.htaccess & Hotlinking


Dark Angel

Ok when it comes to .htaccess I am as about us knowlagable as zombie on a
good day.

But there is this script:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?stateofmind.me.uk(/)?.*$
RewriteRule .*\.(zip|ZIP)$ http://www.stateofmind.me.uk/php/images/logo.png

Which I used in the past for images and it seems to work, but for some
resion its not working for the zip files.

Its been a while since I used this for preventing images from been

But I want to know if this is going to be usless when it comes to downloads
from another site that is not in the list of dominas?

Best Regards
Dark Angel

http://www.stateofmind.me.uk - My Home Page
http://www.bluefox.myby.co.uk - My Home Page on Blueyonder
http://www.shrine2aeris.co.uk - The Shrine to Aeris

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z ,`\ `-., `----, \....( `,
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---------------((/```-------\_ _( `, `,
`--, (_ / /
,--\( '--'`` /`

Phillip Hudson

I had exactly the same problem as you, .htaccess works for pictures, flash
files and I think it did with movies, but it doesn't work with exes and zip

I tried loads of scripts but I couldn't get any of them to prevent exe files
from being hotlinked.

If you ever manage it, could you post the info here, I'd be greateful to see


Dark Angel

For some resion it dose not work with images now and I am beging to wornder
if my host as updated there server :(

This is starting to do my nut in.

Best Regards
Dark Angel

http://www.stateofmind.me.uk - My Home Page
http://www.bluefox.myby.co.uk - My Home Page on Blueyonder
http://www.shrine2aeris.co.uk - The Shrine to Aeris

,---...... _____________
z Z ((-----. `-----,_____ (
z ,`\ `-., `----, \....( `,
,..-----__.' `\ \____ `/ '\
/^---` ~ ```` __ \ / ) `(^\( |
---------------((/```-------\_ _( `, `,
`--, (_ / /
,--\( '--'`` /`
Phillip Hudson said:
I had exactly the same problem as you, .htaccess works for pictures, flash
files and I think it did with movies, but it doesn't work with exes and zip

I tried loads of scripts but I couldn't get any of them to prevent exe files
from being hotlinked.

If you ever manage it, could you post the info here, I'd be greateful to see


Dark Angel said:
Ok when it comes to .htaccess I am as about us knowlagable as zombie on a
good day.

But there is this script:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?stateofmind.me.uk(/)?.*$
RewriteRule .*\.(zip|ZIP)$ http://www.stateofmind.me.uk/php/images/logo.png

Which I used in the past for images and it seems to work, but for some
resion its not working for the zip files.

Its been a while since I used this for preventing images from been

But I want to know if this is going to be usless when it comes to downloads
from another site that is not in the list of dominas?

Best Regards
Dark Angel

http://www.stateofmind.me.uk - My Home Page
http://www.bluefox.myby.co.uk - My Home Page on Blueyonder
http://www.shrine2aeris.co.uk - The Shrine to Aeris

,---...... _____________
z Z ((-----. `-----,_____ (
z ,`\ `-., `----, \....( `,
,..-----__.' `\ \____ `/ '\
/^---` ~ ```` __ \ / ) `(^\( |
---------------((/```-------\_ _( `, `,
`--, (_ / /
,--\( '--'`` /`

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