Is it possible to display WinForm in a WebForm?



Is it possible to insert a WinForm in a WebForm?

I'd like for example to insert a managed directx viewer in a webform,
that would display 3d graphics on the form?
Is this possible?



Thanks! Unfortunately the puzzle sample does not work and I cannot
figure out why.
I have found another example too and it does not work either.
The list box example works.

It would be nice if it is possible to embed windows forms controls in a
html page just like any java applet or activex control, so that they
work without IIS. It would be very useful for HTML based applications:
like mutlimedia presentation CD-ROMs, catalogues on a CD, etc. I have
seen such to use java applets but I'd prefer to develop myself .NET
based multimedia CDs but only if the windows forms controls could run
from a CD without the need of Windows 2000+ with IIS installed and
properly configured.

Thank you!



Thanks! Unfortunately the puzzle sample does not work and I cannot
figure out why.
I have found another example too and it does not work either.
The list box example works.

It would be nice if it is possible to embed windows forms controls in a
html page just like any java applet or activex control, so that they
work without IIS. It would be very useful for HTML based applications:
like mutlimedia presentation CD-ROMs, catalogues on a CD, etc. I have
seen such to use java applets but I'd prefer to develop myself .NET
based multimedia CDs but only if the windows forms controls could run
from a CD without the need of Windows 2000+ with IIS installed and
properly configured.

Thank you!


Craig Deelsnyder

guess I forgot to mention that it only works in IE. I wonder if you could
somehow use this in a similar way, though, by just referencing the .dll as a
filepath (not using http)? Don't see why not; all this code is really doing
is checking the local app/GAC for the dll referenced; if not there, it
follows the http path given....worth a try

you can still use ActiveX controls, btw

Natty Gur


Not just IE but installation of .Net framework on the client. Anyway it
works fine, I have application that use Windows Custom and user controls
for enhanced visualization (of links) and GIS.

Natty Gur, CTO
Dao2Com Ltd.
34th Elkalay st. Raanana
Israel , 43000
Phone Numbers:
Office: +972-(0)9-7740261
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Craig Deelsnyder

ah, yes, can't wait til we're all on server 2003; sometimes forget the .NET
part of it all :)

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