Help, Needed, Having problems with mergesort for files implementation



I am working on binary files of struct ACTIONS

I have a recursive qsort/mergesort hybrid that

1) i'm not a 100% sure works correctly
2) would like to convert to iteration

Any comments or suggestion for improvements
or conversion to iteration would be much appreciated

/* MergeTest. c */

#include <assert.h> /* C runtime assertions */
#include <ctype.h> /* C classification macros*/
#include <string.h> /* C-style string functions */
#include <stdio.h> /* C stream I/O functions */
#include <stdlib.h> /* C utility functions */
#include <time.h> /* C time functions & types */
#include <process.h> /* Process control functions*/
#include <stdarg.h> /* variable arguments header*/
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* Customer Transactions Structures */
/* ************************************************************************** */
typedef struct _create_STR{ /****************************/
char RecType ; /* Secondary key */
char CustNo[6] ; /* Primary key */
char Name[21] ; /* Customer name */
char Address[61] ; /* Customer address */
char Balance[10] ; /* Account balance */
char Limit[8] ; /* Acc credit limit */
}CREATE ; /****************************/
typedef struct _delete_STR{ /****************************/
char RecType ; /* Secondary key */
char CustNo[6] ; /* Primary key */
}DELETE ; /****************************/
typedef struct _issue_STR{ /****************************/
char RecType ; /* Secondary key */
char CustNo[6] ; /* Primary key */
char PartNo[7] ; /* Item part code */
char Qty[5] ; /* Order quantity */
}ISSUE ; /****************************/
typedef union _action_union{ /****************************/
CREATE Create_STR ; /* Creation data */
DELETE Delete_STR ; /* Deletion data */
ISSUE IssueR_STR ; /* Transaction data */
}ACTION ; /****************************/
typedef enum _record_type_enum{ /****************************/
ISSUE_RECORD = 'I' /* Stock Issues */
,DELETE_RECORD = 'D' /* Customer Deletions */
,CREATE_RECORD = 'C' /* Customer Creations */
,RECEIPT_RECORD = 'R' /* Stock Receipts */
,UNKNOWN_RECORD = 'U' /* Unclassified Record */
}REC_TYPE ; /****************************/
#define ISSUE_SIZE sizeof( ISSUE ) /* Size of customer issue */
#define RECEIPT_SIZE ISSUE_SIZE /* Size of customer receipt */
#define DELETE_SIZE sizeof( DELETE ) /* Size of customer deletion*/
#define CREATE_SIZE sizeof( CREATE ) /* Size of customer creation*/
#define ACTION_SIZE sizeof( ACTION ) /* Size of Action union */
#define IO_ERROR (size_t)0 /* Binary I/O error return */
/* OPTIONS FOR open_file() */
typedef enum _open_option_enum{ /****************************/
EXIT_ON_ERR = 0 /* Post (EXIT_FAILURE) to OS*/
,NO_ERR_EXIT /* Return NULL to caller */
}OPEN_OPTION ; /****************************/
#define IO_ERROR (size_t)0 /* Error Return for ZenApi binary I/O functions */

void fatal_error( const char *s_ptr ) ;
void trivial_error( const char *s_ptr ) ;
long rec_count(FILE *fp, size_t size) ;
typedef (*SORT_PROC)( const void* ,const void *); /* Function pointer type */
int cmp( const ACTION *a_ptr, const ACTION *b_ptr ) ;
void merge( FILE *fp_one, FILE *fp_two, FILE *fp_out, SORT_PROC cmp_proc ) ;
void split( FILE *fp_in,FILE *fp_one,FILE *fp_two,SORT_PROC cmp_proc) ;
void mergesort( FILE *fp_in, FILE *fp_out, SORT_PROC cmp_proc ) ;
ACTION* alloc_action( long count ) ;
void sort_records(FILE *fp_in, FILE *fp_out,SORT_PROC cmp_proc) ;
size_t read_action(FILE *fp, ACTION *rec_ptr, size_t count) ;
size_t write_action(FILE *fp, const ACTION *rec_ptr, size_t count) ;
FILE* open_file(const char *filename, const char *mode, OPEN_OPTION flag ) ;

FILE* open_file(const char *filename, const char *mode, OPEN_OPTION flag ){
/* provides error checked call of fopen ****************************/
FILE *retval = NULL ; /* Proc return value */
assert( filename != NULL ) ; /* Should never be NULL */
assert( mode != NULL ) ; /* Should never be NULL */
retval = fopen( filename , mode ) ; /* Try to open file */
if(!retval){ /* Fopen call sucessful ? */
if( flag == NO_ERR_EXIT ){ /* No, is trivial error ? */
trivial_error( filename ) ; /* Yes, return NULL */
} /****************************/
else{ /* No, treat as fatal error */
fatal_error( filename ) ; /* Quit application */
} /****************************/
} /* All done time to return */
return retval ; /* Return result of proc */
}/* open_file */ /****************************/

size_t write_action(FILE *fp, const ACTION *rec_ptr, size_t count){
/* provides error checked binary output for ACTIONS****************************/
#define REC_SIZE ACTION_SIZE /* Size of an ACTION union */
size_t retval = 0 ; /* Hold Proc Return value */
assert( fp != NULL ) ; /* Should never be NULL */
assert( rec_ptr != NULL ) ; /* Should never be NULL */
assert( count >= 1 ) ; /* Should be >= 1 */
retval = fwrite( rec_ptr,REC_SIZE,count,fp ); /* Call proc via pointer */
if( ( ferror(fp) ) || ( retval != count ) ){ /* Was Call Successfull ? */
retval = IO_ERROR ; /* No, return Error value */
} /****************************/
return retval ; /* Return Result of Proc */
}/* write_action */ /****************************/

size_t read_action(FILE *fp, ACTION *rec_ptr, size_t count){
/* provides error checked input via io_call ****************************/
size_t retval = 0 ; /* Hold Proc Return value */
assert( fp != NULL ) ; /* Should never be NULL */
assert( rec_ptr != NULL ) ; /* Should never be NULL */
assert( count >= 1 ) ; /* Should be >= 1 */
retval = fread(rec_ptr,ACTION_SIZE,count,fp); /* Call proc via pointer */
if( ( ferror(fp) ) || ( retval != count ) ){ /* Was Call Successfull ? */
retval = IO_ERROR ; /* No, return Error value */
} /****************************/
return retval ; /* Return Result of Proc */
}/* read_action */ /****************************/

int cmp(const ACTION *a_ptr, const ACTION *b_ptr ){
/* Ascending CustNum and descending RecType order ****************************/
int retval ; /* Hold result of comparison*/
assert( a_ptr != NULL ) ; /* Rec A Must Never be NULL */
assert( b_ptr != NULL ) ; /* Rec B Must Never be NULL */
retval = strcmp( a_ptr->Delete_STR.CustNo /* Compare Record A's CustNo*/
,b_ptr->Delete_STR.CustNo ) ; /* ... To Record B's CustNo */
if( !retval ){ /* Do they share a CustNo ? */
retval = ( b_ptr->Delete_STR.RecType /* Yes, Compare B's RecType */
- a_ptr->Delete_STR.RecType ) ; /* ... To Rec A's RecType */
} /****************************/
return retval ; /* Return comparison result */
}/*cmp*/ /****************************/

void merge( FILE *fp_one, FILE *fp_two, FILE *fp_out, SORT_PROC cmp_proc ){
/* Merges two sorted binary files using comp_proc ****************************/
ACTION a_STR = { '0',"00000","","","",""}; /* Rec read from subfile_one*/
ACTION b_STR = { '0',"00000","","","",""}; /* Rec read from subfile_two*/
int difference = 0 ; /* Result of rec comparison */
read_action( fp_one, &a_STR, 1) ; /* Read record from fp_one */
read_action( fp_two, &b_STR, 1) ; /* Read record from fp_two */
while( (!feof(fp_one)) && (!feof(fp_two)) ){ /* Any Records to process ? */
difference = (*cmp_proc)(&a_STR,&b_STR); /* Compare with comp_proc */
if( difference > 0 ){ /* Is a_STR > b_STR ? */
write_action( fp_out, &a_STR, 1 ) ; /* Yes, Write a_STR to file */
read_action( fp_one, &a_STR, 1 ) ; /* Read next rec from fp_one*/
} /****************************/
else{ /* No, a_STR is <= b_STR */
write_action( fp_out,&b_STR, 1 ) ; /* Write b_STR to file */
read_action( fp_two,&b_STR, 1 ) ; /* Read next rec from fp_two*/
} /****************************/
} /* Process remaining records*/
while( !feof( fp_one ) ){ /* Any Records to process ? */
write_action( fp_out,&a_STR, 1 ) ; /* Yes, Write a_STR to file */
read_action( fp_one,&a_STR, 1 ) ; /* Read next rec from fp_one*/
} /****************************/
while( !feof( fp_two ) ){ /* Any Records to process ? */
write_action( fp_out,&b_STR, 1 ) ; /* Yes, Write a_STR to file */
read_action( fp_two,&b_STR, 1 ) ; /* Read next rec from fp_two*/
} /****************************/
rewind( fp_out ) ; /* Prepare OutFile for read */
}/*Merge*/ /****************************/

void split( FILE *fp_in,FILE *fp_one,FILE *fp_two,SORT_PROC cmp_proc){
ACTION cmp_STR = { '0',"00000","","","",""}; /* Holds Rec from input file*/
ACTION last_STR = { '0',"00000","","","",""}; /* Hold last record read */
FILE* fp_split_1 = NULL ; /* Hold ordered top split */
FILE* fp_split_2 = NULL ; /* Hold ordered bottom split*/
assert( fp_in != NULL ) ; /* Must never be NULL */
assert( fp_one != NULL ) ; /* Must never be NULL */
assert( fp_two != NULL ) ; /* Must never be NULL */
assert( cmp_proc != NULL ) ; /* Must never be NULL */
read_action( fp_in, &cmp_STR,1 ) ; /* Read rec from Input file */
fp_split_1 = tmpfile() ; /* Open file_1 for spliting */
fp_split_2 = tmpfile() ; /* Open file_2 for spliting */
if( (fp_split_1) && (fp_split_2) ){ /* Temp files opened ok ? */
while( !feof( fp_in ) ){ /* Any Records to process ? */
if((*cmp_proc)(&cmp_STR,&last_STR)>=0 ){/* Yes, is rec > last ? */
write_action(fp_split_1,&cmp_STR,1);/* Yes, write to split_one */
} /****************************/
else{ /* No, cmp_STR <= last_STR */
write_action(fp_split_2,&cmp_STR,1);/* Write to split_two */
} /****************************/
last_STR = cmp_STR ; /* Save value of last read */
read_action( fp_in, &cmp_STR, 1 ) ; /* Read rec from Input file */
} /****************************/
rewind( fp_split_1 ) ; /* No, Seek to top of fp_one*/
rewind( fp_split_2 ) ; /* Seek to top of fp_two */
sort_records( fp_split_1,fp_one,cmp_proc); /* Sort split recursively */
sort_records( fp_split_2,fp_two,cmp_proc); /* Sort split recursively */
fclose( fp_split_1 ) ; /* Close temp split file */
fclose( fp_split_2 ) ; /* Close temp split file */
} /****************************/
rewind( fp_one ) ; /* Rewind sorted split file */
rewind( fp_two ) ; /* Rewind sorted split file */
}/*split*/ /****************************/

void mergesort( FILE *fp_in, FILE *fp_out, SORT_PROC cmp_proc ){
/* recursive variant of mergesort algorithm ****************************/
FILE *fp_one = NULL ; /* Top half of current split*/
FILE *fp_two = NULL ; /* Bottom half of split */
assert( fp_out != NULL ) ; /* Must never be NULL */
assert( fp_in != NULL ) ; /* Must never be NULL */
assert( cmp_proc != NULL ) ; /* Must never be NULL */
fp_one = tmpfile() ; /* Open first subfile */
fp_two = tmpfile() ; /* Open second subfile */
if( ( fp_one != NULL ) && ( fp_two != NULL)){ /* Both files opened ok ? */
split( fp_in, fp_one, fp_two, cmp_proc ); /* Yes, split input file */
merge( fp_out, fp_one, fp_two, cmp_proc); /* Merge subfiles */
fclose( fp_one ) ; /* Close bottom split file */
fclose( fp_two ) ; /* Close top half split file*/
} /****************************/
rewind( fp_out ) ; /* Rewind output file */
}/*mergesort*/ /****************************/

ACTION* alloc_action( long count ){
/* Allocate a list of count actions via malloc ****************************/
assert( count > 0 ) ; /* Ensure malloc arg is ok */
return (ACTION*) malloc(count * ACTION_SIZE); /* Delegate to malloc */
}/*alloc_action*/ /****************************/

void sort_records(FILE *fp_in, FILE *fp_out,SORT_PROC cmp_proc){
/* QuickSorts File of records ****************************/
ACTION *rec_ptr = NULL ; /* Hold start of list in mem*/
long num = 0 ; /* Holds # of recs to sort */
size_t ret = 0 ; /* Hold result of I/O calls */
assert( fp_in != NULL ) ; /* Must never be null */
assert( fp_out != NULL ) ; /* Must never be null */
assert( cmp_proc != NULL ) ; /* Must never be null */
num = rec_count( fp_in, ACTION_SIZE ) ; /* Count records in the file*/
if( num > 0 ){ /* Was the file empty ? */
rec_ptr = alloc_action( num ) ; /* No, Request list memory */
if( rec_ptr == NULL ){ /* Was Request sucessful ? */
mergesort( fp_in, fp_out, cmp_proc ); /* No, mergesort the file */
} /****************************/
else{ /* Yes, Request succeeded */
ret = read_action(fp_in,rec_ptr,num); /* Read entire file into mem*/
if( ret != IO_ERROR ){ /* Was Read Successful ? */
qsort( rec_ptr /* Yes, qsort record array */
,num /* ... with "num" entries */
,ACTION_SIZE /* ... of size ACTION_SIZE */
,cmp_proc /* ... compare with cmp_proc*/
) ; /****************************/
write_action(fp_out,rec_ptr,num); /* write array to file */
} /****************************/
free( rec_ptr ) ; /* release allocated storage*/
} /****************************/
fseek( fp_out, 0L, SEEK_SET ) ; /* rewind output file to top*/
} /****************************/
rewind( fp_in ) ; /* rewind input file to top */
}/*Sort Records*/ /****************************/

long rec_count(FILE *fp, size_t size){
/* Returns number of blocks of size "size" in fp ****************************/
long count = 0L ; /* Holds byte ofset from top*/
fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_END ) ; /* Seek to end of file */
count = ftell( fp ) ; /* Save the number of bytes */
rewind( fp ) ; /* Return to top of file */
return ( count / size ) ; /* return number of blocks */
}/*rec_count*/ /****************************/

void fatal_error(const char *s_ptr){
/* prints s_ptr then exits ****************************/
assert( s_ptr != NULL ) ; /* Should never be NULL */
trivial_error( s_ptr ) ; /* Delegate to trivial_error*/
exit( EXIT_FAILURE ) ; /* Post failure message */
}/*fatal_error*/ /****************************/

void trivial_error( const char *s_ptr ){
/* prints s_ptr then return ****************************/
assert( s_ptr != NULL ) ; /* Should never be NULL */
fprintf(stderr,"\n%Error : %s\n" ,s_ptr ) ; /* Print Error message */
}/*trivial_error*/ /****************************/

int main( void ){
/* Application Entry point for MergeTest.c ****************************/
#define IN_FILE "ZenVF.dat" /* DEFINE input file name */
#define OUT_FILE "ZenSD.dat" /* Define Output File name*/
FILE *fp_in = NULL ; /* Binary Input stream */
FILE *fp_out = NULL ; /* Binary Output stream */
fp_in = open_file(IN_FILE ,"rb",EXIT_ON_ERR); /* Open Input stream */
fp_out = open_file(OUT_FILE,"wb",EXIT_ON_ERR); /* Open Output stream */
mergesort( fp_in, fp_out, (SORT_PROC)cmp ) ; /* Sort Output file */
fclose( fp_in ) ; /* Close opened stream */
fclose( fp_out) ; /* Close opened stream */
return( 0 ) ; /* Return value to OS */
#undef IN_FILE /* This is no longer needed */
#undef OUT_FILE /* This is no longer needed */
}/*main*/ /****************************/

Jamal Natour (e-mail address removed)

Applogies if earlier posting caused any confusion

Barry Schwarz

I am working on binary files of struct ACTIONS
snip 300+ lines

Newsgroups are not chat rooms. You posted the same code two hours
earlier. Give people a chance to respond. It sometimes takes days to
get the answer you are looking for.

<<Remove the del for email>>

Arthur J. O'Dwyer

(e-mail address removed) (Jamal) wrote ...

You need to remember that browsers anything enclosed in < and > as tags,
and silently ignore tags they do not recognize. Did you look at that page
and notice anything odd?

Yeah ;
I noticed all the punctuation
was way out here .
I mean really ,
come on .

To the OP: Look up &lt; and &gt; in your HTML FAQ to fix
the #include problem.

A. Sinan Unur

Yeah ;
I noticed all the punctuation
was way out here .
I mean really ,
come on .


I agree. I keep thinking there is a missing semi-colon someplace. It is all
very distracting.
To the OP: Look up &lt; and &gt; in your HTML FAQ to fix
the #include problem.

or just copy your source.c to source_c.txt (in case your OS has problems
with multiple dots in the filename) and post that. That way you do not have
to deal with any of this stuff. The bare ampersands in the HTML cannot be
good either even though they seem to display correctly in my browser. But
the real travesty is:

typedef enum _record_type_enum{
ISSUE_RECORD = 'I' /* Stock Issues */
,DELETE_RECORD = 'D' /* Customer Deletions */
,CREATE_RECORD = 'C' /* Customer Creations */
,RECEIPT_RECORD = 'R' /* Stock Receipts */
,UNKNOWN_RECORD = 'U' /* Unclassified Record */

What's up with the commas?

Now, I apologize to the OP for not focusing on his issues, but if you
create so many obstacles that prevent me from being able to read and
comprehend your code, I am not going to be able to think about your code.
it takes less effort on your part to type:

typedef enum tag_record_type_enum{

1. You should not be using names that begin with an underscore (see

2. Since you ADT's name is RECORD_TYPE, it is unnecessary to append a
useless RECORD at the end of each value. You can have more descriptive
names using same or fewer number of characters.

3. Hence you do not need the useless comments any more. In your scheme, the
reader of your code has to keep refering back to the comments to remember
if DELETE_RECORD refers to deletion of a customer or a stock issue.

4. I have never seen any natural language where it is acceptable to start a
line with punctuation. Doing this just creates another obstacle to

Other issues:

Why do you define IO_ERROR multiple times in the same source. Since the
values are the same, it is not a problem at this point, but why create a
potential headache?

Don't cast the return value of malloc.

Have you compiled this code? After getting rid of the HTML, I get this:

C:\Home\asu1>gcc -Wall -pedantic -c uk_coder.c
uk_coder.c:63: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of
uk_coder.c: In function `merge':
uk_coder.c:133: warning: missing braces around initializer
uk_coder.c:133: warning: (near initialization for `a_STR.Create_STR')
uk_coder.c:134: warning: missing braces around initializer
uk_coder.c:134: warning: (near initialization for `b_STR.Create_STR')
uk_coder.c: In function `split':
uk_coder.c:161: warning: missing braces around initializer
uk_coder.c:161: warning: (near initialization for `cmp_STR.Create_STR')
uk_coder.c:162: warning: missing braces around initializer
uk_coder.c:162: warning: (near initialization for `last_STR.Create_STR')
uk_coder.c: In function `trivial_error':
uk_coder.c:263: warning: double format, pointer arg (arg 3)
uk_coder.c:263: warning: too few arguments for format

By the way STR and/or is usually used to refer to strings. The suffix is
very unnecessary and is cluttering the code.

As for your original question: I am not sure if it works correctly either
mostly because every time I tried to go through the code, I ended up giving
up in frustration.

Dann Corbit

#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

/* **************************************************************************
/* Customer Transactions Structures
/* **************************************************************************
typedef struct _create_STR { /****************************/
char RecType; /* Secondary key */
char CustNo[6]; /* Primary key */
char Name[21]; /* Customer name */
char Address[61];/* Customer address */
char Balance[10];/* Account balance */
char Limit[8]; /* Acc credit limit */
} CREATE; /****************************/
typedef struct _delete_STR { /****************************/
char RecType; /* Secondary key */
char CustNo[6]; /* Primary key */
} DELETE; /****************************/
typedef struct _issue_STR { /****************************/
char RecType; /* Secondary key */
char CustNo[6]; /* Primary key */
char PartNo[7]; /* Item part code */
char Qty[5]; /* Order quantity */
} ISSUE; /****************************/
typedef union _action_union { /****************************/
CREATE Create_STR; /* Creation data */
DELETE Delete_STR; /* Deletion data */
ISSUE IssueR_STR; /* Transaction data */
} ACTION; /****************************/
#define ISSUE_SIZE sizeof( ISSUE ) /* Size of customer issue */
#define RECEIPT_SIZE ISSUE_SIZE /* Size of customer receipt */
#define DELETE_SIZE sizeof( DELETE ) /* Size of customer deletion
#define CREATE_SIZE sizeof( CREATE ) /* Size of customer creation
#define ACTION_SIZE sizeof( ACTION ) /* Size of Action union */
/* OPTIONS FOR open_file() */
typedef enum _open_option_enum {/****************************/
EXIT_ON_ERR = 0, /* Post (EXIT_FAILURE) to OS */
NO_ERR_EXIT /* Return NULL to caller */
} OPEN_OPTION; /****************************/

void fatal_error(const char *s_ptr);
void trivial_error(const char *s_ptr);
size_t rec_count(FILE * fp, size_t size);
typedef (*SORT_PROC) (const void *, const void *); /*
Function pointer type */
int cmp(const ACTION * a_ptr, const ACTION * b_ptr);
void merge(FILE * fp_one, FILE * fp_two, FILE * fp_out,
SORT_PROC cmp_proc);
void split(FILE * fp_in, FILE * fp_one, FILE * fp_two,
SORT_PROC cmp_proc);
void mergesort(FILE * fp_in, FILE * fp_out, SORT_PROC
ACTION *alloc_action(size_t count);
void sort_records(FILE * fp_in, FILE * fp_out, SORT_PROC
size_t read_action(FILE * fp, ACTION * rec_ptr, size_t
size_t write_action(FILE * fp, const ACTION * rec_ptr, size_t
FILE *open_file(const char *filename, const char *mode,

FILE *open_file(const char *filename, const char *mode,
FILE *retval = NULL;
assert(filename != NULL);
assert(mode != NULL);
retval = fopen(filename, mode);
if (!retval) {
if (flag == NO_ERR_EXIT) {
} else {
return retval;
} /* open_file */

size_t write_action(FILE * fp, const ACTION * rec_ptr, size_t
assert(fp != NULL);
assert(rec_ptr != NULL);
assert(count >= 1);
return fwrite(rec_ptr, ACTION_SIZE, count, fp);
} /* write_action */

size_t read_action(FILE * fp, ACTION * rec_ptr, size_t count)
assert(fp != NULL);
assert(rec_ptr != NULL);
assert(count >= 1);
return fread(rec_ptr, ACTION_SIZE, count, fp);
} /* read_action */

int cmp(const ACTION * a_ptr, const ACTION * b_ptr)
/* Ascending CustNum and descending RecType order*/
int retval;
assert(a_ptr != NULL);
assert(b_ptr != NULL);
retval = strcmp(a_ptr->Delete_STR.CustNo
if (!retval) {
retval = (b_ptr->Delete_STR.RecType
- a_ptr->Delete_STR.RecType);
return retval;
} /* cmp */

void merge(FILE * fp_one, FILE * fp_two, FILE * fp_out,
SORT_PROC cmp_proc)
ACTION a_STR = {'0', "00000", "", "", "", ""};
ACTION b_STR = {'0', "00000", "", "", "", ""};
size_t ret1 = 0;
size_t ret2 = 0;
if (!fseek(fp_one, 0L, SEEK_SET) && !fseek(fp_two, 0L, SEEK_SET))
ret1 = read_action(fp_one, &a_STR, 1);
ret2 = read_action(fp_two, &b_STR, 1);
while ((ret1 == 1) && (ret2 == 1)) {
if ((*cmp_proc) (&a_STR, &b_STR) <= 0) {
write_action(fp_out, &a_STR, 1);
ret1 = read_action(fp_one, &a_STR, 1);
} else {
write_action(fp_out, &b_STR, 1);
ret2 = read_action(fp_two, &b_STR, 1);
while (ret1 == 1) {
write_action(fp_out, &a_STR, 1);
ret1 = read_action(fp_one, &a_STR, 1);
while (ret2 == 1) {
write_action(fp_out, &b_STR, 1);
ret2 = read_action(fp_two, &b_STR, 1);
} /* Merge */

void split(FILE * fp_in, FILE * fp_one, FILE * fp_two,
SORT_PROC cmp_proc)
ACTION cmp_STR = {'0', "00000", "", "", "", ""};
ACTION last_STR = {'0', "00000", "", "", "", ""};
FILE *fp_split_1 = NULL;
FILE *fp_split_2 = NULL;
assert(fp_in != NULL);
assert(fp_one != NULL);
assert(fp_two != NULL);
assert(cmp_proc != NULL);
fp_split_1 = tmpfile();
fp_split_2 = tmpfile();
if ((fp_split_1) && (fp_split_2)) {;
while (read_action(fp_in, &cmp_STR, 1) == 1) {
if ((*cmp_proc) (&cmp_STR, &last_STR) >= 0) {
write_action(fp_split_1, &cmp_STR, 1);
} else {
write_action(fp_split_2, &cmp_STR, 1);
last_STR = cmp_STR;
sort_records(fp_split_1, fp_one, cmp_proc);
sort_records(fp_split_2, fp_two, cmp_proc);
} /* split */

void mergesort(FILE * fp_in, FILE * fp_out, SORT_PROC
FILE *fp_one = NULL;
FILE *fp_two = NULL;
assert(fp_out != NULL);
assert(fp_in != NULL);
assert(cmp_proc != NULL);
fp_one = tmpfile();
fp_two = tmpfile();
if ((fp_one != NULL) && (fp_two != NULL)) {
split(fp_in, fp_one, fp_two, cmp_proc);
merge(fp_out, fp_one, fp_two, cmp_proc);
} /* mergesort */

ACTION *alloc_action(size_t count)
assert(count > 0);
return (ACTION *) malloc(count * ACTION_SIZE);
} /* alloc_action */

void sort_records(FILE * fp_in, FILE * fp_out, SORT_PROC
/* QuickSorts File of records*/
ACTION *rec_ptr = NULL;
size_t num = 0;
assert(fp_in != NULL);
assert(fp_out != NULL);
assert(cmp_proc != NULL);
num = rec_count(fp_in, ACTION_SIZE);
if (num > 0) {
rec_ptr = alloc_action(num);
if (rec_ptr == NULL) {
mergesort(fp_in, fp_out, cmp_proc);
} else {
if (read_action(fp_in, rec_ptr, num) == num) {
qsort(rec_ptr, num, ACTION_SIZE, cmp_proc);
write_action(fp_out, rec_ptr, num);
fseek(fp_out, 0L, SEEK_SET);
} /* Sort Records */

size_t rec_count(FILE * fp, size_t size)
size_t count = 0;
size_t retval = 0;
if (!fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END)) {;
count = ftell(fp);
if (!fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET)) {
retval = (count / size);
return retval;
} /* rec_count */

void fatal_error(const char *s_ptr)
assert(s_ptr != NULL);
} /* fatal_error */

void trivial_error(const char *s_ptr)
assert(s_ptr != NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "\n%Error : %s\n", s_ptr);
} /* trivial_error */

int main(void)
#define IN_FILE "a:\\ZENVF.dat" /* DEFINE input file name */
#define OUT_FILE "a:\\ZENSD.dat" /* Define Output File name */
FILE *fp_in = NULL;
FILE *fp_out = NULL;
fp_in = open_file(IN_FILE, "rb", EXIT_ON_ERR);
fp_out = open_file(OUT_FILE, "wb+", EXIT_ON_ERR);
mergesort(fp_in, fp_out, (SORT_PROC) cmp);
return (0);
#undef IN_FILE
#undef OUT_FILE

--- Module: merg.c
ACTION a_STR = {'0', "00000", "", "", "", ""};
merg.c(118) : Info 708: union initialization

From ©ISO/IEC ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E)
126 Language §6.7.8
17 Each brace-enclosed initializer list has an associated current
object. When no designations are present, subobjects of the current
object are initialized in order according to the type of the current
object: array elements in increasing subscript order, structure
members in declaration order, and the first named member of a
union.127) In contrast, a designation causes the following initializer
to begin initialization of the subobject described by the designator.
Initialization then continues forward in order, beginning with the
next subobject after that described by the designator.128)
18 Each designator list begins its description with the current object
associated with the closest surrounding brace pair. Each item in the
designator list (in order) specifies a particular member of its
current object and changes the current object for the next designator
(if any) to be that member.129) The current object that results at the
end of the designator list is the subobject to be initialized by the
following initializer.
19 The initialization shall occur in initializer list order, each
initializer provided for a particular subobject overriding any
previously listed initializer for the same subobject; all subobjects
that are not initialized explicitly shall be initialized implicitly
the same as objects that have static storage duration.
20 If the aggregate or union contains elements or members that are
aggregates or unions, these rules apply recursively to the
subaggregates or contained unions. If the initializer of a
subaggregate or contained union begins with a left brace, the
initializers enclosed by that brace and its matching right brace
initialize the elements or members of the subaggregate or the
contained union. Otherwise, only enough initializers from the list are
taken to account for the elements or members of the subaggregate or
the first member of the contained union; any remaining initializers
are left to initialize the next element or member of the aggregate of
which the current subaggregate or contained union is a part.

127) If the initializer list for a subaggregate or contained union
does not begin with a left brace, its subobjects are initialized as
usual, but the subaggregate or contained union does not become the
current object: current objects are associated only with
brace-enclosed initializer lists.
128) After a union member is initialized, the next object is not the
next member of the union; instead, it is the next subobject of an
object containing the union.
129) Thus, a designator can only specify a strict subobject of the
aggregate or union that is associated with the surrounding brace pair.
Note, too, that each separate designator list is independent.
ACTION b_STR = {'0', "00000", "", "", "", ""};
merg.c(119) : Info 708: union initialization
write_action(fp_out, &a_STR, 1);
merg.c(127) : Warning 534: Ignoring return value of
write_action(struct _iobuf
*, const union _action_union *, unsigned int) (compare with line
write_action(fp_out, &b_STR, 1);
merg.c(130) : Warning 534: Ignoring return value of
write_action(struct _iobuf
*, const union _action_union *, unsigned int) (compare with line
write_action(fp_out, &a_STR, 1);
merg.c(135) : Warning 534: Ignoring return value of
write_action(struct _iobuf
*, const union _action_union *, unsigned int) (compare with line
write_action(fp_out, &b_STR, 1);
merg.c(139) : Warning 534: Ignoring return value of
write_action(struct _iobuf
*, const union _action_union *, unsigned int) (compare with line
ACTION cmp_STR = {'0', "00000", "", "", "", ""};
merg.c(147) : Info 708: union initialization
ACTION last_STR = {'0', "00000", "", "", "", ""};
merg.c(148) : Info 708: union initialization
write_action(fp_split_1, &cmp_STR, 1);
merg.c(160) : Warning 534: Ignoring return value of
write_action(struct _iobuf
*, const union _action_union *, unsigned int) (compare with line
write_action(fp_split_2, &cmp_STR, 1);
merg.c(162) : Warning 534: Ignoring return value of
write_action(struct _iobuf
*, const union _action_union *, unsigned int) (compare with line
write_action(fp_out, rec_ptr, num);
merg.c(216) : Warning 534: Ignoring return value of
write_action(struct _iobuf
*, const union _action_union *, unsigned int) (compare with line
count = ftell(fp);
merg.c(231) : Info 732: Loss of sign (assignment) (long to unsigned
fprintf(stderr, "\n%Error : %s\n", s_ptr);
merg.c(250) : Warning 558: Too few arguments for format (1 missing)
merg.c(250) : Warning 559: Size of argument no. 3 inconsistent with

Probably, what was meant here was this:
fprintf(stderr, "\n%%Error : %s\n", s_ptr);

--- Wrap-up for Module: merg.c

Info 750: local macro ISSUE_SIZE (line 40, file merg.c) not referenced
Info 750: local macro RECEIPT_SIZE (line 41, file merg.c) not
Info 750: local macro DELETE_SIZE (line 42, file merg.c) not
Info 750: local macro CREATE_SIZE (line 43, file merg.c) not
Info 754: local structure member _create_STR::RecType (line 15, file
not referenced
Info 754: local structure member _create_STR::CustNo (line 16, file
merg.c) not
Info 754: local structure member _create_STR::Name (line 17, file
merg.c) not
Info 754: local structure member _create_STR::Address (line 18, file
not referenced
Info 754: local structure member _create_STR::Balance (line 19, file
not referenced
Info 754: local structure member _create_STR::Limit (line 20, file
merg.c) not
Info 754: local structure member _issue_STR::RecType (line 29, file
merg.c) not
Info 754: local structure member _issue_STR::CustNo (line 30, file
merg.c) not
Info 754: local structure member _issue_STR::partNo (line 31, file
merg.c) not
Info 754: local structure member _issue_STR::Qty (line 32, file
merg.c) not
Info 754: local structure member _action_union::Create_STR (line 36,
merg.c) not referenced
Info 754: local structure member _action_union::IssueR_STR (line 38,
merg.c) not referenced
Info 766: Header file 'C:\lang\VC98\include\time.h' not used in module
Info 766: Header file 'C:\lang\VC98\include\process.h' not used in
Info 766: Header file 'C:\lang\VC98\include\stdarg.h' not used in

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