richard said:
Have you
Look at that web
Page in Opera
Look Good
All Work
Will be
Tested here!
But get us wrong
We do like you
But no roundedBox in:
IE 8 Why?
HERE MORE INFO: - Section 508
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Section 508
Section 508 guidelines for web applications as described at the US Access Board web
Documents shall be organized so they are readable without requiring an associated
style sheet.d.2
Failure of Success Criterion 1.4.3, 1.4.6 and 1...
Users with vision loss or cognitive challenges often require specific foreground (text)
and background color combinations.
For instance, many people with low vision find it much easier to see
a Web page that has white text on a black background,
so they may have set their user agent to create this contrast.
If the author specifies that the text must be black,
then it may override the settings of the user agent and render
a page that has black text (specified by the author)
on black background (that was set in the user agent).
This principle also works in reverse.
If the Webmaster forces the background to be white,
then the white background specified by the author would be the same color as the white text
(which was set in the user agent)
rendering the page unusable to the user.
Therefore, if the author specifies a foreground (text) color then
they should also specify a background color which has sufficient contrast
(link) with the foreground and vice versa.Element specifies
background color but not specify foreground (text) color
Line 33, column 1, DIV element
Line 38, column 1, DIV element
d.1 Organize documents so they may be read without ...
So help us out Richard
And <B> to it
so we can see to TEXT