[MacOS X] RubyAEOSA and Address Book


Une bévue

i'm trying RubyAEOSA with Address Book, it works great and much more
faster than AppleScript ;-)

actually i get 12 s to get the result with AppleSCript and only 0.868 s
with RubyAEOSA script (not finished yet)

however i have a syntax prob using Address Book.

the prob comes only when attempting to retrieve attributes related to

if in RubyAEOSA i write :

set al to label of every address of every person

that's ok, i'm able to retrieve the label of the address howver, when
adding :

set as to street of every address of every person

i get an error :

[0m~/work/Ruby/rubyaeosa-0.2.3/sample> ./AddressBook2vCardXml.rb
`compile_execute': (-1753) OSACompileExecute (RuntimeError)
from ./AddressBook2vCardXml.rb:12:in `album_list'
from ./AddressBook2vCardXml.rb:57

same error when doing :

set {al,as,az,ac,ast,aco} to {label, street, zip, city,
state, country} of every address of every person

what surprised me here is in the fact i'm using the same approach for
email address :

set el to label of every email of every person
set ev to value of every email of every person

and that IS working...

what do you think is the good syntax for address ???

in case you have some light for me !

interested part of my AppleScript version :
tell application "Address Book"
set theCount to count of every person
set companies to company of every person
set organizations to organization of every person
set departments to department of every person
set titles to title of every person
set firstNames to first name of every person
set lastNames to last name of every person
set {emailLabels, emailValues} to {label, value} of every email
of every person
set {urlLabels, urlValues} to {label, value} of every url of
every person
set {phoneLabels, phoneValues} to {label, value} of every phone
of every person
set {addressLabels, addressStreets, addressZips, addressCities,
addressStates, addressCountries} to {label, street, zip, city, state,
country} of every address of every person
set notes to note of every person
end tell

interested part of my RubyAEOSA version :
def album_list
result = OSX.do_osascript %{
tell application "Address Book"
set c to company of every person
set o to organization of every person
set d to department of every person
set t to title of every person
set f to first name of every person
set l to last name of every person
set n to note of every person
set el to label of every email of every person
set ev to value of every email of every person
set ul to label of every url of every person
set uv to value of every url of every person
set pl to label of every phone of every person
set pv to value of every phone of every person
set {al,as,az,ac,ast,aco} to {label, street, zip, city,
state, country} of every address of every person
end tell
co = result[0].map {|i| i.to_s}
org = result[1].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
de = result[2].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
ti = result[3].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
fn = result[4].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
ln = result[5].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
no = result[6].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
el = result[7].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
ev = result[8].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
ul = result[9].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
uv = result[10].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
pl = result[11].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
pv = result[12].map {|i| i.to_rbobj }
return ln.map {|k| [ rand(10000),

Une bévue

Une bévue said:
however i have a syntax prob using Address Book.

sorry for the noise, i've forgotten that even if the script is written
in Ruby, in the AppleScript tell part i don't to use a reserved word as
"as" )))

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