Menu List


Lina Manjarres


I have a form page in ASP where the first menu/list function as a filter of
the second menu list. Once I select an item form the first combo I get the
second menu full of options. This is correct. My probem is that the first
combo gets the default value again and I do not see what I did choose.

I do not know if I explained this correctly. Hope someone can understand me.

Thanks a lot, Lina

Ray Costanzo [MVP]

Show the code you're using to populate the first drop down and the code
you're using to retrieve that value.

Ray at work

Lina Manjarres

This is the function code tu fill the combos, wher vector is a variable Pais
filled with a recorset.

Function ComboRS(vector)
'Pinto el combo
for i= 0 to UBound(vector, 2)
Response.Write "<option value='"& vector(0,i) &" - "& vector(1,i)&"'>"&
vector(0,i) &" - "& vector(1,i) & vbCrLf
End Function


Here is the call to the recordset and the way I fill the variable Pais:

strPais = "select IdPais, NmPais from Paises order by NmPais"
Call OpenRS(rsPais,strPais,ConnAxs)
Pais = rsPais.GetRows
Call CloseRS(rsPais)

If request.form("CboPais") = "" Then
CadenaPais = "57"
Izquierda = instr(1,request.form("CboPais"),"-")
CadenaPAis = Trim(Left(request.form("CboPais"),Izquierda - 1))
End If

Here is how I work out the first combo:

'<select name="cboPais" size="1" tabindex="10" onChange="submit();">
'<option selected>-- Seleccione un País --
'<%Call ComboRS(Pais)%>

This is the code for the recorset of the other combo:

strCentral = "select IdProyecto, NmProyecto from Proyectos Where IdPais
='"& CadenaPais &"' AND Tecnologia = '"& TipoPlanta &"' order by NmProyecto"
Call OpenRS(rsCentral,strCentral,ConnAxs)
Central = rsCentral.GetRows
Call CloseRS(rsCentral)

I do not get any error message. My problem is tha once I select the first
combo it did filter the second one, but I can't see the data I just selected.
Let's say I select Colombia, and I see it at this pont. But very soon
Colombia is not there, anymore.

Thanks a lot!!!

Ray Costanzo [MVP]

Try this:

sSelectedCategory = Request.Form("cboPais")

Then get rid of the "selected" text in that dropdown box. (<option
selected>-- Seleccione un País --)

Then, add a second argument to your ComboRS function and use it as such:

Function ComboRS(vector,SelectedValue)
'Pinto el combo
for i= 0 to UBound(vector, 2)
Response.Write "<option value='" & vector(0,i) & " - " &
vector(1,i)& "'"
If vector(0,i) = SelectedValue Then REsponse.Write " selected"
Response.Write ">" & vector(0,i) & " - " & vector(1,i) & vbCrLf
End Function

Ray at work

Lina Manjarres

Thank you Ray

I follow your instruccions, but I allways get the first combo to display the
first item in the table instead the one I selected.

Do you think I am doing something wrong?

You can see what I am saying by going to this link:
and then try the menu "Plantas de Generación" and then "Líneas"

Thanks a lot!

Ray Costanzo [MVP]

Well, the most important thing is to understand what the goal is. The goal
is to take have the server be aware of the value of the selected item when
it redraws the page after the user selects an item from the first dropdown.
Then, as it loops through those items and is writing out all the <option>
html again, what you want to do in your loop is put in a test to see if the
item that is currently being written is the one that the person selected.
If it is, then add " selected" to the HTML output. Here's a simple example:

Dim i
i = Request.Querystring("dropdown")
<form method="get">
<select name="dropdown" onchange="this.form.submit();">
For j = 1 To 10
Response.Write "<option value=""" & j & """"
If CStr(j) = CStr(i) Then Response.Write " selected"
Response.Write ">" & j & "</option>" & vbCrLf

As far as your page, I don't see any dropdowns. I just see javascript
errors and EOF errors.

Ray at home

Lina Manjarres

Yes, something like that is what i am looking for.
The link I gave you is working. Just make sure you select "Plantas de
Generación" and then "Líneas"

So, Ray, what should I do? Should I change my forms from Post to GET?

Ray Costanzo [MVP]

Lina Manjarres said:
Yes, something like that is what i am looking for.

Have you tried applying the logic to your specific code?

The link I gave you is working. Just make sure you select "Plantas de
Generación" and then "Líneas"

CollapseMenu is not defined - Line 62
collapse is not defined - Line 86
collapse is not defined - Line 196
collapse is not defined - Line 53
collapse is not defined - Line 1

That's what I get in Firefox.

So, Ray, what should I do? Should I change my forms from Post to GET?

Not necessarily. If there's reason to post, post. Then just use
Request.Form instead of Request.QueryString

Ray at work

Lina Manjarres

I have tried what you told me but I do not get anything better.
Maybe I do not do what I am supposed to do.

Try the link again and see if it works now.

Thanks a lot!

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