JAWK - Java Implementation of AWK with Java Extensions



(This is a repost from comp.lang.awk.)

Jawk is an Awk implementation written in Java. It also augments Awk
such that Awk scripts can access Java services, such as Threads,
Sockets, etc. Java 1.5 is required. Go to
http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/jawk to download the executable jar
file (jawk.jar).

Jawk is a combination of Awk and Java such that Awk scripts can utilize
Java services. That is, you may now contruct Awk scripts
- that have GUI front ends (via AWT or Swing).
- that can connect to servers via Sockets.
- that can utilize Java Security libraries.
- that can access databases via JDBC.
- that are multithreaded.

This is all achieved with a natural expansion of Awk syntax and
semantics, along with some additional keywords and operators. However,
the overall flavor of the scripts are still Awk.

Jawk implements as much of Awk as it can. I tried keeping it in line
with Awk standard set forth by The Open Group

Go to http://jawk.sourceforge.net/ and click on Overview for more

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