. */
m = n % 6;
if( m != 0 ) {
for( i=0; i<m; i++ )
sum += abs( sx );
if( n < 6 ) return( (double)sum );
for( i=m; i<n; i+=6 ) {
sum += abs( sx ) + abs( sx[i+1]) + abs( sx[i+2] ) +
abs( sx[i+3] ) + abs( sx[i+4] ) + abs( sx[i+5] );
return( (double)sum );
else {
register int i, ns;

/* Code for increments not equal to 1. */
ns = n*incx;
for( i=0; i<ns; i+=incx ) {
sum += abs( sx );
return( (double)sum );

void saxpy(int n,double sa, double *sx,int incx,double * sy,int incy )
Vector times a scalar plus a vector. sy = sy + sa*sx.

n Number of elements to multiply.
sa Scalar to multiply by (note that this is a double).
sx Pointer to double vector to scale.
incx Storage incrament for sx.
sy Pointer to double vector to add.
incy Storage incrament for sy.

sy sy = sy + sa*sx
register int i;
register double ssa = (double)sa;

if( n<=0 || ssa==0.0 ) return;
if( incx == incy ) {
if( incx == 1 ) {

/* Both increments = 1 */
for( i=0; i<n; i++ )
sy += ssa*sx;
if( incx>0 ) {

/* Equal, positive, non-unit increments. */
for( i=0; i<n; i++,sx+=incx,sy+=incx )
*sy += ssa*(*sx);

/* Unequal or negative increments. */
if( incx < 0 ) sx += ((-n+1)*incx + 1);
if( incy < 0 ) sy += ((-n+1)*incy + 1);
for( i=0; i<n; i++,sx+=incx,sy+=incy )
*sy += ssa*(*sx);

void saxpyx( int n, double sa, double *sx,int incx,double * sy,int incy )
Vector times a scalar plus a vector. sx = sy + sa*sx.

n Number of elements to multiply.
sa Scalar to multiply by (note that this is a double).
sx Pointer to double vector to scale.
incx Storage incrament for sx.
sy Pointer to double vector to add.
incy Storage incrament for sy.

sx sx = sy + sa*sx
register i;
register double ssa = (double)sa;

if( n<=0 || ssa==0.0 ) return;
if( incx == incy ) {
if( incx == 1 ) {

/* Both increments = 1 */
for( i=0; i<n; i++ )
sx = sy + ssa*sx;
if( incx>0 ) {

/* Equal, positive, non-unit increments. */
for( i=0; i<n; i++, sx+=incx, sy+=incx)
*sx = *sy + ssa*(*sx);

/* Unequal or negative increments. */
if( incx < 0 ) sx += ((-n+1)*incx + 1);
if( incy < 0 ) sy += ((-n+1)*incy + 1);
for( i=0; i<n; i++,sx+=incx,sy+=incy )
*sx = *sy + ssa*(*sx);

void scopy(int n,double * sx,int incx, double *sy,int incy )
Copies vector sx into vector sy.

n Number of components to copy.
sx Source vector
incx Index increment for sx.
incy Index increment for sy.

sy Destination vector.
register int i;

if( n<1 ) return;
if( incx == incy ) {
if( incx == 1 ) {

/* Both increments = 1 */
for( i=0; i<n; i++ )
sy = sx;
if( incx > 0 ) {

/* Equal, positive, non-unit increments. */
for( i=0; i<n; i++, sx+=incx, sy+=incx)
*sy = *sx;

/* Non-equal or negative increments. */
if( incx < 0 ) sx += ((-n+1)*incx + 1);
if( incy < 0 ) sy += ((-n+1)*incy + 1);
for( i=0; i<n; i++,sx+=incx,sy+=incy )
(*sx) = (*sy);

double sdot(int n,double * sx,int incx,double * sy, int incy )
Forms the dot product of a vector.

n Number of elements to sum.
sx Address of first element of x vector.
incx Incrament for the x vector.
sy Address of first element of y vector.
incy incrament for the y vector.

sdot Dot product x and y. Double returned
due to `C' language features.
register int i;
register double stemp = 0.0e0;

if( n<1 ) return( (double)stemp );
if( incx == incy ) {
if( incx == 1 ) {

/* Both increments = 1 */
for( i=0; i<n; i++ )
stemp += sx*sy;
return( (double)stemp );
if( incx>0 ) {

/* Equal, positive, non-unit increments. */
for( i=0; i<n; i++, sx+=incx, sy+=incx)
stemp += (*sx)*(*sy);
return( (double)stemp );

/* Unequal or negative increments. */
if( incx < 0 ) sx += ((-n+1)*incx + 1);
if( incy < 0 ) sy += ((-n+1)*incy + 1);
for( i=0; i<n; i++,sx+=incx,sy+=incy )
stemp += (*sx)*(*sy);
return( (double)stemp );
} /* End of ---SDOT--- */

double snrm2( int n,double * sx,int incx )
Computes the Euclidean norm of sx while being
very careful of distructive underflow and overflow.

n Number of elements to use.
sx Address of first element of x vector.
incx Incrament for the x vector (>0).

snrm2 Euclidean norm of sx. Returns double
due to `C' language features.
This algorithm proceeds in four steps.
1) scan zero components.
2) do phase 2 when component is near underflow.
register int i;
static double cutlo, cuthi;
double sum = 0.0e0, hitst, r1mach();
double xmax;

if( n<1 || incx<1 ) return( sum );

/* Calculate near underflow */
if( cutlo == 0.0 ) cutlo = sqrt( SMALLsp/r1mach() );
/* Calculate near overflow */
if( cuthi == 0.0 ) cuthi = sqrt( HUGEsp );
hitst = cuthi/(double) n;
i = 0;

/* Zero Sum. */
while( *sx == 0.0 && i<n ) {
sx += incx;
if( i>=n ) return( sum );

if( abs( *sx ) > cutlo ) {
for( ; i<n; i++, sx+=incx ) { /* Loop over elements. */
if( abs( *sx ) > hitst ) goto GOT_LARGE;
sum += (*sx) * (*sx);
sum = sqrt( sum );
return( sum ); /* Sum completed
normaly. */
else { /* Small sum prepare
for phase 2. */
xmax = abs( *sx );
sx += incx;
sum += 1.0;
for( ; i<n; i++, sx+=incx ) {
if( abs( *sx ) > cutlo ) { /* Got normal elem.
Rescale and process. */
sum = (sum*xmax)*xmax;
goto START;
if( abs( *sx ) > xmax ) {
sum = 1.0 + sum*(xmax /(*sx))*(xmax /(*sx));
xmax = abs( *sx );
sum += ((*sx)/xmax)*((*sx)/xmax);
return( (double)xmax*sqrt( sum ) );
} /* End of small sum. */

sum = 1.0 + (sum/(*sx))/(*sx); /* Rescale and process. */
xmax = abs( *sx );
sx += incx;
for( ; i<n; i++, sx+=incx ) {
if( abs( *sx ) > xmax ) {
sum = 1.0 + sum*(xmax /(*sx))*(xmax /(*sx));
xmax = abs( *sx );
sum += ((*sx)/xmax)*((*sx)/xmax);
return( (double)xmax*sqrt( sum ) ); /* End of small sum. */
} /* End of ---SDOT--- */

double r1mach()
**** This routine computes the unit roundoff for single precision
**** of the machine. This is defined as the smallest positive
**** machine number u such that 1.0 + u .ne. 1.0
**** Returns a double due to `C' language features.
double u = 1.0e0, comp;

do {
u *= 0.5e0;
comp = 1.0e0 + u;
while( comp != 1.0e0 );
return( (double)u*2.0e0 );
} /*-------------------- end of function r1mach ------------------------*/

int min0(int n,int a,int b,int c,int d,int e,int f,int g,int h,int i,int
j,int k,int l,int m,int o,int p )
Determine the minimum of the arguments a-p.

n Number of arguments to check 1 <= n <= 15.
a-p Integer arguments of which the minumum is desired.

min0 Minimum of a thru p.
int mt;

if( n < 1 || n > 15 ) return( -1 );
mt = a;
if( n == 1 ) return( mt );

if( mt > b ) mt = b;
if( n == 2 ) return( mt );

if( mt > c ) mt = c;
if( n == 3 ) return( mt );

if( mt > d ) mt = d;
if( n == 4 ) return( mt );

if( mt > e ) mt = e;
if( n == 5 ) return( mt );

if( mt > f ) mt = f;
if( n == 6 ) return( mt );

if( mt > g ) mt = g;
if( n == 7 ) return( mt );

if( mt > h ) mt = h;
if( n == 8 ) return( mt );

if( mt > i ) mt = i;
if( n == 9 ) return( mt );

if( mt > j ) mt = j;
if( n == 10 ) return( mt );

if( mt > k ) mt = k;
if( n == 11 ) return( mt );

if( mt > l ) mt = l;
if( n == 12 ) return( mt );

if( mt > m ) mt = m;
if( n == 13 ) return( mt );

if( mt > o ) mt = o;
if( n == 14 ) return( mt );

if( mt > p ) mt = p;
return( mt );
void sscal(int n,double sa,double * sx,int incx )
Scales a vector by a constant.

n Number of components to scale.
sa Scale value (note that this is a double).
sx Vector to scale.
incx Every incx-th element of sx will be scaled.

sx Scaled vector.
register double ssa = (double)sa;
int i;

#ifdef alliant
void sscal_();
double ssaa = (double)sa;

sscal_( &n, &ssaa, sx, &incx );

if( n < 1 ) return;

/* Code for increment not equal to 1.*/
if( incx != 1 ) {
if( incx < 0 ) sx += (-n+1)*incx;
for( i=0; i<n; i++, sx+=incx )
*sx *= ssa;

/* Code for unit increment. */
for( i=0; i<n; i++ )
sx *= ssa;
void vexopy(int n,double * v,double * x,double * y,int itype )
To operate on the vectors x and y.

n Number of elements to scale.
x First operand vector.
y Second operand vector.
itype Type of operation to perform:
itype = 1 => '+'
itype = 2 => '-'

v Result vector of x op y.
register int i;

if( n<1 ) return;

if( itype == 1 ) /* ADDITION. */
for( i=0; i<n; i++ )
v = x + y;
else /* SUBTRACTION. */
for( i=0; i<n; i++ )
v = x - y;
void vfill(int n,double * v,double val )
To fill the FLOAT vector v with the value val.
Make sure that if you pass a value for val that you cast
it to double, viz.,
vfill( 100, vector, (double)0.0 );
register int i;
register double vval = (double)val;

if( n<1 ) return;
for( i=0; i<n; i++ )
v = vval;
#if 1
double copysign(double x,double y )
This routine is recomended by the IEEE standard 754. Most C
3M libraries contain this function. If yours does not then
compile this file with the -DCOPYSIGN option and the following
code will be generated. This routine copies the sign from y
onto x.

x Thing to have it's sign changed.
y Variable to supply the sign.

copysign Returns x with the sign of y (the fortran intrinsic
/* Registers are used for reduced memory traffic. */
register double xx = x;
register double yy = y;

if( xx*yy < 0.0 ) return( -xx );
else return( xx );

A. N. Other


I am doing a series of benchmarks against gcc, and I found out that the
results of my benchmark would change from version to version of gcc,
i.e. the 2.95 version would give different results than 3.4 version.

This is strange since under windows, MSVC, intel and lcc-win32
give exactly the same results...

This is not *per se* a bug, but I would like to know what
results you get. The program in question is a matrix
manipulation program that uses heavily floating point.

Just mail as an answer to this message the output you
get with a small note of machine, and gcc version (or
other compiler of course).

Just let me be sure I've got this completely straight. You, a person who
refuses to help the community by distributing your compiler as free
software, would like readers of this group to help you to prepare a
fresh batch of idiotic FUD to launch against gcc? And with no offer of
recompense from the extra revenue you hope to generate from another
sleazy anti-gcc campaign?

You've not got mail.

jacob navia

Anonymous coward wrote:

That post originates from AIOE.ORG. hosts a public news server which allows the users to access the
newsgroups from every IP address without providing any kind of
authentication. Only text groups are carried by this site and it's
strictly forbidden to post binary contents, spam and other kinds of abuses.

This site is designed as a last resort access way to USENET for those
who can't find a better option: please respect and support it.

jacob navia

Here are the results of
windows 32 and 64 bits with MSVC, intel and lcc-win32/64
lcc-win under AIX produces the same results.

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 50
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 6.184320e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 1.113276e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 5.307370e-015
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 100
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 1.554756e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 2.665509e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 3.088207e-014
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 150
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 1.645716e-003
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 1.148198e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 4.947165e-014
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 200
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 1.040135e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 1.125477e-013
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 7.064753e-014
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 250
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 2.600774e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 2.082557e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 1.172275e-013
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 300
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 1.293777e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 8.323326e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 1.784431e-013
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 350
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 2.706399e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 5.849941e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 1.538724e-013
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 400
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 2.531834e-005
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 3.640797e-013
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 2.782991e-013
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 450
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 6.868548e-005
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 1.749343e-013
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 3.610211e-013
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 500
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 2.168250e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 5.316414e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 3.611272e-013
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Richard Tobin

Is my news provider relevant? Why not answer the substantive points
instead of further contributing to the increasingly poisonous atmosphere
in this newsgroup with your insinuations?

Mr Pot, meet Mr Kettle.

-- Richard

A. N. Other

Anonymous coward wrote:

That post originates from AIOE.ORG.

Is my news provider relevant? Why not answer the substantive points
instead of further contributing to the increasingly poisonous atmosphere
in this newsgroup with your insinuations?

jacob navia

A. N. Other said:
Anonymous coward wrote:

That post originates from AIOE.ORG.

Is my news provider relevant? Why not answer the substantive points
instead of further contributing to the increasingly poisonous atmosphere
in this newsgroup with your insinuations?

Anonymous said:
> Just let me be sure I've got this completely straight.
> You, a person who
> refuses to help the community by distributing your compiler as free
> software,

My compiler, and the development environment can be downloaded at no
charge from
> would like readers of this group to help you to prepare a
> fresh batch of idiotic FUD to launch against gcc?

Gcc 2.95 results differs from gcc 3.4. I have already said that
that is not a bug *per se*"
> And with no offer of
> recompense from the extra revenue you hope to generate from another
> sleazy anti-gcc campaign?

I have reported bugs to GNU several times. And if this was a bug,
I would report it again.

I do not see what "revenue" I would get from this since anyway the
compiler is distributed at no cost.

And, by the way, I do not hide behind an anonymous mailer.



jacob said:
I am doing a series of benchmarks against gcc, and I found out
that the results of my benchmark would change from version to
version of gcc, i.e. the 2.95 version would give different
results than 3.4 version.

This is a crime. To publish a 1250 line program on the newsgroup.
Did you ever hear of publishing a URL?

jacob navia

CBFalconer said:
This is a crime. To publish a 1250 line program on the newsgroup.
Did you ever hear of publishing a URL?

Ahh Chuck!!!


How are you doing?

My crime? Yes, but it is smaller than YOURS!

Your 8 line signature in each message YOU post makes the same
number of lines after only 157 messages.

Yours truly



Here are the results of
windows 32 and 64 bits with MSVC, intel and lcc-win32/64
lcc-win under AIX produces the same results.

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 50
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 6.184320e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 1.113276e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 5.307370e-015
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 100
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 1.554756e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 2.665509e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 3.088207e-014
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 150
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 1.645716e-003
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 1.148198e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 4.947165e-014
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 200
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 1.040135e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 1.125477e-013
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 7.064753e-014
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 250
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 2.600774e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 2.082557e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 1.172275e-013
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 300
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 1.293777e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 8.323326e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 1.784431e-013
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 350
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 2.706399e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 5.849941e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 1.538724e-013
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 400
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 2.531834e-005
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 3.640797e-013
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 2.782991e-013
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 450
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 6.868548e-005
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 1.749343e-013
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 3.610211e-013
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Linpack Benchmark in C of size 500
1/COND(A) (Condition number of A) = 2.168250e-004
||x-X||/||X|| (Solution Error) = 5.316414e-014
||b-Ax||/||X|| (Residual Error) = 3.611272e-013
Where X = True solution and and x = computed solution

Did you have a question about C?

Richard Tobin

[diatribe deleted]

It seems to me that some people have so taken against Jacob that they
will rant about him whatever he says. Doing it anonymously makes it
even more obnoxious. If you don't like Jacob, ignore him.

And Jacob: must you *always* rise to the bait?

-- Richard

Walter Roberson

A. N. Other said:
Just let me be sure I've got this completely straight. You, a person who
refuses to help the community by distributing your compiler as free

Your question has at least two unproven premises:

A) That increased distribution of the software would be of -benefit-
to the community, rather than a -hinderance- to the community
(think of a certain annotated book of C standards); and

B) That any benefit to the community by virtue of the software becoming
free of charge, would offset any longer-term damage to the community,
by virtue that the software author, now lacking the revenue stream,
would be less able to support and improve the software (especially
against the greater number of users.)

I know that I myself have made software available for free in
the past (and likely will again in the future); I garnered some
sincere thanks, but I also garnered some people who expected that
I would drop everything and implement the changes they desired,
just because I'd written the software. The demands from the
inconsiderate have, in the past, substantially reduced my
ability to continue offering high-level support over my varied
activities (I need to go sit in the Bloom County Meadow dandelion
patch -sometime-)

A. N. Other

A. N. Other said:
Anonymous coward wrote:

That post originates from AIOE.ORG.

Is my news provider relevant? Why not answer the substantive points
instead of further contributing to the increasingly poisonous atmosphere
in this newsgroup with your insinuations?

Anonymous said:
Just let me be sure I've got this completely straight.
You, a person who
refuses to help the community by distributing your compiler as free

My compiler, and the development environment can be downloaded at no
charge from

I believe that you are well aware that there is all the difference in
the world between free software and software that can be used without

Even given that, your statement is deliberately misleading: it is true
that your compiler can be *downloaded* at no charge, but it is not the
case that it can be used commercially at no charge. It's about as far
from free software as you can get.
Gcc 2.95 results differs from gcc 3.4. I have already said that
that is not a bug *per se*"

I have reported bugs to GNU several times. And if this was a bug,
I would report it again.

In the past few days, you started a thread in this group called
"Portable C compiler", in which you unleashed an irrational torrent of
abuse against gcc, presumably in a dishonorable attempt to smear gcc in
people's minds for your own commercial advantage.

It seems reasonable to suspect that you want this benchmarks in order to
further this campaign of FUD against gcc.
I do not see what "revenue" I would get from this since anyway the
compiler is distributed at no cost.

But you charge for licenses for commercial use.

jacob navia

I retire this request.

When transfering the results from my linux machine to
the windows machine to compare the results I made a mistake

The results of gcc ARE consistent for 2.95
vs 3.4. They do differ from all other compilers (MSVC, Intel
and lcc-win32) but they ARE consistent within gcc versions,
contrary to what I thought. I was comparing the
gcc results of 2.95 with the results of MSVC under windows
and not with the results of gcc 3.4 under windows as I thought

I apologize for any problem this post may have caused.


jacob navia

A. N. Other said:
I believe that you are well aware that there is all the difference in
the world between free software and software that can be used without

Even given that, your statement is deliberately misleading: it is true
that your compiler can be *downloaded* at no charge, but it is not the
case that it can be used commercially at no charge. It's about as far
from free software as you can get.

No. It is under *my* definition of free software: i.e. software that
you do not pay for, and that you can use personally to do whatever you

Note that programs compiled with lcc-win32 are still property of THEIR
authors, and can be sold. I have always authorized that.

You just are forbidden to DISTRIBUTE my software or to embed it in
another software.
In the past few days, you started a thread in this group called
"Portable C compiler", in which you unleashed an irrational torrent of
abuse against gcc, presumably in a dishonorable attempt to smear gcc in
people's minds for your own commercial advantage.

I just mentioned PCC, what was the first C compiler that I used, and
the fact that many BSD people were quite dissatisfied with gcc.

Critique of gcc seems like "heresy" to you?

Can't you argue? Why this emotional tone? There is no point in it.

Besides, I was wrong. Due to a mixup of the output files, I was
comparing not gcc-2.95 vs gcc 3.4 but gcc 2.95 vs MSVC. The
results of gcc differs from the other 3 compilers, but are consistent
with each other.

And I have posted already a message saying that. I am not trying to
"attack" gcc. I just did not understand that result and wanted
confirmation of the group.

Mark McIntyre

Anonymous coward wrote:

There you go again. What a weasel you are.
Mark McIntyre

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it."
--Brian Kernighan

Al Balmer

Anonymous coward wrote:

That post originates from AIOE.ORG.

Is my news provider relevant?

Perhaps it says something about the user?

"This site is designed as a last resort access way to USENET for those
who *can't* find a better option: please respect and support it."

Mark McIntyre


I am doing a series of benchmarks against gcc, and I found out that the
results of my benchmark would change from version to version of gcc,
i.e. the 2.95 version would give different results than 3.4 version.

Looking at the answers you got, and without bothering to read a 1200
line proramme, I'd guess that you're doing calcs at the limit of
precision of doubles. Are you concerned about small differences in the
errors? You need to explain what you're actually looking at.

BY the way as you know perfectly well, performance of different
versions of compilers, or different compilers, is offtopic here. If
you have a question about gcc performance, why not ask in a gcc group?

Also you forgot to tell us what compile options to use. Without that
info, any tests are meaningless as different compilers, versions and
osen will apply different optimisations.
Mark McIntyre

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it."
--Brian Kernighan

jacob navia

Walter said:
Your question has at least two unproven premises:

A) That increased distribution of the software would be of -benefit-
to the community, rather than a -hinderance- to the community
(think of a certain annotated book of C standards); and

B) That any benefit to the community by virtue of the software becoming
free of charge, would offset any longer-term damage to the community,
by virtue that the software author, now lacking the revenue stream,
would be less able to support and improve the software (especially
against the greater number of users.)

That's the crux of the matter. Exactly.

If I would NOT get a revenue stream from my work, how could I
be motivated to do it?

Recently, one of the maintainers of Mingw, the windows version
of gcc just quit. I followed the ensuing discussion, and
the users discussed what they could do without him.

NONE of them came to the idea that the poor programmer
was completely fed up after working without pay for all those

I mean, they *could* have offered him a revenue for his work.
But not even one thought about doing that.
I know that I myself have made software available for free in
the past (and likely will again in the future); I garnered some
sincere thanks, but I also garnered some people who expected that
I would drop everything and implement the changes they desired,
just because I'd written the software.

I got even insults! "Correct that you MORON" etc.
The demands from the
inconsiderate have, in the past, substantially reduced my
ability to continue offering high-level support over my varied
activities (I need to go sit in the Bloom County Meadow dandelion
patch -sometime-)

I think that the basic problem is that you are working for others
without ever being rewarded for it. That's why I decided to put
it free only for non-commercial users and seek business that
need a compiler.

On the other hand, I have never put people to work in my source code
as a project because I do not want to sell the work of other
people that contribute for free. This has limited the project,
but I do not see any way out

Keith Thompson

jacob navia said:
I am doing a series of benchmarks against gcc, and I found out that the
results of my benchmark would change from version to version of gcc,
i.e. the 2.95 version would give different results than 3.4 version.

This is strange since under windows, MSVC, intel and lcc-win32
give exactly the same results...

This is not *per se* a bug, but I would like to know what
results you get. The program in question is a matrix
manipulation program that uses heavily floating point.

Just mail as an answer to this message the output you
get with a small note of machine, and gcc version (or
other compiler of course).

Thanks in advance. The program compiles under windows and linux
without modifications. I did not write this program, so please
ignore questions of style.

-----------------------------------------------cut here
used 96 available 82209044
[1240 lines deleted]

Surely would have been a more appropriate place for this
request, since it's not about the C programming language.

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