How to get started? help ><



Hey everyone,
My names John and i just recently joined this googl group, and I joined
because i need some help. I'm currently a Sophomore in High school and
i'm really interested in computer programming well i have been for
about 8 years... My brother graduated last year from UCR majoring
Computer science and he now works for a buisness programming... well
anyways i want to start programming, my brother gave me a c++ book he
used but i just dont know where to start.

I have Suse 9.0, i know only the most basic program but i still dont
know what those symbols and why those functions do what they do you

My question is where, what, and how can i start learning C++, the book
my brother gave me doesnt explain the functions and symbols etc... so
im wondering if there is anything or anyone out there that can help me
and explain to me the functions of the basic programs and someone or
something that can teach me c++..

I really want to know the main things about C++ before i start

Please please can anyone help me?


Mike Wahler

Weasel said:
Hey everyone,
My names John and i just recently joined this googl group,

Some comments below.
and I joined
because i need some help. I'm currently a Sophomore in High school and
i'm really interested in computer programming well i have been for
about 8 years... My brother graduated last year from UCR majoring
Computer science and he now works for a buisness programming... well
anyways i want to start programming, my brother gave me a c++ book he
used but i just dont know where to start.

I have Suse 9.0, i know only the most basic program but i still dont
know what those symbols and why those functions do what they do you

My question is where, what, and how can i start learning C++, the book
my brother gave me doesnt explain the functions and symbols etc... so
im wondering if there is anything or anyone out there that can help me
and explain to me the functions of the basic programs and someone or
something that can teach me c++..

I really want to know the main things about C++ before i start

IMO C++ is probably not the best first language for
a beginner to programming. But if you insist, here's
some information (it's the FAQ for the 'learners' group,
Sections 6 and 7 have links to learning resources.

Also there's the "C++ FAQ" (which will likely be 'over
the head' of a complete novice, but save this link for

Finally, note that the art (and science) of computer programming
is not associated with any particular programming language or
computer platform. There's a lot of theory involved which
applies to all specific applications of programming. Try not
to get too obsessed with a particular language or system.

Most successful programmers know several languages and are
familiar with several hardware platforms and operating systems,
and (from experience) usually can assess which tool(s) (e.g.
language, OS, etc.) are best suited for particular tasks.
IMO Probably the closest 'synonym' for programming is
'problem solving', a large part of which is assessing which
tool(s) (e.g. skills and technology) can most effectively
solve problems. Always keep that in mind.
Please please can anyone help me?

Many people, including myself, who participate in this newsgroup
(as well as the 'learners' group I cited above), are ready and
willing to help you as you learn. But please first read the
FAQs at the links I mentioned to learn posting guidelines and
how to pose questions in a way that gets most effective results.

Good luck with your studies. I hope you enjoy programming
as much as I do.


Alf P. Steinbach

* Weasel:
Hey everyone,
My names John and i just recently joined this googl group, and I joined
because i need some help. I'm currently a Sophomore in High school and
i'm really interested in computer programming well i have been for
about 8 years... My brother graduated last year from UCR majoring
Computer science and he now works for a buisness programming... well
anyways i want to start programming, my brother gave me a c++ book he
used but i just dont know where to start.

I have Suse 9.0, i know only the most basic program but i still dont
know what those symbols and why those functions do what they do you

My question is where, what, and how can i start learning C++, the book
my brother gave me doesnt explain the functions and symbols etc... so
im wondering if there is anything or anyone out there that can help me
and explain to me the functions of the basic programs and someone or
something that can teach me c++..

I really want to know the main things about C++ before i start

Please please can anyone help me?

I think you should consider buing the book "You can do it!" by Francis

It's a complete beginner's book written in a very clear style by an
acknowledged C++ expert.

After that, or in addition, "Accelerated C++" by Koenig and (?) Moe.


Weasel wrote:
I really want to know the main things about C++ before i start

Please please can anyone help me?

IMO the best way to start is by having a problem to solve. Maybe
converting a program in your current language(s) to C++ ( You might
then analyse whether its better in C++ or not ). If you document what
you have done too, it will come in very useful at the college

Andy Little


Alf P. Steinbach wrote in message
After that, or in addition, "Accelerated C++" by Koenig and (?) Moe.

You're thinking of Larry, Curly and Moe (nyuk nyuk nyuk). <G>

.... by Andrew Koenig and Barbara Moo

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