Javascript and IE Webbands



Hello all.
Hopefully someone who is familiar with IE's webbands can help me with
this one.

I've made a webband in IE, that shows up at the bottom of the screen
(much like the "Tip of the Day" explorer bar.. actually, exactly like
that, except that it loads a specific local page. On this page that
loads, i would like to be able to get the URL of the main window. I've
tried the following, with no avail...


document.getElementById('mainLoc') =

document.getElementById('mainLoc') = parent.location;

document.getElementById('mainLoc') = window.location;

document.getElementById('mainLoc') =

document.getElementById('mainLoc') =

Unfortunately, none of these will return the URL of the main window.
I realize Javascript has security functions, to prevent getting
information from a frame outside the domain, but does this apply to
local pages? does it also apply to IE webbands?

Also, i would like to be able to get the body text of main page, which
im sure i can figure out, once i find out how to get the URL.. if at
all possible anyway.

I've search google for quite a bit now, but have not been able to find
very much information regarding webbands, and code samples.. Most
places try to charge you money just for the application and samples to
create what can be done in minutes with the registry.. So if anyone
knows a good source of information, i would appreciate it!

thanks again!

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