Imager::QRCode-ing octet sequences vs. zbarimg(1)


Ivan Shmakov

[AIUI, discussion of Perl modules is more appropriate for
Yet, it appears to be abandoned,
thus cross-posting to Cross-posting
to news:alt.barcodes, too, just in case.]

I wonder if QR codes are suitable for encoding arbitrary octet
sequences (AKA 8-bit data)? I've tried the following Perl code,
but it appears that the resulting transformations aren't "8-bit
clean." Somehow, I suspect a QR::Imager fault, although
zbarimg(1) may be responsible. (Unfortunately, the Perl module
itself doesn't provide a decoder.)

Any idea what may be going on?


(The leading 51522d436f64653a and the trailing 0a after
"Decoded:" are "QR-Code:" and a newline, respectively. In the
first example, the first three octets in the output, 621d4f,
appear to match the input. Incidentally, the fourth octet has
its most significant bit set.)

$ perl \
89br96tnpoogun68sfh1jkj1sb.perl # "use bytes;" commented out
Blob: 621d4f87d3ae92b60932c96b7f81f3a916faff9b03ae54f97d8163987dc8733df1bd8f8b92fb5317657ee2a0a97eed1f12423cdbfa1a73b3166a39cb4b1c0f43
Image: 123 by 123
Decoded: 51522d436f64653a621d4fc287c393c2aec292c2b60932c3896b7fc281c3b3c2a916c3bac3bfc29b03c2ae54c3b97dc28163c2987dc388733dc3b1c2bdc28fc28bc292c3bb5317657ec3a2c2a0c2a97ec3ad1f12423cc39bc3ba1a73c2b3166a39c38b4b1c0f430a
scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 images in 0.02 seconds

$ perl \
89br96tnpoogun68sfh1jkj1sb.perl # "use bytes;" in place
Blob: 8abdab3e25ae4e44fbc50d9aedcadfb34b1eb959f78ca306bff1182f00024d1ca9e5d7db8827fdd4ab8169a18130cc3de3b31da82150bff080fe57d591f909cf
Image: 99 by 99
Decoded: 51522d436f64653ac28ac2bdc2ab3e25c2ae4e44c3bbc3850dc29ac3adc38ac39fc2b34b1ec2b959c3b7c28cc2a306c2bfc3b1182f0a
scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 images in 0.02 seconds

$ LC_ALL=C perl \
89br96tnpoogun68sfh1jkj1sb.perl # "use bytes;" in place
Blob: aba7c3b1e7721a22660308e7a7a7f6cfdb48b18fb2143d823021ece0bb2dde2ed0fe2d4b06fb56c4167e867a1f0ef4f495a46a6efb2ce76621fb58b5bd817605
Image: 123 by 123
Decoded: 51522d436f64653ac2abc2a7c383c2b1c3a7721a22660308c3a7c2a7c2a7c3b6c38fc39b48c2b1c28fc2b2143dc2823021c3acc3a0c2bb2dc39e2ec390c3be2d4b06c3bb56c384167ec2867a1f0ec3b4c3b4c295c2a46a6ec3bb2cc3a76621c3bb58c2b5c2bdc28176050a
scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 images in 0.03 seconds

$ cat < 89br96tnpoogun68sfh1jkj1sb.perl
use bytes;
use common::sense;
use English;

require Imager::QRCode;
require IPC::Open2;

sub rand_blob (;$) {
my ($len) = @_;
//= 24;
open (my $f, "<", "/dev/urandom")
or die ($OS_ERROR);
binmode ($f);
my $s;
die ($OS_ERROR)
unless (read ($f, $s, $len) == $len);
## .

my $blob
= rand_blob (64);
print ("Blob: ", unpack ("H*", $blob), "\n");

my $qr
= Imager::QRCode->new (qw (mode 8-bit casesensitive 1));
my $img
= $qr->plot ($blob);
print ("Image: ", $img->getwidth (),
" by ", $img->getheight (), "\n");

my ($in, $out);
my $pid
= IPC::Open2::eek:pen2 ($in, $out, qw (zbarimg -- -))
or die ($OS_ERROR);
binmode ($in);
binmode ($out);

$img->write ("fh" => $out, "type" => "pnm")
or die ($img->errstr ());
close ($out);
my $dec
= <$in>;
print ("Decoded: ", unpack ("H*", $dec), "\n");

Ivan Shmakov

[Dropping and from

You should not use 'bytes'. It doesn't ever do anything useful and
sometimes lets you look at parts of the perl internals you shouldn't
be looking at.

Indeed, I've read the documentation. It was my understanding
that, in the nutshell, the "bytes" pragma makes Perl operate
strictly on octet sequences for its strings, instead of allowing
either strings of octets /or/ strings of Unicode characters.

Frankly, I do not see any harm in using this pragma /provided/
that the code doesn't switch it on and off at will.

The question on what setting do the loaded modules use remains
open, but for the specific example I've given (which uses no
text-processing modules) I'd expect the chances of running into
issues to be quite low.

You should not use English, it makes your code harder to read for
anyone who knows Perl, and teaches you bad habits.

? I may be having a bit too much Lisp background, but I've
always considered something_that_one_can_read to be a way better
identifier for a global than, say, ~.

Besides, there's a chance that the code I write will be read by
someone not quite knowing Perl.

You should not use prototypes unless you need the special parsing
effects they cause.

Is there a practical reason to forgo the compile-time arguments'
type checking they offer? For me, code that fails to compile is
better than code that suddenly dies after running for hours.
(Which is still better than the code that dies at the wrong
place; or doesn't die, but silently gives a wrong result.)

Unless you need cryptographic randomness (and since you're using
urandom, you don't), it would be better to use something like
sub rand_blob {
my ($len) = @_;
$len //= 24;
return join "", map chr rand 0xff, 0..$len;

ACK, thanks. (Although, my guess is that even if urandom(4) is
worse than random(4), Perl's rand is worse, randomness-wise,

Rainer Weikusat


Is there a practical reason to forgo the compile-time arguments'
type checking they offer? For me, code that fails to compile is
better than code that suddenly dies after running for hours.

Prototypes are really only useful for 'compile-time argument checking'
in code which circumvents the 'individual' ways Perl operators deal
with their arguments by always putting them in brackets. Otherwise,
you'll be adding similar 'individual ways to deal with arguments' to your
subroutines as a (probably undesired) side effect and this might
confuse people who expect all subroutines to behave identical when not
bracketing the arguments.

NB: I'm using prototypes for compile-time checking as well but usually
remove them from any code I post here.

Ivan Shmakov

Prototypes are really only useful for 'compile-time argument
checking' in code which circumvents the 'individual' ways Perl
operators deal with their arguments by always putting them in

Are (parentheses) meant here, specifically? (As per the
Wiktionary entry, brackets may be {curly}, (round), [square], or
even <angle />.)

FWIW, I /always/ use parentheses for the function (subroutine)
arguments in my Perl code. Thus, the point is not to use
prototypes in the module's "public" interface?
Otherwise, you'll be adding similar 'individual ways to deal with
arguments' to your subroutines as a (probably undesired) side effect
and this might confuse people who expect all subroutines to behave
identical when not bracketing the arguments.

ACK, thanks! And now I see it's explained (although perhaps
without the amount of warnings this issue seem to deserve) in


Rainer Weikusat

Ivan Shmakov said:
Prototypes are really only useful for 'compile-time argument
checking' in code which circumvents the 'individual' ways Perl
operators deal with their arguments by always putting them in

Are (parentheses) meant here, specifically? (As per the
Wiktionary entry, brackets may be {curly}, (round), [square], or
even <angle />.)

FWIW, I /always/ use parentheses for the function (subroutine)
arguments in my Perl code. Thus, the point is not to use
prototypes in the module's "public" interface?
Otherwise, you'll be adding similar 'individual ways to deal with
arguments' to your subroutines as a (probably undesired) side effect
and this might confuse people who expect all subroutines to behave
identical when not bracketing the arguments.

ACK, thanks! And now I see it's explained (although perhaps
without the amount of warnings this issue seem to deserve) in

Issue I forgot about (mentioning it clearly): Prototypes also enforce
an evaluation context for arguments, eg

perl -e 'sub blah { print $_[0], "\n";} @bla = qw(3 2); blah(@bla)'

This prints 3 because 3 is the first element of @bla but

perl -e 'sub blah($) { print $_[0], "\n";} @bla = qw(3 2); blah(@bla)'

this prints 2 because it evaluates @bla in scalar context which yields
the number of elements in it.

Rainer Weikusat

Rainer Weikusat said:

Prototypes also enforce an evaluation context for arguments, eg

My opinion on this is that I don't care about being able to emulate
the IMHO too idiosyncratic way in which the syntax of different
built-in Perl operators has been 'hand-optimized' and that I also
don't care about the fact itself. Further, I can live with the minor
nuisance that passing an array (or a hash) to a subroutine with a
prototype enforcing scalar context does not result in passing a list
of arguments to this subroutine, especially considering that this
doesn't consistently work for built-in operators as well, eg, sprintf,
when I get at least some kind of compile-time checking of subroutine
calls in return. I also usually use a Makefile to run perl -cw
-Mstrict on any changed Perl file of even the most remotely
non-trivial 'Perl project' prior to attempting any 'runtime
testing'. Considering that no such checking is possible for method
calls, this may not really be a worthwhile tradeoff but rather a habit
of mine I carried over from C. But I'm not convinced of this yet.

OTOH, this is decidedly not the opinion of the people who removed the
"if it looks like a function, it will work like a function" statement
from the Perl documentation (or who agreed that this would be a good
idea). Since these also generally don't believe that people do
something like 'separate compile time checks' at all and can get
pretty much arbitrarily nasty when being confronted with opinions they
don't approve of, I - as I already wrote - usually just delete any
prototypes when I include code 'from other sources' in postings to the

Rainer Weikusat

Ben Morrow said:
~/src/perl/perl/pod% ack 'like a function'
78:back into something that behaves more like a function call.

34:surprising rule is this: It I<looks> like a function, therefore
412:These operators are exempt from the "looks like a function rule"

2672:The C<not> operator now falls under the "if it looks like a function,
2673:it behaves like a function" rule.

3277:The C<not> operator now falls under the "if it looks like a function,
3278:it behaves like a function" rule

Some more reference to 'clean up', I guess ...

Rainer Weikusat

Ben Morrow said:
Quoth Rainer Weikusat said:
Ben Morrow said:
Quoth Rainer Weikusat <[email protected]>:

OTOH, this is decidedly not the opinion of the people who removed the
"if it looks like a function, it will work like a function" statement
from the Perl documentation

~/src/perl/perl/pod% ack 'like a function' [...]
34:surprising rule is this: It I<looks> like a function, therefore

Some more reference to 'clean up', I guess ...

(Oh, for God's sake...)

This section of perlfunc

If you use parentheses, the simple but occasionally surprising rule
is this: It I<looks> like a function, therefore it I<is> a function,
and precedence doesn't matter. Otherwise it's a list operator or
unary operator, and precedence does matter.

is the original source of that phrasing of the rule, and has been there

So, why didn't you just point out that I was wrong and quoted the
passage in question? I searched for this a while ago, after stumbling
over all kinds of other 'strange modifications' of texts I remembered,
ultimatively triggered by the descision to remove the various 'OO
tutorial texts' from the Perl distribution in favor of strongly
suggesting that no one should want to learn about Perl OO, that
people who use it are not exactly sane (something like 'You can find
the reference documentation in ..., in case you have to maintain code
written in this style') and that everybody should just download this
or that (or maybe another) CPAN module and didn't find
it. Consequently, I assumed that it had been removed because of
'political incorrectness' as well.

Rainer Weikusat

Ben Morrow said:
I did. You just didn't understand.

Originally, you didn't. You posted the results of searching for some
string in a number of perl documentation files. The result was a
couple of half sentences coming from various files, among them being
the perl56delta and perl561delta texts whose relevance for current
versions of Perl is zero.
Again, this is manifest nonsense: nothing has been removed.

This is, as a already posted here some time ago, what the perl 5.16.0
changes document has been claiming since 2012, the corresponding text

Removed Documentation
Old OO Documentation

The old OO tutorials, perltoot, perltooc, and perlboot, have
been removed. The perlbot (bag of object tricks) document has
been removed as well.

The online version is available here:

Please stop spreading falsehoods without making at least a cursory
attempt to check your facts.


Ivan Shmakov

That was the original idea, in the 5.6 days, but it never worked like
that in practice because it turns out to be basically impossible to
prevent character strings from leaking in to your 'use bytes'
If you don't want strings containing characters above 0xff, don't
create them. 'bytes' doesn't gain you anything in that case.

ACK. I've got three more questions, however:

* how do I ensure that a value passed to my function is an octet
sequence? (IOW, doesn't contain a code over \xFF);

* how do I ensure that a non-ASCII octet is never considered to
be a member of, say, the [[:alpha:]] set? as in the following
code (although, perhaps, of questionable value):

use common::sense;
= pack ("H*", "23456789abcdef");
print (unpack ("H*", $_), "\n");
## => 23ffff89abffff ; thus, it assumes \xCD, \xEF to be alphabetical;

* is the "It breaks encapsulation" comment in bytes(3perl)
really justified? if the function in question was designed to
operate on octet sequences, and not character strings, then
it's an error for the caller to supply it a character string
in the first place.

That can be argued both ways (the magic punctuation variables stand
out more, by virtue of being different, than any alphanumeric name)

Given the amount of punctuation typically found in Perl code,
I'd say that it'd be a very weak argument. Rather, I'd expect
such a construct to completely fall out of one's vision,
/thanks/ to it being composed entirely of punctuation.
but either way it doesn't really matter: what matters is that
consistency is more important than correctness when it comes to
spelling, and in Perl errno is spelled $!.

These habits are not inherently bad: had 'English' been the default
from the start we might in some sense be better off. They are only
bad because they make your code unintelligible to others, and others'
code to you.

Whatever is the language, it gets divided as long as it lives.
There're stylistic choices one has to stick to, and (unless I'm
tweaking someone's else code) my choice is to use English.

Why, we may just as well argue about the number of spaces used
to indent nested code blocks! (Or should these be ASCII HT's?)
Or about the use of DocBook for documentation vs. POD.

I've seen "solutions" to this kind of "problem," such as those
implemented by the designers of Python and Go. And the only
thing that comes to my mind is the old saying (paraphrased):
"If programmers are so smart, why aren't they walking in

They do more than that: they change the context of the parameters to
the call, which is (usually) entirely unexpected:
sub foo (;$$) { say $_[0], $_[1]; }
my @x = ("a", "b");

Impressive! (Although I've had to "use feature qw (say);".)

I agree, actually, and a general form of compile-time argument
checking would be nice; but Perl 5 prototypes aren't it.

ACK, thanks!

Ivan Shmakov

There is a Perl decoder based on zbar (Barcode::ZBar), though
presumably it would behave the same as zbarimg.

... Or it may not. It definitely worths checking out.

So you have a UTF-8 problem somewhere. (c2 and c3 (or  and Ã)
showing up unexpectedly is the giveaway here.) Looking at the code,
I think it's zbar which is converting 8859-1 to UTF-8; one way to
test this is to create a QR code containing 17 0xffs at ECC level L;
this is the maximum number of characters that will fit into a 21x21
QR code, so if the code comes out bigger than that you know there are
extra bytes in there somewhere.

ACK, thanks! With qw (level L margin 0 size 2) being added to
the parameters, the code now gives (also using $ zbarimg --raw):

Blob: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Image: 42 by 42
Decoded: c3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bfc3bf0a
scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 images in 0.05 seconds

Thus, unless there's some magic in the resulting QR code saying
that it's an ISO-8859-1-encoded string (I'm not familiar with QR
encoding, so can't tell if it's a sensible guess), zbarimg(1),
is indeed to blame, and perhaps the underlying library, too.
However, it's not unlikely that other QR code readers will do similar
conversions to UTF-8, or other stupid things. Depending on what
you're doing it might be safer to explicitly UTF-8-encode your data
(all 8-bit data can be represented in UTF-8) and then decode it on
the other end. Of course, this will make the codes a little larger
than they need to be.

In this case, there'd indeed be some benefit from using the
smallest-possible image. OTOH, I do not expect for the problem
of interoperability to arise anytime soon.


Rainer Weikusat

Ben Morrow said:
This is, as a already posted here some time ago, what the perl 5.16.0
changes document has been claiming since 2012, the corresponding text

Removed Documentation
Old OO Documentation

The old OO tutorials, perltoot, perltooc, and perlboot, have
been removed. The perlbot (bag of object tricks) document has
been removed as well.

Hmm. Interesting; I see what's happened: the file pod/perltoot.pod is
still there, but it is now just a stub. Sorry, I hadn't realised that.

I made a cursory attempt: I checked the file was still there in

What I was referring to was something like this,

or this

which could be pulled together more succinctly as 'Someone being
convinced of $something which seems totally wrong could mean that a
piece of information necessary for understanding $something correctly
is missing'.

Peter J. Holzer

$value =~ tr/\0-\xff//dc;

As asked I would prefer the answer

croak "value is not an octet sequence" if $value =~ m/[^\0-\xFF]/;

I.e., if I want to ensure that a value matches the specified interface,
I want the program to complain loudly if the specs are violated. I do
not usually want to mask the error by silently discarding data. There
are situation where it is appropriate, but this should be a conscious
decision, not the default.


Ivan Shmakov

Ben Morrow said:
* how do I ensure that a value passed to my function is an octet
sequence? (IOW, doesn't contain a code over \xFF);
$value =~ tr/\0-\xff//dc;

That was a dumb question, indeed. (Although, as it was already
pointed out, die () if ($x =~ m/[^\0-\xff]/); is actually what
I've asked for.)
* how do I ensure that a non-ASCII octet is never considered to be a
member of, say, the [[:alpha:]] set? as in the following code
(although, perhaps, of questionable value):
For this you need 5.14, which has a /a regex modifier to do exactly

ACK, thanks! And now that Debian Wheezy (which I happen to use)
provides 5.14...

OK, whatever. If you post code here which uses English people are
likely to find it harder to read than if it didn't, so you are less
likely to get useful help.

Now, that's a valid point.


Ivan Shmakov

There is a Perl decoder based on zbar (Barcode::ZBar), though
presumably it would behave the same as zbarimg.

... Indeed it does, which made me file Debian Bug#703234 [1].

Now, however, given that the Wikipedia article mentions
ISO-8859-1 as the default (?) encoding for 8-bit QR codes, the
issues zbarimg(1) and Barcode::ZBar have may be considered

Taking into account that different symbologies may (and do) use
different character to code mappings, it may be sensible for
libzbar to recode the barcode read into an UTF-8 string. Better
still is that Perl supports UTF-8 as its native character string
representation. What's wrong, however, is that the UTF-8 string
returned by libzbar to Perl is not properly marked as such, thus
resulting in the observed (and incorrect) behavior.

(The obvious workaround is to Encode::decode_utf8 () the
symbol's data returned by ->get_data ().)

OTOH, zbarimg(1) should probably respect the current locale's
encoding, instead of using UTF-8 unconditionally.



Ivan Shmakov

(Thanks for the comments regarding ZBar, BTW. I'm yet to check
its sources myself, but I've also discovered that it behaves
strangely not only for the octets having the most significant
bit set, but for the "plain old" \x0D = \r just as well.)

There is a Perl decoder based on zbar (Barcode::ZBar), though
presumably it would behave the same as zbarimg.
... Indeed it does, which made me file Debian Bug#703234 [1].
<pet peeve> The correct place to file a bug in a Perl module is in
its CPAN bug tracker, or, in this case, in the zbar Sourceforce

BTW, there's a longstanding bug filed at the CPAN RT [2] (along
with a patch.) However, it appears to be filed against
libwww-perl, while it actually belongs to Net-HTTP.

The question is: how do I reassign it?

Filing a bug with some random distro is Not Helpful, since such
reports frequently don't find their way upstream.

Yes. As long as an ideal world is considered, that is.

There're a few things to note, however. The general problems
with upstream may include:

* there's effectively no upstream;

* the code in the distribution may be extensively modified, or
improperly built, or be alleged to be; the upstream then may
discourage the users of "non-authorized" builds to report bugs
directly to them; consider, e. g.:

--cut: --
*** DON'T USE the foo2zjs package from:

Ubuntu, SUSE, Mandrake/Manrivia, Debian, RedHat, Fedora, Gentoo,
Xandros, EEE PC, Linpus, MacOSX, or BSD!

*** Download it here and follow the directions below.
--cut: --

(or the Joerg Schilling, albeit sufficiently different, case);

* the issue may indeed be specific to the distribution's build;
(naturally, building from the upstream sources for every bug
being I report just to check that it wasn't introduced by the
packagers is hardly an option.)

Personally, I tend to prefer either the Debian BTS, or the
CPAN RT, for these make it possible to file bugs via email,
/and/ are better compatible with Lynx (which happens to be my
primary browser) than most of the other BTS currently in use.
(I'm particularly fond of RT, although the version installed at
CPAN has certain surprising issue when it comes to the
compatibility with non-ECMAScript-enabled browsers.)

Alas, even for the Perl modules, the CPAN RT is not always the
preferred but tracker. Consider, e. g.:

--cut: --
Please report issues via github at
--cut: --

Lastly, given the developer- and user-base of Debian (especially
if the derivatives are included), I'd not call it "random."
That being said, I tend to agree that when the D-M in charge
fails to forward the request to the upstream, the reporter
generally should try to do it him- or herself.

(OTOH, even if D-M forwards the request, it may not have the
desired effect. Consider, e. g., Debian Bug#691221 [3].)



Ivan Shmakov

[alt.barcodes removed, since this is about Perl process]

(Not necessarily so.)

BTW, there's a longstanding bug filed at the CPAN RT [2] (along with
a patch.) However, it appears to be filed against libwww-perl,
while it actually belongs to Net-HTTP.
The question is: how do I reassign it?
You can't; in fact, it looks like the way is set up noone
can move a ticket from one queue to another. The best you could do
is file a separate bug against Net-HTTP, referencing the LWP bug; but
since both dists are maintained by Gisle Aas I'm not sure there'd be
much point.

... Which only makes it more surprising that it wasn't already
dealt with. (Especially given the simplicity of the patch.)

Obviously you have a different approach from me. I would consider
building the latest upstream release from source, and probably the
latest upstream equivalent of CVS HEAD, a basic prerequisite for
reporting a bug. After all, it's almost certainly the first thing
you'll be asked to do in any case, and a patch which doesn't apply to
HEAD is probably nearly worthless.

Depending on the goals, it may or may not make sense to ever get
involved with the latest development version.

For instance, I'm occasionally employed by a local university,
to carry over certain computer-related courses (mostly
short-term.) Should I discover an issue while preparing for
them, I'm most likely to report it to the developers. However,
distracting myself to write a patch -- which is unlikely to be
incorporated into the distribution I'll use (and recommend to
the students) by the time the courses will start -- may bring no
good to the courses themselves. In this case, clearly
documenting the issue and providing a work-around for the
students to use may constitute a better solution.

Similarly, while maintaining a few hosts under my
responsibility, I'd try to stick to the distribution-provided
software whenever possible, preferably the "stable" branch.
Given that patches other than security fixes won't generally be
accepted into Debian "stable," and that there're typically a
couple of years between releases...

Yet, indeed, I've made a few contributions to some Git HEADs.
(Most recently libtasn1, IIRC.)
I suppose that in principle 'I'm using a distro; I'm paying them (or
not) to sort out whose bug it is and get it fixed upstream' ought to
be a reasonable argument, but in practice distros tend to be
extremely unreliable about sending bugs upstream, probably because
they have had their own share of flaky upstreams to deal with.

The best thing about Debian is that it's a community-based
project. (Which was the reason for me to choose it in the first
place.) Basically, the only privileges that the Debian
Developer status conveys are: to upload, and to vote.

Essentially, anyone (careful enough not to disrupt the
established order) is welcome to do this (or any other, for that
matter) part of the job. Why, (taking a glance over the latest
upstream stable releases) I've just forwarded Debian Bug#700617
and #700618 to CPAN RT#84467 and #84468, respectively.

(Hopefully, I did the thing right; this time.)
There are fields in META.{yml,json} which let a CPAN dist indicate
where its preferred bugtracker is.

Indeed, these are set correctly in the current META.json. will honour these fields if they are present, so the
'View/Report Bugs' link on the page for Convert-ASN1 will take you to
that github bugtracker. I don't believe there is currently any
support for forwarding the bug-* emails, though; this is
at least in part because modules often outlive their original
authors, and having somewhere to track bugs once the author has
disappeared is useful.

My point is that GitHubs come and go, but the code remains.
Certainly, I'd prefer a service that could be easily "cloned,"
such as a Usenet newsgroup, a Git archive, or similar.

The Perl-based App::SD was intended to be just such a system.
Alas, it has seen virtually no development from mid-2011 to
late-2012. The situation seem to be slowly improving, though.

Ivan Shmakov

[The particular example given is relevant to a longstanding bug
in Net::HTTP, thus cross-posting to Omitting the latter from Followup-To:, though.]

BTW, there's a longstanding bug filed at the CPAN RT [2] (along with
a patch.) However, it appears to be filed against libwww-perl, while
it actually belongs to Net-HTTP.
The question is: how do I reassign it?

As there seems to be no progress on this one, I've had to
finally learn the necessary magic for CPAN to patch that
(trivial) bug for me on each installation attempt.

The first part of the incantation is altering $CPAN::Config, to
which I've added "patches_dir":

--cut: ~/.cpan/CPAN/ --
my $cpan_home
= ($ENV{"CPAN"}
// ($ENV{"HOME"} . "/.cpan"));
$CPAN::Config = {
'patches_dir' => $cpan_home . q (/patches),
'prefs_dir' => $cpan_home . q (/prefs),
--cut: ~/.cpan/CPAN/ --

The "prefs_dir" value was already there, and it's the directory
I've added the following YAML data:

### 6yy1cmawx4oqu5kdx7qks77n3n.yml -*- YAML -*-
## Patch the IPv6 support into Net::HTTP
module: "Net::HTTP"
- "cpmz4z7w7toa3mk6bi4rmp66n8.patch"
### 6yy1cmawx4oqu5kdx7qks77n3n.yml ends here

The patch itself goes to the "patches_dir" as specified above
(it's the same as the one given at [2], yet with an earlier
$VERSION within the context section of the diff):

--- lib/Net/ 2011-11-21 20:23:21.000000000 +0000
+++ lib/Net/ 2012-01-08 18:13:21.000000000 +0000
@@ -5,8 +5,13 @@

$VERSION = "6.02";
unless ($SOCKET_CLASS) {
- eval { require IO::Socket::INET } || require IO::Socket;
- $SOCKET_CLASS = "IO::Socket::INET";
+ if (eval { require IO::Socket::INET6 }) {
+ $SOCKET_CLASS = "IO::Socket::INET6";
+ } else {
+ eval { require IO::Socket::INET }
+ || require IO::Socket;
+ $SOCKET_CLASS = "IO::Socket::INET";
+ }
require Net::HTTP::Methods;
require Carp;

Voil`a! The $ cpan Net::HTTP command that followed resulted in
the fixed version of the module being installed. (Even though
there was an expected "fuzz" warning from patch(1).)


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