io module and pdf question



Would like to get your opinion on this. Currently to get the metadata out of a pdf file, I loop through the guts of the file. I know it's not the greatest idea to do this, but I'm trying to avoid extra modules, etc.

Adobe javascript was used to insert the metadata, so the added data looks something like this:


With python 2.7, it successfully loops through the file contents and I'm able to find the line that contains "XYZ:colorList".

However, when I try to run it with python 3, it errors:

File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3/lib/python3.3/", line 300, in decode
(result, consumed) = self._buffer_decode(data, self.errors, final)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 10: invalid continuation byte

I've done some research on this, and it looks like encoding it to latin-1 works. I also found that if I use the io module, it will work on both python 2.7 and 3.3. For example:

import io
import os

pdfPath = '~/Desktop/test.pdf'

colorlistData = ''

with, 'r', encoding='latin-1') as f:
for i in f:
if 'XYZ:colorList' in i:
colorlistData = i.split('XYZ:colorList')[1]


As you can tell, I'm clueless in how exactly this works and am hoping someone can give me some insight on:
1. Is there another way to get metadata out of a pdf without having to install another module?
2. Is it safe to assume pdf files should always be encoded as latin-1 (when trying to read it this way)? Is there a chance they could be something else?
3. Is the io module a good way to pursue this?

Thanks for your help!



1. Is there another way to get metadata out of a pdf without having to
install another module?
2. Is it safe to assume pdf files should always be encoded as latin-1 (when
trying to read it this way)? Is there a chance they could be something else?

If your code is binary open in binary mode (mode="rb") rather than choosing a bogus encoding. You then have to make your strings also binary (b-prefix)
Also I am surprised that it works at all. Most pdfs are compressed I thought??
3. Is the io module a good way to pursue this?

The docs say:
The io module provides the Python interfaces to stream handling. Under Python
2.x, this is proposed as an alternative to the built-in file object, but in
Python 3.x it is the default interface to access files and streams.

So I guess no point using io for python 3??


Le mardi 25 juin 2013 06:18:44 UTC+2, (e-mail address removed) a écrit :
Would like to get your opinion on this. Currently to get the metadata out of a pdf file, I loop through the guts of the file. I know it's not the greatest idea to do this, but I'm trying to avoid extra modules, etc.

Adobe javascript was used to insert the metadata, so the added data lookssomething like this:


With python 2.7, it successfully loops through the file contents and I'm able to find the line that contains "XYZ:colorList".

However, when I try to run it with python 3, it errors:

File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3/lib/python3.3/", line 300, in decode

(result, consumed) = self._buffer_decode(data, self.errors, final)

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 10: invalid continuation byte

I've done some research on this, and it looks like encoding it to latin-1works. I also found that if I use the io module, it will work on both python 2.7 and 3.3. For example:


import io

import os

pdfPath = '~/Desktop/test.pdf'

colorlistData = ''

with, 'r', encoding='latin-1') as f:

for i in f:

if 'XYZ:colorList' in i:

colorlistData = i.split('XYZ:colorList')[1]




As you can tell, I'm clueless in how exactly this works and am hoping someone can give me some insight on:

1. Is there another way to get metadata out of a pdf without having to install another module?

2. Is it safe to assume pdf files should always be encoded as latin-1 (when trying to read it this way)? Is there a chance they could be something else?

3. Is the io module a good way to pursue this?

Thanks for your help!



Forget latin-1.
There is nothing wrong in attempting to get such information
by reading a pdf file in a binary mode. What is important
is to know and be aware about what you are searching and to
do the work correctly.

A complete example with the pdf file, hypermeta.pdf, I produced
which contains the string "abcé€" as Subject metadata.
pdf version: 1.4
producer: LaTeX with hyperref package
(personal comment: "xdvipdfmx")
Python 3.2
.... r =
p1 = r.find(b'Subject<')
p1 4516
p2 = r.find(b'>', p1)
p2 4548
rr = r[p1:p2+1]
b'Subject said:
rrr = rr[len(b'Subject<'):-1]
rrr b'feff00610062006300e920ac'
# decoding the information
rrr = rrr.decode('ascii')
rrr 'feff00610062006300e920ac'
i = 0
a = []
while i < len(rrr):
.... t = rrr[i:i+4]
.... a.append(t)
.... i += 4
a ['feff', '0061', '0062', '0063', '00e9', '20ac']
b = [(int(e, 16) for e in a]
File "<eta last command>", line 1
b = [(int(e, 16) for e in a]
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
# oops, error allowed
b = [int(e, 16) for e in a]
b [65279, 97, 98, 99, 233, 8364]
c = [chr(e) for e in b]
c ['\ufeff', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'é', '€']
# result
d = ''.join(c)
d '\ufeffabcé€'
d = d[1:]


As Christian Gollwitzer pointed out, not all objects in a pdf
are encoded in that way. Do not expect to get the contain,
the "text" is that way.
When built with the Unicode technology, the text of a pdf is
composed with a *unique* set of abstract ID's, constructed with
the help of the unicode code points table and with the properties
of the font (OpenType) used in that pdf, this is equivalent to
the utf8/16/32 transformers in "plain unicode".

Luckily for the crowd, in 2103, there are people (devs) who
are understanding the coding of characters, unicode and how
to use it.


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