how to save a screenshot in pygame?



hi -- sorry if this is trivial -- but how do you make a screenshot of a
pygame display? i have a surface which is basically the entire visible
screen -- how do you write this surface as an image file during
specific events in the script execution? image format doesnt matter.

thanks! christine


liuliuliu said:
hi -- sorry if this is trivial -- but how do you make a screenshot of a
pygame display? i have a surface which is basically the entire visible
screen -- how do you write this surface as an image file during
specific events in the script execution? image format doesnt matter. is probably the thing you want.
Help on module pygame.image in pygame:



This module contains functions to transfer images in and out
of Surfaces. At the minimum the included load() function will
support BMP files. If SDL_image is properly installed when
pygame is installed, it will support all the formats included
with SDL_image. You can call the get_extended() function to test
if the SDL_image support is available.

Some functions that communicate with other libraries will require
that those libraries are properly installed. For example, the
function can only save OPENGL surfaces if pyopengl is available.

pygame.image.frombuffer(string, size, format) -> Surface
create a surface from a python memory buffer

This works like the fromstring() method, but uses Python
buffer objects. It is about 20 times faster than fromstring().
Strings and memory maps are examples of buffers in Python.

See the fromstring() function for information about the size
and format arguments.

pygame.image.fromstring(string, size, format, flipped=0) ->
create a surface from a raw string buffer

This will create a new Surface from a copy of raw data in
a string. This can be used to transfer images from other
libraries like PIL's fromstring().

In most cases you can use the frombuffer() which accepts
and is about 20 times faster.

The flipped argument should be set to true if the image in
the string is.

The format argument is a string representing which type of
string data you need. It can be one of the following, "P"
for 8bit palette indices. "RGB" for 24bit RGB data, "RGBA"
for 32bit RGB and alpha, or "RGBX" for 32bit padded RGB colors.
"ARGB" is a popular format for big endian platforms.

These flags are a subset of the formats supported the PIL
Python Image Library. Note that the "P" format only create
an 8bit surface, but the colormap will be all black.

pygame.image.get_extended() -> int
returns true if SDL_image formats are available

This will return a true value if the extended image formats
from SDL_image are available for loading.

load = load_extended(...)

pygame.image.load(file, [namehint]) -> Surface
load an image to a new Surface

This will load an image into a new surface. You can pass it
either a filename, or a python file-like object to load the
from. If you pass a file-like object that isn't actually a file
(like the StringIO class), then you might want to also pass
either the filename or extension as the namehint string. The
namehint can help the loader determine the filetype.

If pygame was installed without SDL_image support, the load
will only work with BMP images. You can test if SDL_image is
available with the get_extended() function. These extended
file formats usually include GIF, PNG, JPG, PCX, TGA, and more.

If the image format supports colorkeys and pixel alphas, the
load() function will properly load and configure these types
of transparency.


save(...), file) -> None
save surface data

This will save your surface as a BMP or TGA image. The given
file argument can be either a filename or a python file-like
object. This will also work under OPENGL display modes.

The image will default to save with the TGA format. If the
filename has the BMP extension, it will use the BMP format.

pygame.image.tostring(Surface, format, flipped=0) -> string
create a raw string buffer of the surface data

This will copy the image data into a large string buffer.
This can be used to transfer images to other libraries like
PIL's fromstring() and PyOpenGL's glTexImage2D().

The flipped argument will cause the output string to have
it's contents flipped vertically.

The format argument is a string representing which type of
string data you need. It can be one of the following, "P"
for 8bit palette indices. "RGB" for 24bit RGB data, "RGBA"
for 32bit RGB and alpha, or "RGBX" for 32bit padded RGB colors.
"ARGB" is a popular format for big endian platforms.

These flags are a subset of the formats supported the PIL
Python Image Library. Note that the "P" format only will
work for 8bit Surfaces.

If you ask for the "RGBA" format and the image only has
colorkey data. An alpha channel will be created from the
colorkey values.

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