


I am opening a ~32 meg file using:

$data->read(file => $ascfile , delimiter => ',') or die
"Couldn't read data!";

It loads the data, but none of the rest of my program runs. It is like
a limit is hit and then it doesn't do anything else.

My next line is essentially:

my $gd = $graph->plot( $data ) or die "Can't plot graph";

This uses the GD::Graph::Data and GD::Graph::mixed modules.

Any suggestions? Is there some memory or other limit? Where can I get
help on this one?


Rich Elswick
Test Engineer
Cobasys L.L.C.


Rich_Elswick said:
I am opening a ~32 meg file using:

$data->read(file => $ascfile , delimiter => ',') or die
"Couldn't read data!";

Where does $data come from? If $data holds an IO::File object, then I
croak out with the message:
usage: $io->read(BUF, LEN [, OFFSET]) at -e line 1

IO::File seems to inherit read from IO::Handle. IO::Handle doesn't support
using read the way you are trying to use it.
It loads the data, but none of the rest of my program runs. It is like
a limit is hit and then it doesn't do anything else.

Does it exit, or spin the CPU, or just freeze? Are you sure it doesn't
print a warning/error that you for some reason aren't noticing?
My next line is essentially:

my $gd = $graph->plot( $data ) or die "Can't plot graph";

This uses the GD::Graph::Data and GD::Graph::mixed modules.

Add a warn statement before this line, so you know if it ever gets here
or not.
Any suggestions? Is there some memory or other limit? Where can I get
help on this one?

Can you make a program we can run to demonstrate the problem?



The $data object is:
my $data = GD::Graph::Data->new();

I need to look at that closer. I almost emailed the author of the GD
module, but I haven't yet. I may just do that now. Thanks!

Here is an example program. It requires a comma seperate file as an
argument with 3 columns of data. Column1 = time, Column2 = Voltage,
Column3 = Current

# #!/usr/bin/perl -w

# A mixed stock graph
# usese ActiveState Module: GDGraph

use strict;
use GD;
use GD::Graph::Data;
use GD::Graph::mixed;
use IO::File;
use Getopt::Long; # Perl module used to parse arguments from the
command line.
use File::Basename; # to get the filebase name for creating parsed
data directory
use File::Find; # get all files and and sub-directory files.

# Variable Declaration
my $buffer; # for binary data reading/writing
my $argc; # number of arguments at execution
my $debug; # option flag - used to print diagnostic info
to screen

my $ascfile; # ASCII input file (*.asc)
my $ascDir; # output folder name for parsed data.
my $ascPath; # output directory path to parsed data.
my $fh_output; # array of output file handles for the output

my $record_cnt=1;
my $line_cnt;
my $recfile_cnt=1;

my $prev_pct; # Currect completion
my $record; # The current record being processed.
my $file_cnt = 0; # counter of the number of $line_cnt / 30,000
in the file.

my $file_index = 1;
my @my_dirs;
my $inputFile;

my $graph;
my $data = GD::Graph::Data->new();

my $debug;
my $forcewrite;
my $dataVer;
my $cfg_filename;
my $extractOnly;

#new page
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Subroutine: "Main" process - program entry point
# --------------------------------------------------------

# special system variable which forces Perl to 'flush' after every

printf( "CSV Reporting of Results : - Version 01.0 December 2,
print "Program started: ", scalar localtime, "\n";

file_verify(); # Open Input File to ensure it exists

die "All arguments must be directories!"
if grep {!-d} @ARGV;

#open MASTER, '>', 'output.cvs';
my $fdir; # output file directory to be created.

@my_dirs = @ARGV;
$fdir = shift @ARGV;

# special system variable which forces Perl to 'flush' after every


print "\nProgram finished: ", scalar localtime, "\n";

# END of Main Process ------------------------------------

sub file_verify {

my $type; #junk

# Input Argument
# -> Input File - ascii input file
$argc = @ARGV; # count the number of input arguments

if ( $argc < 1 ) {
printf( "Usage Model:[perl] infile.csv [-c|C
config.cfg] [-v1|-v2] [-dD] [-F]\n");
printf( " -> [perl] \n");
printf( " - perl is the script interpreter. \n");
printf( " - is the perl script
(instructions) \n");
printf( " ");
printf( " -> Argument 1 Input file (required) \n" );
printf( " ");

($ascfile) = shift @ARGV;
($ascDir,$ascPath,$type) = fileparse($ascfile, qr{\.csv});

unless (open(ASCFILE, "$ascfile")) {
die "Fatal Error: Cannot open $ascfile for input: $!";

# This function will continue until there is no more log files to open.
sub parse_directory {

# next line works.
printf("Opening input file... $ascfile \n"); # debug statement
$graph = new GD::Graph::mixed(900, 600) or die "Can't create graph!";

#parse out the file name.

$data->read(file => $ascfile , delimiter => ',') or die "Couldn't
read data!"; #replaced stock_data.dat

if($ascfile =~ /m220/)

# Plot the data - generate the plot data
printf("Plotting the data to the graph object \$gd. \n");

my $gd = $graph->plot( $data ) or die "Can't plot graph";

# Write the PNG to a file.

my $outputFile = $ascfile . ".jpg";
printf("Opening output file... $outputFile \n");
open OUT, ">$outputFile" or die "Couldn't open for output: $!";
#print OUT $gd->png();
print OUT $gd->jpeg();
close OUT;
# close LOG;
# }
# END of file_verify Function ----------------------------

sub graphMsg220
# set the file properties.

# Set the general attributes

title => " Report - Message 220 - $_",
types => [qw(lines lines)],
dclrs => [qw(red blue)],
transparent => 0,

# Set the attributes for the x-axis

x_label => 'Time (Seconds)', # replaced Day of
x_tick_number => 5,
x_label_skip => 5,
x_labels_vertical => 1,

y_max_value => ($data->get_min_max_y_all())[1]+25,
y_tick_number => 20,
y_all_ticks => 1,
y_number_format => sub { int(shift); }, # '$'.

# Set the legend

$graph->set_legend('Voltage', 'Current');
$graph->set(legend_placement => 'BL');
# END of graphMsg220 Function ---------------------------------

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