Meta Tag



What will happen if I insert meta tag <meta name="keywords"... > into
<body> section?
The reason is that my page when I send it is wrapped into automatically
generated page that I have no
access to its head section and I wish to make search of my page more
specific (eBay listing).
Is there any other way to implement this? Can I do one <head> section of
myself in addition?
Thank you.

David Dorward

Ig said:
What will happen if I insert meta tag <meta name="keywords"... > into
<body> section?

Your document will be invalid, and search engines will still ignore your
meta data.
Is there any other way to implement this? Can I do one <head> section of
myself in addition?

No. An HTML document had one head and one body.

Toby Inkster

Ig said:
What will happen if I insert meta tag <meta name="keywords"... > into
<body> section?

Your page will become invalid (if it's not already), and it will not help
your search engine rankings.

Put <meta name="keywords"... > before your body starts -- it still won't
have any effect on your search engine rankings though.

Jim Moe

Ig said:
What will happen if I insert meta tag <meta name="keywords"... > into
<body> section?
Not much. It is invalid to put <meta> in the body.
Browsers (including search engines) will treat <meta> in the body as a
spurious glob of characters and ignore it.

Jonathan N. Little

Ig said:
Is it possible to put text into HTML code that is not remarks but hidden?

Not sure why my first two attempts to reply to this thread, but I will
try again for the remarks still hold for your follow up question.

It wouldn't be valid (as if eBay pages validated!) but anyway there is
no point, meta keywords are really are only use by some search engines
(sort of since many are abandoning the practice) and an eBay listing
isn't up long enough be to indexed an benefit.

If you want to improve searches for your listing, craft your listing's
'title' and 'description' carefully with such keywords.


Jonathan N. Little said:
If you want to improve searches for your listing, craft your listing's
'title' and 'description' carefully with such keywords.

Can you remind us of this "description" thing please?

Jukka K. Korpela

dorayme said:
Can you remind us of this "description" thing please?

The "description" thing probably referred to <meta name="description"
content="..."> tags, which are an exercise in futility and often
harmful, since they make the author think that the actual content can
begin with noise and advertese and babbling. In reality, few search
engines pay any attention to <meta name="description" content="...">.

Jonathan N. Little

Jukka said:
The "description" thing probably referred to <meta name="description"
content="..."> tags, which are an exercise in futility and often
harmful, since they make the author think that the actual content can
begin with noise and advertese and babbling. In reality, few search
engines pay any attention to <meta name="description" content="...">.

No, I was having some kind of problem *trying* to respond to lg's eBay
hidden text post. Sometimes my ISP's news server gets 'weird' I replied
to that post 3 times and it never appeared in the thread only my two
other replies. Must of replied to wrong thread in my frustration...

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