How - Multiple Struts 1.0 Applications under Tomcat 4.1.18



I have developed a web application using Struts 1.0 and Tomcat 4.1.18
running under Windows 2000 Server with IIS. I have created a Tomcat
Windows Service for this appliation and everything is working fine.
Now, I need to deploy the same code with some modifications and put it
under Tomcat as another web app. I created a separate IIS web site
and created a new Tomcat Windows Service for it. Here are the
problems I ran into :

1. When I started these 2 services, the log files for each
application contain both Struts-Config.xml information.
2. When I shut down one of the Tomcat Windows Services, the other app
stops working at the same time even though its corresponding Windows
Service is still running.
3. All logging went into 1 log instead of its corresponding log
file(except the logging for starting up the service)

Here are my questions:
1. How do I run multiple Struts web apps under Tomcat? What am I
doing wrong?(I am not using jar or war files for my apps.)
2. I created the windows service using the help from this link is broken now.
It uses Tomcat.exe to create the service). Can I create multiple
windows services using the Tomcat.exe? Are there any other ways to do

I would really appreciate your help.


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