AndrewRT said:
HI there. Can anyone help me. I'm a self-employed business consultant
in England and I want help building a simple ish website maybe 6 page
but very professional looking nothing too complex just an enquiry form,
a map and text. I have a budget of ~£500 ($1000) to spend but I've
been looking for about a year and drawn a complete blank!
Does anyone have any recommendations for where I shoudl be looking??
I think you need to rethink your budget. I usually looked to charge
about 60 USD an hour for my services for a one-time, low budget build.
That will get you about 17 hours of work. That's 2 days of work in
total to finish your entire web presence, which really isn't enough
In reality, what you're asking for is:
1. An initial meeting with the client to assess needs
2. A second meeting with the client to determine content for the site
3. Initial rough draft layout for website
4. Conversion of graphics/logos for website
5. Design of additional graphics for website
6. Insertion of graphics into rough draft
7. Approval of client for continuation with rough draft
8. Insertion of text into website (provided by client)
9. Design of custom programming (your enquiry form)
10. Final approval of website
11. Final touchups to website
12. Registration of domain name
13. Setup of hosting
14. Setup of email addresses
15. Training for client on operation and management of website (if I'm
not managing)
16. Submission of website to search engines
There's a little bit that can be trimmed down, but not much. No client
has ever accepted the first rough draft as is, so there's also
additional work there.
I would estimate for a $1000 budget, I could maybe do a three page site
with no custom scripting. And I would probably use a template, rather
than a custom layout. That's not an offer (I don't do independent
design any more), just an estimate of what I would be able to do for
that much.
If you get someone to take the job for 1000 USD, be sure to check their

Someone just getting started may take it, though. Good