I am very new to the html and javascript and I am trying to design a certificate in PDF. What I want to achieve is that when I click a button named 'Your Certificate', it will write the certificate in PDF file.
I have written some code to do this and my code can achieve what looks like below.
However, as you can see all the lines of texts are not center-aligned. Some lines are shifted to the left and some shifted to the right. I want all the lines of texts to be center-aligned on the page.
I am hoping to use methods such as 'widthOfString' and 'widthOfTextAtSize' but it seems that they both don't exist in my pdf-lib. How to fix this problem? I am new to the html and javascript and I don't know anything about node.js or npm which seems to be needed to use PDF-lib properly.
Below is my current code.
I am very new to the html and javascript and I am trying to design a certificate in PDF. What I want to achieve is that when I click a button named 'Your Certificate', it will write the certificate in PDF file.
I have written some code to do this and my code can achieve what looks like below.
However, as you can see all the lines of texts are not center-aligned. Some lines are shifted to the left and some shifted to the right. I want all the lines of texts to be center-aligned on the page.
I am hoping to use methods such as 'widthOfString' and 'widthOfTextAtSize' but it seems that they both don't exist in my pdf-lib. How to fix this problem? I am new to the html and javascript and I don't know anything about node.js or npm which seems to be needed to use PDF-lib properly.
Below is my current code.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Styled PDF Example</title>
<button id="showcertificate">Your Certificate</button>
document.getElementById('showcertificate').addEventListener('click', async function() {
// Import the pdf-lib library
const { PDFDocument, rgb } = PDFLib;
// Check if imported symbols are defined
if (PDFDocument && rgb){
// The import was successful
console.log('pdf-lib has been successfully imported.');
} else {
// The import was not successful
console.error('pdf-lib import failed.')
// Check if widthOfString method exists
if (PDFDocument.prototype.widthOfString){
console.log('widthOfString method exists in pdf-lib.');
} else {
console.log('widthOfString method does not exist in pdf-lib.');
// Check if widthOfTextAtSize method exists
if (PDFDocument.prototype.widthOfTextAtSize) {
console.log('widthOfTextAtSize method exists in pdf-lib.');
} else {
console.log('widthOfTextAtSize method does not exist in pdf-lib.');
// Create a new PDF document
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.create();
const page = pdfDoc.addPage([(297 / 25.4) * 96 * 0.7, (210 / 25.4) * 96 * 0.7]); // A4 landscape pageWidth = 786, pageHeight = 556
// Add styled content to the page
const subtitleText1 = 'This is to certify that';
const nameText = 'name';
const subtitleText2 = 'has completed the test';
// get the current date
const currentDate = new Date();
const formattedDate = currentDate.toLocaleDateString();
const textColor = rgb(0, 0, 0);
const titleSize = 24;
const subtitleSize = 16;
const nameSize = 28;
const dateSize = 16;
// Get the width of the each text at the chosen size
const titleWidth = titleText.length * (titleSize / 2);
const subtitleWidth1 = subtitleText1.length * (subtitleSize / 2);
const nameWidth = nameText.length * (nameSize / 2);
const subtitleWidth2 = subtitleText2.length * (subtitleSize / 2);
const dateWidth = formattedDate.length * (dateSize / 2);
// Center the titleText horizontally
const title = page.drawText(titleText, {
x: (page.getWidth() - titleWidth) / 2,
y: page.getHeight() - 100, // Added space from the top
size: titleSize,
color: textColor,
// Center the subtitleText1 horizontally
const subtitle1 = page.drawText(subtitleText1, {
x: (page.getWidth() - subtitleWidth1) / 2,
y: page.getHeight() - 200, // Added space from the top
size: subtitleSize,
color: textColor,
// Center the nameText horizontally
const name = page.drawText(nameText, {
x: (page.getWidth() - nameWidth) / 2,
y: page.getHeight() - 250, // Added space from the top
size: nameSize,
color: textColor,
// Center the subtitleText2 horizontally
const subtitle2 = page.drawText(subtitleText2, {
x: (page.getWidth() - subtitleWidth2) / 2,
y: page.getHeight() - 300, // Added space from the top
size: subtitleSize,
color: textColor,
// Center the dateText horizontally
const date = page.drawText(formattedDate, {
x: (page.getWidth() - dateWidth) / 2,
y: page.getHeight() - 350, // Added space from the top
size: dateSize,
color: textColor,
// Generate the PDF as a Uint8Array
const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save();
// Create a blob from the PDF data and create a URL
const blob = new Blob([pdfBytes], { type: 'application/pdf' });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// Open the PDF in a new tab
<!-- Include the pdf-lib library -->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pdf-lib/1.16.0/pdf-lib.js"></script>