How to add a text into a table as e.g. <h5>


Stefan Mueller

With the following code I can add a new row to an existing table. That
really works great. Many thanks to all who helped me so far.
But my problem is that the added cells do somehow not have the same style as
the first row which I added by HTML.
I do everything with the JavaScript what I do with HTML except that the
added text with the JavaScript is not
<h5 class = "style_tableentry_middle">Entry middle</h5>

I guess it's only somehow
<class = "style_tableentry_middle">Entry middle

Also the 'mouseover' effect on the inserted row is not exact the same.
I tried to avoid using <h5> and tried to use <tr> and <td> - without success
(<tr> and <td> seems not to support margins like e.g. margin-left).

I guess that I just have to add the text with the JavaScript as
<h5 class = "style_tableentry_middle">Entry middle</h5>
instead of
<class = "style_tableentry_middle">Entry middle

But how to do that? Does anyone have any good idea?


<style type = "text/css">
h5.style_tabletitle {
font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000000;
margin-left: 7;
margin-right: 0;
margin-top: 5;
margin-bottom: 6;

tr.style_tableentry_background {
background-color: #ffcc00;

tr.style_tableentry_mouseover {
font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: normal;
color: #000000;
background-color: #ffdd77;

h5.style_tableentry_middle {
font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: normal;
color: #ff0000;
margin-left: 7;
margin-right: 7;
margin-top: 5;
margin-bottom: 6;

h5.style_tableentry_right {
font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: normal;
color: #0000ff;
margin-left: 7;
margin-right: 7;
margin-top: 5;
margin-bottom: 6;

<script type="text/javascript">
function InsertRow() {
var xtable
var xrow
var xcell

xtable = document.getElementById("MyTable")

// Add row
xrow = xtable.insertRow(2)
xrow.className = "style_tableentry_background"
xrow.onmouseover = function() {this.className =
xrow.onmouseout = function() {this.className =

// Add cell left
xcell = xrow.insertCell(0) = "40%"
xcell.bgColor = "#ff8800"
xcell.innerHTML = ""

// Add cell middle
xcell = xrow.insertCell(1) = "30%"
xcell.className = "style_tableentry_middle"
xcell.innerHTML = "My entry middle"

// Add cell right
xcell = xrow.insertCell(2) = "30%"
xcell.className = "style_tableentry_right"
xcell.innerHTML = "My entry right"

<form name="MyForm">
<table id = "MyTable" width = "500" border = "1" align = "center">
<td width = "40%" style = "background-color:#ff8800">
<h5 class = "style_tabletitle">Title leftMiddle</h5>

<td width = "30%" style = "background-color:#cc0000">
<h5 class = "style_tabletitle">Title leftMiddle</h5>

<td width = "30%" style = "background-color:#cc0000">
<h5 class = "style_tabletitle">Title leftMiddle</h5>

<tr class = "style_tableentry_background"
onMouseover = "className = 'style_tableentry_mouseover'"
onMouseout = "className = 'style_tableentry_background'">
<td width = "40%" style = "background-color:#ff8800">

<td width = "30%">
<h5 class = "style_tableentry_middle">Entry middle</h5>

<td width = "30%">
<h5 class = "style_tableentry_right">Entry right</h5>

<input type = "button" name = "MyButton" value = "Add Row" onClick =



Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Stefan said:
With the following code I can add a new row to an existing table. That
really works great. Many thanks to all who helped me so far.
But my problem is that the added cells do somehow not have the same style
as the first row which I added by HTML.
I do everything with the JavaScript what I do with HTML except that the
added text with the JavaScript is not
<h5 class = "style_tableentry_middle">Entry middle</h5>

CSS class names must not contain underlines. From the CSS2 grammar:

| class
| : '.' IDENT
| ;
| [...]
| nmstart [a-z]|{nonascii}|{escape}
| nmchar [a-zA-Z0-9-]|{nonascii}|{escape}
| ident {nmstart}{nmchar}*

The underline character in identifiers has been added in CSS 2.1.
Interestingly, it has been removed again in CSS3 (Syntax). However,
neither has achieved the status of Recommendation yet, so it seems
to be good practice to not use the underline character.

A DOCTYPE declaration is missing before this element, such as

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
<style type = "text/css">

Note that the `style' element must be child of the `head' element.
You omit the tags optional for the latter element which may introduce
problems with not fully conforming implementations.
h5.style_tabletitle {
font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;

`pt' is a unit suited for printouts, not for display devices.
Use `em' or `%' instead, `px' if you do not care about buggy IEs.
font-weight: bold;

font: 10px bold Verdana, ..., sans-serif;
color: #000000;


Besides, the value should be independent on color depth: #000
margin-left: 7;
margin-right: 0;
margin-top: 5;
margin-bottom: 6;

If the length is not 0, a unit is required which is probably `px' here.


tr.style_tableentry_background {
background-color: #ffcc00;

See above and replace with

background-color: #fc0;

tr.style_tableentry_mouseover {

See above.
background-color: #ffdd77;

This requires a color depth of at least 65536 (64k) to be properly displayed
(and, therefore, serve as background for legible text). Try to stick to
Real Websafe[tm] color values using only a triplet of #xyz with x, y, z
= {0, 3, ..., c, f} where x, y and z may have different value. #xyz will
be internally expanded to #xxyyzz if appropriate for the current display

h5.style_tableentry_middle {

h5.style_tableentry_right {

See above.

<script type="text/javascript">

The `script' element must be child of the `head' or `body' element.
See above.
function InsertRow() {
var xtable

JS/ECMAScript statements should always be ended with a semicolon to
avoid undesired side effects with automatic semicolon insertion.
xtable = document.getElementById("MyTable")

Implementations of DOM interface methods, such as
HTMLDocument::getElementById(), should be tested
prior to usage.

// Add row
xrow = xtable.insertRow(2)

Same here.

<form name="MyForm">

The required `action' attribute value is missing.

<table id = "MyTable" width = "500" border = "1" align = "center">

The `align' attribute for the `table' element is deprecated from HTML 4.01
on. This means it is not Valid in HTML 4.01 Strict, XHTML 1.0 Strict or
XHTML 1.1.
<td width = "40%" style = "background-color:#ff8800">
<h5 class = "style_tabletitle">Title leftMiddle</h5>

<td width = "30%" style = "background-color:#cc0000">
<h5 class = "style_tabletitle">Title leftMiddle</h5>

<td width = "30%" style = "background-color:#cc0000">
<h5 class = "style_tabletitle">Title leftMiddle</h5>

Tables should not be (ab)used for layout purposes. Use CSS to position
block elements instead.

Headings (`hX' elements with X = [1..6]) should not be abused to achieve
greater font sizes. They should reflect the structure of the document
instead. If a different font size is needed, use the CSS font* properties.

<input type = "button" name = "MyButton" value = "Add Row" onClick =

Since this button does not work without client-side
scripting, it should be generated through it, the
most simple approach being

<script type="text/javascript">
'<input type="button" name="MyButton" value="Add Row"'
+ ' onclick="InsertRow()">');


P.S.: de.comp.lang.javascript exists.

Stefan Mueller

CSS class names must not contain underlines.

Ups, I didn't know. That means I have to replace all '_' with e.g. '-'. The
character '-' is fine? Correct?
But in JavaScript functions I can use '_'. Correct?
`pt' is a unit suited for printouts, not for display devices.

Hmm, I'd like to have an unit for one pixel on the screen. But I guess it
doesn't exist except 'px' which is buggy in IE like you explained.
<td width = "40%" style = "background-color:#ff8800">
<h5 class = "style_tabletitle">Title leftMiddle</h5>

<td width = "30%" style = "background-color:#cc0000">
<h5 class = "style_tabletitle">Title leftMiddle</h5>

<td width = "30%" style = "background-color:#cc0000">
<h5 class = "style_tabletitle">Title leftMiddle</h5>

Headings (`hX' elements with X = [1..6]) should not be abused to achieve
greater font sizes. They should reflect the structure of the document
instead. If a different font size is needed, use the CSS font*

I use 'hX' only that I can address the appropriate text like

You have written so many hints and I'm still not through in fixing all my
faults on my page. However, I still don't know what I have to change so that
the added cells (with the JavaScript) do have the same style as the first
row which I added by HTML.

In any case, thanks a lot for all your corrections and hints and if you
could give me a little bit more specific hint in how to solve my problem I
really would be glad.

Thanks again

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Stefan said:
The character '-' is fine [for CSS class names]? Correct?
But in JavaScript functions I can use '_'. Correct?

Correct, as CSS2 Grammar and JavaScript Reference/ECMAScript 3 Specification
<td width = "40%" style = "background-color:#ff8800">
<h5 class = "style_tabletitle">Title leftMiddle</h5>

<td width = "30%" style = "background-color:#cc0000">
<h5 class = "style_tabletitle">Title leftMiddle</h5>

<td width = "30%" style = "background-color:#cc0000">
<h5 class = "style_tabletitle">Title leftMiddle</h5>

Headings (`hX' elements with X = [1..6]) should not be abused to achieve
greater font sizes. They should reflect the structure of the document
instead. If a different font size is needed, use the CSS font*

I use 'hX' only that I can address the appropriate text like

You probably should not. You do not need a specific element just to
format text. For example, if you left out the `h5' part in your CSS
rule, it would apply to almost any element that has the `class'
attribute and the value `style_tableentry_middle' (which should be
`style-tableentry-middle'). The difference with the `hX' block elements
is that those element have structural meaning beyond their display (e.g.
for application of outlines and automatically generated list of contents),
so use them wisely. And there are more possibilities for selectors than
just classname-based ones: <>.

So, IMHO, a document may have more than `h5' element but not within
juxtapositioned table cells. If you would describe why you find this
necessary, I'll probably have a suggestion better suited to your

But that really belongs into a CSS newsgroup
(comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets or
de.comm.infosystems.www.authoring.misc), or in
private e-mail communication (with me also in
German, if you like).
You have written so many hints and I'm still not through in fixing all my
faults on my page. However, I still don't know what I have to change so
that the added cells (with the JavaScript) do have the same style as the
first row which I added by HTML.

See said:
In any case, thanks a lot for all your corrections and hints

You're welcome.
and if you could give me a little bit more specific hint in how to solve
my problem I really would be glad.

Unless your document is all Valid and one has seen all your code, one can
only make wild guesses. Make it Valid, post the URI of that test case and
I, too, will be happy to help again -- if still necessary :)



Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn said:
The underline character in identifiers has been added in CSS 2.1.

It is considered an error in the CSS 2.0 spec corrected in the errata:
Interestingly, it has been removed again in CSS3 (Syntax).

It hasn't:

Even if it were, there is no version sniffing in CSS, thus the backward
compatibility requirement means that UAs must continue to support it.
neither has achieved the status of Recommendation yet, so it seems
to be good practice to not use the underline character.

The only possible reasons to avoid it is that a few obsolete browsers do
not support it, and it must not be used as the first character of a
class name.
Besides, the value should be independent on color depth: #000

For this particular value #000 resolves to #000000, there is no
This requires a color depth of at least 65536 (64k) to be properly displayed

A browser with a lesser colour capability gamma corrects such a value to
a supported value.

The only scenario where it could conceivably result in difficulties is
when an author codes foreground and background values of insufficient
contrast. Remapping specified values to a supported value could possibly
result in a reduction in contrast. But the real cause for such a problem
would be the initial use of insufficient contrast, not the remapping by
the very few devices with a reduced colour capability.
(and, therefore, serve as background for legible text). Try to stick to
Real Websafe[tm] color values using

This is antiquated advice, very few devices only support "web safe"
colours, those that do for example also cannot handle jpegs properly,
not something to care about.

Furthermore, dedicated devices that only support "web safe" colours are
unlikely to support CSS in the first place.

Stefan Mueller

I prefer the newsgroups instead of e-mails because anyone can find the
solutions and suggestions on the web. I've found there so many nice hints
and solutions.
You probably should not. You do not need a specific element just to
format text. For example, if you left out the `h5' part in your CSS
rule, it would apply to almost any element that has the `class'
attribute ...

I really don't know how to use a style if I don't have something like 'hX'
to address the appropriate element. The following code with 'h5' works in my
opinion fine. The texts do also have the defined top and botton margins:

<style type = "text/css"> {
font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000;
margin-left: 7px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-top: 25px;
margin-bottom: 15px;

<form name="MyForm">
<table id = "MyTable" width = "500" border = "1" align = "center">
<td width = "40%">
<h5 class = "style-tabletitle">Title left</h5>

<td width = "60%">
<h5 class = "style-tabletitle">Title right</h5>

However if I remove the 'h5' it's not working anymore (wrong font, no
margins, ...). Please have a look at the following code without 'h5':

<style type = "text/css">
style-tabletitle {
font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000;
margin-left: 7px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-top: 25px;
margin-bottom: 15px;

<form name="MyForm">
<table id = "MyTable" width = "500" border = "1" align = "center">
<td width = "40%">
<class = "style-tabletitle">Title left

<td width = "60%">
<class = "style-tabletitle">Title right

Did I miss something? Any help is very appreciated

Stefan Mueller

Did I miss something? Any help is very appreciated
You removed 'h5.' not 'h5'. Try again leaving the dot in:

.style-tabletitle {

I removed now only the 'h5' instead of 'h5.'. However, I still don't have
the correct font, size, margins, ...
Is the following code for you working?


<style type = "text/css">
.style-tabletitle {
font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000;
margin-left: 7px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-top: 25px;
margin-bottom: 15px;

<form name="MyForm">
<table id = "MyTable" width = "500" border = "1" align = "center">
<td width = "40%">
<class = "style-tabletitle">Title left

<td width = "60%">
<class = "style-tabletitle">Title right


I tested it with Mozilla and IE.

Dag Sunde

Stefan Mueller said:
I removed now only the 'h5' instead of 'h5.'. However, I still don't have
the correct font, size, margins, ...
Is the following code for you working?


<style type = "text/css">
.style-tabletitle {
font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 8pt;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000;
margin-left: 7px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-top: 25px;
margin-bottom: 15px;

<form name="MyForm">
<table id = "MyTable" width = "500" border = "1" align = "center">
<td width = "40%">
<class = "style-tabletitle">Title left

<td width = "60%">
<class = "style-tabletitle">Title right

<div class = "style-tabletitle">Title left</div>

<p class = "style-tabletitle">Title left</p>

or something else... You need a tag.

Stefan Mueller

<div class = "style-tabletitle">Title left</div>

<p class = "style-tabletitle">Title left</p>

or something else... You need a tag.

Yea, I also think I need a tag. And now we are back to my initial problem.

I can add everything with the JavaScript what I do with HTML (please see my
first post) except that the added text with the JavaScript is not with the
'h5' tag like
<h5 class = "style-tabletitle">Title left</h5>

With the JavaScript I can add only
<class = "style-tabletitle">Title left

But like we figured out, I do need a tag. Or does someone know a solution
without a tag?

My question is still, how to add this tag with a JavaScript?

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Stefan Mueller wrote:

Please learn how to quote, including proper attribution:
Yea, I also think I need a tag. And now we are back to my initial problem.

You need an element, not only a tag. An element has a start tag and
can have an end tag, which both can be optional, and it may have content
(otherwise its content model is called EMPTY).


The declaration of the `p' element in the HTML 4.01 Transitional Document
Type Definition (DTD):

<!ELEMENT P - O (%inline;)* -- paragraph -->
%attrs; -- %coreattrs, %i18n, %events --
%align; -- align, text alignment --
`p' is an ([X]HTML) element. It's (element) type is P.
It has the start tag `<p ...>' and the end tag `</p>' which enclose its
content. In HTML 4.01 Transitional, the end tag is optional ("O"; in
which case the content ends e.g. at the next `<p ').
The element has inline content, meaning that its content may include
text nodes with entity references and "inline" elements, but e.g. no
`p' elements (as `p' is a "block" element).

It is important to understand the difference between elements and tags
in order to understand how CSS works when applied to structural markup.
I can add everything with the JavaScript what I do with HTML (please see
my first post) except that the added text with the JavaScript is not with
the 'h5' tag like
<h5 class = "style-tabletitle">Title left</h5>

With the JavaScript I can add only
<class = "style-tabletitle">Title left

No, the script insert a row

xrow = xtable.insertRow(2)

inserts a cell to this row

xcell = xrow.insertCell(1)

provides it with `style' and `class' attributes = "30%"
xcell.className = "style_tableentry_middle"

and a content

xcell.innerHTML = "My entry middle"

The result (which can be seen e.g. in Firefox when using the
View Selection Source feature) is

<td style="width:30%" class="style_tableentry_middle">My entry

which is not quite what you expected above.
But like we figured out, I do need a tag. Or does someone know a solution
without a tag?

In a structural markup language like HTML, you cannot format content without
an element that contains it. So you either format an existing element
(like the `td' element, see above) which contains to content, or you add a
formatted child element which contains it.

But still, tables and `h5' are probably not what you are looking for in the
first place.
My question is still, how to add this tag with a JavaScript?

You can add child elements in several ways, depending on the level of
support for a respective DOM. To add a `p' element as child of another
element which DOM representation objects is referred by `x', one W3C DOM
Level 2 (standards compliant) approach could be (untested)

function isMethod(o)
if (typeof o == "string")
o = eval(o);

var t;
return ((t = typeof o) == "function" || t == "object" && o);

// x has been assigned an HTMLElement object reference earlier

var p, t;
if (isMethod("x.appendChild") // feature test
&& isMethod("document.createElement") // feature test
&& (p = document.createElement("p"))) // object reference test
p.className = "style-tabletitle";

if (isMethod("p.appendChild") // feature test
&& isMethod("document.createTextNode") // feature test
&& (t = document.createTextNode("My entry middle"))) // ref. test


The resulting markup would be

<x><p class="style-tabletitle">My entry middle</p></x>

(The type of the `x' element would of course be that of the element
represented in the DOM by the object referred to by `x' above.)

This of course requires the markup and style sheet it is applied to
to be Valid.



Stefan Mueller

First of all many thanks for your great explanations and your help. I really
appreciate it very much.
The result (which can be seen e.g. in Firefox when using the
View Selection Source feature) is

<td style="width:30%" class="style_tableentry_middle">My entry

Wow, that's really a very nice feature. Thanks for telling me.

I'm really surprised that the class statement goes to the <td> and not to
the text line as I expected.

I tried to insert your code into my insertRow function (only for the middle
column) but it doesn't work.
I get the error message: 'x is not defined' what is of course correct. But
I've no idea how to define it.
I guess 'x' has to be the same letter like in {

Here is my code (only the Javascript part, the whole code is in my first

function InsertRow() {
var xtable
var xrow
var xcell

xtable = document.getElementById("MyTable")

// Add row
xrow = xtable.insertRow(2)
xrow.className = "style-tableentry-background"
xrow.onmouseover = function() {this.className =
xrow.onmouseout = function() {this.className =

// Add cell left
xcell = xrow.insertCell(0) = "40%"
xcell.bgColor = "#ff8800"
xcell.innerHTML = ""

// Add cell middle
xcell = xrow.insertCell(1) = "30%"
// xcell.className = "style-tableentry-middle"
// xcell.innerHTML = "My entry middle"

var p, t;
if (isMethod("x.appendChild") // feature test
&& isMethod("document.createElement") // feature test
&& (p = document.createElement("p"))) { // object reference test
p.className = "style-tableentry-middle";

if (isMethod("p.appendChild") //
feature test
&& isMethod("document.createTextNode") //
feature test
&& (t = document.createTextNode("My entry middle"))) { // ref.

// Add cell right
xcell = xrow.insertCell(2) = "30%"
xcell.className = "style-tableentry-right"
xcell.innerHTML = "My entry right"

function isMethod(o) {
if (typeof o == "string") {
o = eval(o);

var t;
return ((t = typeof o) == "function" || t == "object" && o);

It would be really great if you or someone else could give me some further
help because with my knowledge I'm not able to handle it.

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Stefan said:
First of all many thanks for your great explanations and your help. I
really appreciate it very much.

I'm glad to read that; if only you would appreciate it in the way I'd like
to think of it (and no, although that would be nice too, that's NOT mainly
financial compensation for it; see below). Sigh. [psf 10.1]
Wow, that's really a very nice feature. Thanks for telling me.

I'm really surprised that the class statement goes to the <td> and not to
the text line as I expected.

Well, it's quite obvious from the source code, even without any DOM
experience. The property identifiers used are self-explaining after all.
I tried to insert your code into my insertRow function (only for the
middle column) but it doesn't work.
I get the error message: 'x is not defined' what is of course correct. But
I've no idea how to define it.

For example using document.getElementById() if the `x' element had an ID.
Please look into publicly available DOM documentations already mentioned.
These are very basic questions and, frankly, asking them repeatedly does
not make you look very smart.
I guess 'x' has to be the same letter like in {

You do not have to provide the element type for a selector, the class name
suffices here. Please read the first chapters of the CSS2 specification
and other publicly available documentation about CSS, this is off-topic
Here is my code (only the Javascript part, the whole code is in my first

function InsertRow() {

Still the identifier starts with a capital letter although the method is
not a constructor. As I already mentioned, it's not a syntax error, of
course, but a matter of code style.
var xtable

Still you do not end statements with a semicolon. Another sign of
discouraged code style.
xtable = document.getElementById("MyTable")

// Add row
xrow = xtable.insertRow(2)

Still you don't do feature tests consequently which is potentially harmful.
[...] = "40%"
xcell.bgColor = "#ff8800"

`bgColor' is a proprietary attribute and property. Use = "#f90";

instead and be sure to also define the foreground color with the `color'
property. said:
var p, t;
if (isMethod("x.appendChild") // feature test
&& isMethod("document.createElement") // feature test
&& (p = document.createElement("p"))) { // object reference

Code should be executable as posted. The `test' belongs to the single-line
comment before.
if (isMethod("p.appendChild") //
feature test

Same here. Just copy'n'pasting (my) code (BTW without even mentioning
it's originated from me, which I find rather offensive!) without really
trying to understand what it does will not help you in the mid-term.
[...] because with my knowledge I'm not able to handle it.

So read, get informed, try and learn, as everybody else now considered
competent once did. This newsgroup (and me) is not a machine producing
error corrections and sophisticated source code at no effort on your side.
That said, I can only hope your sender address does not reflect your
attitude about this.


Unfortunately, one cannot contact you privately via e-mail:

<[email protected]>:'t_have_a_yahoo.com_account_([email protected])_[-14]

Forging headers is a disregardment of Netiquette and a violation of
Internet Standards. It helps spammers instead of fighting them. I
will no longer read your postings or reply to them until you stop
this kind of network abuse.

Stefan Mueller

Code should be executable as posted. The `test' belongs to the
comment before.

I copied your code like you posted it. It must be my newsreader who did
these line breaks.
If you have not much knowlegde (like me) so you always use the posted code
before you modify it.

Unfortunately, one cannot contact you privately via e-mail:

<[email protected]>:'t_have_a_yahoo.com_account_([email protected])_[-14]

At the beginning I used my real e-mail address. Within one month I got
countless spam mails because of tool which scan the newsgroups for email
addresses. So I was told to use something in the e-mail address
like -remove- so every human being can contact you but not a machine. I
think this is quite common.
I really don't know why you didn't remove the -remove- part.


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