Java development and Administrator rights



Hey folks. I don't know much about java, which leads to having the
following issue.

I am a computer administrator for a school in which some students take
a java programming course. I am being told that these students need
administrative rights to the machine in order to run the program,
compile anything they have made etc.

Is this true, or do they just need rights to a certain folder? I'm not
really keen on a bunch of 15-17 year old kids running amok in my
computer labs with full admin rights.

They all have network drives on the server. is there any way to run it
from there?

Thanx in advance for any light shed on this.

Thomas Kellerer

Handmade wrote on 12.02.2007 22:56:
Hey folks. I don't know much about java, which leads to having the
following issue.

I am a computer administrator for a school in which some students take
a java programming course. I am being told that these students need
administrative rights to the machine in order to run the program,
compile anything they have made etc.
Whoever told you that was wrong.

You might need Admin rights to install the JDK and the IDE (depending on the IDE
and the location where you install it). But at least NetBeans runs fine with a
non-Admin Account even if NetBeans itself is installed in a protected directory
(e.g. c:\Program Files). I'm pretty sure Eclipse does not need Admin rights to
run as well.



Handmade wrote on 12.02.2007 22:56:> Hey folks. I don't know much about java, which leads to having the

Whoever told you that was wrong.

You might need Admin rights to install the JDK and the IDE (depending on the IDE
and the location where you install it). But at least NetBeans runs fine with a
non-Admin Account even if NetBeans itself is installed in a protected directory
(e.g. c:\Program Files). I'm pretty sure Eclipse does not need Admin rights to
run as well.


okay the one we are running is JSDK version 1.4.2_10

so your saying once it is installed, anyone should be able to use it
and compile without any special rights?

Mickey Segal

Handmade said:
so your saying once it is installed, anyone should be able to use it
and compile without any special rights?

Which operating system and version are you using? With the Vista lockdown
all sorts of new problems are coming up.

John T

Handmade said:
Windows XP SP2
I would think that as long as your students have read/write access to
the directories they are working in they shouldn't have any problems.
For example, in the shop I work in, everyone has a chunk of disk space
assigned to them which they have full control over. Even people without
admin rights can run Eclipse and work on projects as long as they keep
their workspace in their own area. The only problem they *may*
encounter is if they are pushed out of the IDE and onto the commandline
where they have to put jar files in the correct locations for their
CLASSPATH to pick them up.


I would think that as long as your students have read/write access to
the directories they are working in they shouldn't have any problems.
For example, in the shop I work in, everyone has a chunk of disk space
assigned to them which they have full control over. Even people without
admin rights can run Eclipse and work on projects as long as they keep
their workspace in their own area. The only problem they *may*
encounter is if they are pushed out of the IDE and onto the commandline
where they have to put jar files in the correct locations for their
CLASSPATH to pick them up.

okay. so it will work with a network drive as well?

say i setup a network drive X:\ for them. gave them 50 MB of space,
and full control over that drive. They could develop, compile,or
anything they needed to do in that drive barring any CLASSPATH

BTW i appreciate everyones input on this. very enlightening.

Oliver Wong

Handmade said:
okay. so it will work with a network drive as well?

say i setup a network drive X:\ for them. gave them 50 MB of space,
and full control over that drive. They could develop, compile,or
anything they needed to do in that drive barring any CLASSPATH

I believe the answer is yes. And even then, any classpath problems that
might arise are probably surmountable. CLASSPATH is an environment variable
(like the PATH environment variable), and I believe non-admin users can
change their own set of environment variables without affecting other users
or the rest of the system.

I don't know what kind of programs the instructor will want the students
to have access to, but it's not unusual for an introductory Java course to
rely on nothing more than notepad.exe, "C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin\java.exe" and "C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin\javac.exe" (where the "jdk1.6.0" part might vary
depending on which version of Java the instructor intends to use). As long
as the students have read (but not write) access to "C:\Program Files\Java"
and all its subdirectories, it should all work fine.

- Oliver

Andrew Thompson

..but it's not unusual for an introductory Java course to
rely on nothing more than notepad.exe, ..
(snip other things)

(shudder) A Java editor that lacks
context coloring for keywords & strings
etc. I eschew many of the abilities of
the heavyweight IDE's, but could not bear
programming without a few colors to
indicate a mistyped a core class name.

At least give the students something
like TextPad! Learning Java is not
supposed to be *painful*.

Andrew T.

Daniel Pitts

(snip other things)

(shudder) A Java editor that lacks
context coloring for keywords & strings
etc. I eschew many of the abilities of
the heavyweight IDE's, but could not bear
programming without a few colors to
indicate a mistyped a core class name.

At least give the students something
like TextPad! Learning Java is not
supposed to be *painful*.

Andrew T.

Force'em to use vi or emacs with highlighting turned off and a console
size of 25x10


I eschew many of the abilities of the heavyweight IDE's

Zeus has many of the features of an full blown IDE yet
still feels like a lightweight editor:

It does your regulation syntax highlighting, code folding,
integrated version control, project/workspace, class
browsing etc, yet maintains fast load times and keyboard

You can even integrated Java SDK help directly into
the editor:

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows IDE

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